Conductivity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cooper pairs: ... electrons making up Cooper pair have momentum and spin opposite to each other; ... John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, J. Robert Schrieffer, 1957) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conductivity

  • Electrical conductivity
  • Energy bands in solids
  • Band structure and conductivity
  • Semiconductors
  • Intrinsic semiconductors
  • Doped semiconductors
  • n-type materials
  • p-type materials
  • Diodes and transistors
  • p-n junction
  • depletion region
  • forward biased p-n junction
  • reverse biased p-n junction
  • diode
  • bipolar transistor
  • operation of bipolar pnp transistor
  • FET
  • Superconductivity
  • Hall effect lab experiment

  • in order of conductivity superconductors,
    conductors, semiconductors, insulators
  • conductors material capable of carrying electric
    current, i.e. material which has mobile charge
    carriers (e.g. electrons, ions,..) e.g. metals,
    liquids with ions (water, molten ionic
    compounds), plasma
  • insulators materials with no or very few free
    charge carriers e.g. quartz, most covalent and
    ionic solids, plastics
  • semiconductors materials with conductivity
    between that of conductors and insulators e.g.
    germanium Ge, silicon Si, GaAs, GaP, InP
  • superconductors certain materials have zero
    resistivity at very low temperature.

  • some representative resistivities (?)
  • R ?L/A, R resistance, L length, A cross
    section area resistivity at 20o C

resistance(in ?) (L1m, diam 1mm) resistivity
in ? m aluminum 2.8x10-8 3.6x10-2 brass
?8x10-8 10.1x10-2 copper 1.7x10-8 2.2x10-
2 platinum 10x10-8 12.7x10-2 silver
1.6x10-8 2.1x10-2 carbon 3.5x10-5
44.5 germanium 0.45 5.7x105 silicon ?
640 ? 6x108 porcelain 1010 - 1012 1016 -
1018 teflon 1014 1020 blood 1.5 1.9x106
fat 24 3x107
  • In solid materials, electron energy levels form
    bands of allowed energies, separated by
    forbidden bands
  • valence band outermost (highest) band filled
    with electrons (filled all states occupied)
  • conduction band next highest band to valence
    band (empty or partly filled)
  • gap energy difference between valence and
    conduction bands, width of the forbidden band
  • Note
  • electrons in a completely filled band cannot
    move, since all states occupied (Pauli
    principle) only way to move would be to jump
    into next higher band - needs energy
  • electrons in partly filled band can move, since
    there are free states to move to.
  • Classification of solids into three types,
    according to their band structure
  • insulators gap forbidden region between
    highest filled band (valence band) and lowest
    empty or partly filled band (conduction band) is
    very wide, about 3 to 6 eV
  • semiconductors gap is small - about 0.1 to 1
  • conductors valence band only partially filled,
    or (if it is filled), the next allowed empty band
    overlaps with it

Band structure and conductivity
  • semiconductor material for which gap between
    valence band and conduction band is small (gap
    width in Si is 1.1 eV, in Ge 0.7 eV).
  • at T 0, there are no electrons in the
    conduction band, and the semiconductor does not
    conduct (lack of free charge carriers)
  • at T gt 0, some fraction of electrons have
    sufficient thermal kinetic energy to overcome the
    gap and jump to the conduction band fraction
    rises with temperature e.g. density of
    conduction electrons in Si 0.9x1010/cm3
    at 20o C (293 K) 7.4x1010/cm3 at 50o C (323
  • electrons moving to conduction band leave hole
    (covalent bond with missing electron) behind
    under influence of applied electric field,
    neighboring electrons can jump into the hole,
    thus creating a new hole, etc. ? holes can
    move under the influence of an applied electric
    field, just like electrons both
    contribute to conduction.
  • in pure Si and Ge nb. of holes (p-type charge
    carriers) nb. of conduction electrons
    (n-type charge carriers)
  • pure semiconductors also called intrinsic

  • Intrinsic silicon
  • doped semiconductor (also impure,
    extrinsic) semiconductor with small admixture
    of trivalent or pentavalent atoms

n-type material
  • donor (n-type) impurities
  • dopant with 5 valence electrons (e.g. P, As, Sb)
  • 4 electrons used for covalent bonds with
    surrounding Si atoms, one electron left over
  • left over electron is only loosely bound ? only
    small amount of energy needed to lift it into
    conduction band (0.05 eV in Si)
  • ? n-type semiconductor has conduction
    electrons, very few holes (just the few intrinsic
  • example doping fraction of 10-8 Sb in Si yields
    about 5x1016 conduction electrons per cubic
    centimeter at room temperature, i.e. gain of
    5x106 over intrinsic Si.

