Title: Floor Plan
1Floor Plan
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5Two Distinct Areas
- Display wall - Maroon carpeting
- Presentation Area
- Audience Grey carpet
- Stage Diamond plate tile
- Total 30' x 30 Floor Covering
6Display Wall Mock with Kiosk
7Display Wall Recommended
8Display Panel Call outs
Whats Your Maintenance Strategy?
Predict Prevent React
9Graphics Display Wall
Sample List of Issues and Services
- Integrated Condition Monitoring Paper Bearing
heat - Store Room Paper Replacement drive part
- Remote Monitoring Svs. Paper Bearing
vibration - Network Services Engine line Crimped Cable
- Training Bottling Operator at panel
- Onsite Bottling - Broken motor
- Phone Support Paint PLC program new
function - Repair Bottling Conveyor needs to be replaced
10Graphics Display Side
- Display Wall - 3D illustration featuring 2-3
industries - Services call outs (x8) to highlight needs on the
manufacturing floor relate them to specific
offerings. - Training (Web Portal kiosk) 17 VersaView (Chris
Wood) - Two side panels describe the Assessment offerings
and detail the Predict, Prevent, React
Maintenance Strategy - Two Kiosks - CSM Mission statement
- Training web portal
- CSM Sales Portal
- CSM Assessment Tool
11Graphics Display Side (continued)
- Two SSDs
- Network Services (Gary Slivka)
- Condition Monitoring (Tom Alford)
- Two digital signs Booth highlights schedule
- Combination electronic and static graphics
- Video feed from stage when presentations are live
12Graphics Stage Side
- Stage backdrop factory scene behind cage
- Redefining Plant Maintenance (3D lettering) DM
- Show stage plasmas
- On-screen show teaser tells audience what when
- Intro screen graphic support
- White paper speaker support (supplied reformat)
- In the Box Game interface
- In the Box Score board
- Schedule
- Lead counter headers Customer Support
13- Banner Copy
- Services, Support Training
- Predict
- Prevent
- React
14Theater Schedule Morning
- 900 Predict
- 3 minute Talent
- 1 minute Overview of Predict, Prevent, React
- 10 minute Predict strategy (white paper style)
- 20 minute HOL Vibration Monitoring Lab (Tom
Alford/Pat Carle) - 1000 Prevent
- 3 minute Talent
- 1 minute Overview of Predict, Prevent, React
- 10 minute Prevent strategy (white paper style)
- 20 minute HOL Training Lab (Chris Woods)
- 1100 React
- 3 minute Talent
- 1 minute Overview of Predict, Prevent, React
- 10 minute React strategy (white paper style)
- 20 minute HOL How to troubleshoot your Network
(Gary Slivka)
In the Box game during breaks
15Introduction - Talent
- Introduce Maintenance strategy concept
- Predict - Prevent React
- Introduce the white paper presenter
- Split personality no costume design
16White Papers
- PSB to provide white papers Studios to create
script and assist with graphic support
(timeline?) (who?) Burrows, Broderick RCMs? - Predict
- Prevent
- React
17Hands On Labs
- Classes
- Vibration Monitoring Lab (Tom Alford/Pat Carle)
- Training Lab (Chris Woods)
- How to troubleshoot your Network (Gary Slivka)
- Needs
- PC specifications
- Demo equipment specifications
- Curriculum development
- Schedule sign up plan
18Game Show
- Total time 20 minutes every hour
- Describe how to play (3 minutes)
- 4 contestants (4 minutes each)
- Close the game (1 minute)
- Who Wants to a Maintenance Engineer ("In the Box")
Game premise Your machine is down and all we'll
tell you is it's the result of a failed part. Use
the following Rockwell Automation tools and
resources to help you restart the machine. You
must start with a job aid and work your way
through the available resources (or we could
assign each resource a number and they would pick
one out of a hat - that would be the only
resource they could use to solve the problem -
this may work better). The visual would show a
very basic "machine" with the following to
represent components of it a handle to pull, a
wheel to spin, a bag to punch, a horn to sound,
crank to turn.
The horn is the defective part - won't sound.
Replacement part will be in boxes on storeroom
shelves - but hard to find. A large downtime
monitor will show elapsed time it takes to find
the right part and install it (also will show
current time to beat). Will need to solve problem
as soon as possible. Winner is person that gets
machine operating again in least amount of time
(finds and installs right part). In the end
moderator will say that best solution is to start
with an asessment, that way we can collaborate
with them to provide the right integrated
solution with the right combination of reactive,
preventive and predictive components to meet
their maintenance strategy and business
objectives (solution will not always be replacing
a part). All service rep roles are played by Kiff.
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