Title: Buy Generic Lenvatinib Brand Lenvima
1LENVIMA Lenvatinib Capsules
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CKD/Anemia, COPD, Diabetes, Hepatitis,
Osteoporosis almost all other diseases.
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Viewers are requested to consult their
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information for self-diagnosis or treatment of a
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4Why is this Medication Prescribed?
Lenvatinib is used to treat a certain type of
thyroid cancer that has returned or that has
spread to other parts of the body and cannot be
treated with radioactive iodine. Lenvatinib is
also used along with everolimus (Afinitor,
Zortress) to treat renal cell carcinoma (RCC, a
type of cancer that begins in the kidney) in
people who have previously received treatment
with another chemotherapy medication. Lenvatinib
is also used to treat hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC a type of liver cancer) that cannot be
treated with surgery. Lenvatinib is also used
along with pembrolizumab (Keytruda) to treat a
certain type of cancer of the endometrium (lining
of the uterus) that has spread to other parts of
the body or worsened during or after treatment
with chemotherapy medications or that cannot be
treated with surgery or radiation therapy.
Lenvatinib is in a class of medications called
kinase inhibitors. It works by blocking the
action of an abnormal protein that signals cancer
cells to multiply. This helps stop the spread of
cancer cells.
Disclaimer The information provided here
is meant for educational purposes only and is
not a claim on the brand or copyrights of the
owner. Viewers are requested to consult their
Prescribing Physician and not consider any
information for self-diagnosis or treatment of a
disease condition.
Source U.S. National Library of Medicine
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