p-type material
  • acceptor (p-type) impurities
  • dopant with 3 valence electrons (e.g. B, Al, Ga,
    In) ? only 3 of the 4 covalent bonds filled ?
    vacancy in the fourth covalent bond ? hole
  • p-type semiconductor has mobile holes, very few
    mobile electrons (only the intrinsic ones).
  • advantages of doped semiconductors
  • cantune conductivity by choice of doping
  • can choose majority carrier (electron or hole)
  • can vary doping fraction and/or majority carrier
    within piece of semiconductor
  • can make p-n junctions (diodes) and

n type material
p type material
Majority and Minority Carriers
  • n-type material
  • majority carrier electrons
  • minority carrier holes
  • p-type material
  • majority carrier holes
  • minority carrier electrons

  • p-n JUNCTION
  • p-n junction semiconductor in which impurity
    changes abruptly from p-type to n-type
  • diffusion movement due to difference in
    concentration, from higher to lower
  • in absence of electric field across the junction,
    holes diffuse towards and across boundary into
    n-type and capture electrons
  • electrons diffuse across boundary, fall into
    holes (recombination of majority carriers) ?
    formation of a depletion region ( region
    without free charge carriers) around the
  • charged ions are left behind (cannot move)
  • negative ions left on p-side ? net negative
    charge on p-side of the junction
  • positive ions left on n-side ? net positive
    charge on n-side of the junction
  • ? electric field across junction which prevents
    further diffusion.

p-n junction
  • Formation of depletion region in p-n junction

  • diode biased p-n junction, i.e. p-n junction
    with voltage applied across it
  • forward biased p-side more positive than
  • reverse biased n-side more positive than
  • forward biased diode
  • the direction of the electric field is from
    p-side towards n-side
  • ? p-type charge carriers (positive holes) in
    p-side are pushed towards and across the p-n
  • n-type carriers (negative electrons) in n-side
    are pushed towards and across n-p boundary ?
    current flows across p-n boundary

Forward biased pn-junction
  • Depletion region and potential barrier reduced

Reverse biased diode
  • reverse biased diode applied voltage makes
    n-side more positive than p-side ? electric
    field direction is from n-side towards p-side ?
    pushes charge carriers away from the p-n boundary
    ? depletion region widens, and no current flows
  • diode conducts only when positive voltage
    applied to p-side and negative voltage to n-side
  • diodes used in rectifiers, to convert ac
    voltage to dc.

Reverse biased diode
  • Depletion region becomes wider, barrier
    potential higher

  • (bipolar) transistor combination of two diodes
    that share middle portion, called base of
    transistor other two sections emitter'' and
  • usually, base is very thin and lightly doped.
  • two kinds of bipolar transistors pnp and npn
  • pnp means emitter is p-type, base is n-type,
    and collector is p-type material
  • in normal operation of pnp transistor, apply
    positive voltage to emitter, negative voltage to

operation of pnp transistor
  • if emitter-base junction is forward biased,
    holes flow from battery into emitter, move into
  • some holes annihilate with electrons in n-type
    base, but base thin and lightly doped ? most
    holes make it through base into collector,
  • holes move through collector into negative
    terminal of battery i.e. collector current
    flows whose size depends on how many holes have
    been captured by electrons in the base

Transistor operation
  • Number of holes captured depends on the number of
    n-type carriers in the base
  • Number of n-type carriers can be controlled by
    the size of the current (the base current) that
    is allowed to flow from the base to the emitter
  • base current is usually very small
  • small changes in the base current can cause a big
    difference in the collector current
  • transistor acts as amplifier of base current,
    since small changes in base current cause big
    changes in collector current.
  • transistor as switch if voltage applied to base
    is such that emitter-base junction is
    reverse-biased, no current flows through
    transistor -- transistor is off
  • therefore, a transistor can be used as a
    voltage-controlled switch computers use
    transistors in this way.

Field-effect transistor (FET)
  • In FETs, current through channel from source
    to drain is controlled by voltage (electric
    field) applied to the gate
  • in a pnp FET, current flowing through a thin
    channel of n-type material is controlled by the
    voltage (electric field) applied to two pieces of
    p-type material (gate) on either side of the
    channel (current depends on electric field).
  • Advantage of FET over bipolar transistor very
    small gate current small power consumption
  • Many different kinds of FETs
  • FETs are the kind of transistor most commonly
    used in computers.

  • mobile electrons in conductor move through
    lattice of atoms or ions that vibrate (thermal
  • cool down conductor ? less vibration ? easier
    for electrons to get through ? resistivity of
    conductors decreases (i.e. they become better
    conductors) when they are cooled down
  • in some materials, resistivity goes to zero below
    a certain critical temperature TC
  • these materials called superconductors --
    critical temperature TC different for different
  • no electrical resistance ? electric current, once
    started, flows forever!
  • superconductivity first observed by Heike
    Kamerlingh Onnes (1911) in Hg (mercury) at
    temperatures below 4.12 K.

  • many other superconductors with critical
    temperatures below about 20K found by 1970 --
    high TC superconductors (Karl Alex Müller and
    Johannes Georg Bednorz, 1986)
  • certain ceramic oxides show superconductivity at
    much higher temperatures since then many new
    superconductors discovered, with TC up to 125K.
  • advantage of high TC superconductors
  • can cool with (common and cheap) liquid nitrogen
    rather than with (rare and expensive) liquid
  • much easier to reach and maintain LN temperatures
    (77 K) than liquid Helium temperatures (few K).

Properties of superconductors
  • electrical resistivity is zero (currents flowing
    in superconductors without attenuation for more
    than a year)
  • there can be no magnetic field inside a
    superconductor (superconductors expel magnetic
    field -- Meissner effect)
  • transition to superconductivity is a phase
    transition (without latent heat).
  • about 25 elements and many hundreds of alloys and
    compounds have been found to be superconducting
  • examples In, Sn, V, Mo, Nb-Zr, Nb-Ge, Nb-Ti

applications of superconductors
  • superconducting magnets
  • magnetic fields stronger, the bigger the current
    - conventional magnets need lots of power and
    lots of water for cooling of the coils
  • s.c. magnets use much less power (no power needed
    to keep current flowing, power only needed for
  • most common coil material is NbTi alloy liquid
    He for cooling
  • e.g. particle accelerator Tevatron at Fermi
    National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
    uses 990 superconducting magnets in a ring with
    circumference of 6 km, magnetic field is 4.5
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • create images of human body to detect tumors,
  • need uniform magnetic field over area big enough
    to cover person
  • can be done with conventional magnets, but s.c.
    magnets better suited - hundreds in use
  • magnetic levitation - high speed trains??

explanation of superconductivity -- 1
  • Cooper pairs
  • interaction of the electrons with the lattice
    (ions) of the material, ? small net effective
    attraction between the electrons (presence of
    one electron leads to lattice distortion, second
    electron attracted by displaced ions)
  • this leads to formation of bound pairs of
    electrons (called Cooper pairs) (energy of
    pairing very weak - thermal agitation can throw
    them apart, but if temperature low enough, they
    stay paired)
  • electrons making up Cooper pair have momentum and
    spin opposite to each other net spin 0 ?
    behave like bosons.

explanation of superconductivity -- 2
  • unlike electrons, bosons like to be in the same
    state when there are many of them in a given
    state, others also go to the same state
  • nearly all of the pairs locked down in a new
    collective ground state this ground
    state is separated from excited states by an
    energy gap
  • consequence is that all pairs of electrons move
    together (collectively) in the same state
    electron cannot be scattered out of the regular
    flow because of the tendency of Bose particles to
    go in the same state ? no resistance
  • (explanation given by John Bardeen, Leon N.
    Cooper, J. Robert Schrieffer, 1957)

Hall Effect
  • Edwin Hall (1879)
  • magnetic field perpendicular to current ?
    potential difference perpendicular to current and
    magnetic field
  • allows determination of charge carrier density
    in metals and semiconductors

Hall effect explanation
  • magnetic field exerts force on moving charge
    carrier of charge q (Lorentz force) in the
    lateral direction
  • Lateral displacement of charges ? accumulation of
    charges ? electric field (Hall field)
    perpendicular to current and magnetic field
  • force due to Hall field opposite to Lorentz
  • Equilibrium reached when magnitude of force due
    to Hall field mag. of Lorentz force ? get
    drift speed v
  • Current density J, density of charge carriers n,
    Hall coefficient RH

Hall effect measurements
  • In the lab, we measure current I, B-field, Hall
    voltage VH, size (width w, height t) of sample
  • calculate RH from measurements, and assume q
    e ? find n.
  • sign of VH and thus RH tells us the sign of q
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