The Dictionary ADT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Dictionary ADT


Consider an empty unordered dictionary and the following set of operations: ... Example of ordered dictionary ... Implementations of the Dictionary ADT (contd. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Dictionary ADT

The Dictionary ADT
  • Definition A dictionary is an ordered or
    unordered list of key-element pairs,
  • where keys are used to locate elements in the
  • Example consider a data structure that stores
    bank accounts it can be viewed as a dictionary,
    where account numbers serve as keys for
    identification of account objects.
  • Operations (methods) on dictionaries
  • size ()
    Returns the size of the dictionary
  • empty ()
    Returns true is the dictionary is empty
  • findItem (key) Locates
    the item with the specified key. If
  • no such key exists, sentinel value
    NO_SUCH_KEY is returned. If more
  • than one item with the specified key
    exists, an arbitrary item is returned.
  • findAllItems (key) Locates
    all items with the specified key. If
  • no such key exists, sentinel value
    NO_SUCH_KEY is returned.
  • removeItem (key) Removes the
    item with the specified key
  • removeAllItems (key) Removes all
    items with the specified key
  • insertItem (key, element) Inserts a new
    key-element pair

Additional methods for ordered dictionaries
  • closestKeyBefore (key) Returns the key
    of the item with largest key

  • less than or equal to key
  • closestElemBefore (key) Returns the
    element for the item with largest
  • key less
    than or equal to key
  • closestKeyAfter (key) Returns the
    key of the item with smallest

  • key greater than or equal to key
  • closestElemAfter (key) Returns the
    element for the item with smallest

  • key greater than or equal to key
  • Sentinel value NO_SUCH_KEY is always returned if
    no item in the dictionary
  • satisfies the query.
  • Note Java has a built-in abstract class
    java.util.Dictionary In this class,
  • however, having two items with the same key is
    not allowed. If an application
  • assumes more than one item with the same key, an
    extended version of the
  • Dictionary class is required.

Example of unordered dictionary
  • Consider an empty unordered dictionary and the
    following set of operations
  • Operation
    Dictionary Output
  • insertItem(5,A) (5,A)
  • insertItem(7,B) (5,A),
  • insertItem(2,C) (5,A), (7,B),
  • insertItem(8,D) (5,A), (7,B),
    (2,C), (8,D)
  • insertItem(2,E) (5,A), (7,B), (2,C),
    (8,D), (2,E)
  • findItem(7) (5,A), (7,B),
    (2,C), (8,D), (2,E) B
  • findItem(4) (5,A), (7,B),
    (2,C), (8,D), (2,E) NO_SUCH_KEY
  • findItem(2) (5,A), (7,B),
    (2,C), (8,D), (2,E) C
  • findAllItems(2) (5,A), (7,B), (2,C),
    (8,D), (2,E) C, E
  • size() (5,A), (7,B),
    (2,C), (8,D), (2,E) 5
  • removeItem(5) (7,B), (2,C), (8,D),
    (2,E) A
  • removeAllItems(2) (7,B),
    (8,D) C, E
  • findItem(4)
    (7,B), (8,D) NO_SUCH_KEY

Example of ordered dictionary
  • Consider an empty ordered dictionary and the
    following set of operations
  • Operation
    Dictionary Output
  • insertItem(5,A) (5,A)
  • insertItem(7,B) (5,A),
  • insertItem(2,C) (2,C), (5,A),
  • insertItem(8,D) (2,C), (5,A),
    (7,B), (8,D)
  • insertItem(2,E) (2,C), (2,E), (5,A),
    (7,B), (8,D)
  • findItem(7) (2,C), (2,E),
    (5,A), (7,B), (8,D) B
  • findItem(4) (2,C), (2,E),
    (5,A), (7,B), (8,D) NO_SUCH_KEY
  • findItem(2) (2,C), (2,E),
    (5,A), (7,B), (8,D) C
  • findAllItems(2) (2,C), (2,E), (5,A),
    (7,B), (8,D) C, E
  • size() (2,C), (2,E),
    (5,A), (7,B), (8,D) 5
  • removeItem(5) (2,C), (2,E), (7,B),
    (8,D) A
  • removeAllItems(2) (7,B),
    (8,D) C, E
  • findItem(4)
    (7,B), (8,D) NO_SUCH_KEY

Implementations of the Dictionary ADT
  • Dictionaries are ordered or unordered lists. The
    easiest way to implement a list
  • is by means of an ordered or unordered sequence.
  • Unordered sequence implementation Items are
    added to the initially empty
  • dictionary as they arrive. insertItem(key,
    element) method is O(1) no matter whether the
  • new item is added at the beginning or at the end
    of the dictionary. findItem(key),
  • findAllItems(key), removeItem(key) and
    removeAllItems(key) methods, however, have
  • O(n) efficiency. Therefore, this implementation
    is appropriate in applications where the
  • number of insertions is very large in comparison
    to the number of searches and removals.
  • Ordered sequence implementation Items are
    added to the initially empty
  • dictionary in nondecreasing order of their keys.
    insertItem(key, element) method is O(n),
  • because a search for the proper place of the item
    is required. If the sequence is implemented
  • as an ordered array, removeItem(key) and
    removeAllItems(key) take O(n) time, because
  • all items following the item removed must be
    shifted to fill in the gap. If the sequence is
  • implemented as a doubly linked list , all methods
    involving search also take O(n) time.
  • Therefore, this implementation is inferior
    compared to unordered sequence implementation.
  • However, the efficiency of the search operation
    can be considerably improved, in which case
  • an ordered sequence implementation will become a
    better choice.

Implementations of the Dictionary ADT (contd.)
  • Array-based ranked sequence implementation A
    search for an item in a
  • sequence by its rank takes O(1) time. We can
    improve search efficiency in an
  • ordered dictionary by using binary search thus
    improving the run time efficiency
  • of insertItem(key, element), removeItem(key) and
    removeAllItems(key) to
  • O(log n).
  • More efficient implementations of an ordered
    dictionary are binary search trees
  • and AVL trees which are binary search trees of a
    special type. The best way to
  • implement an unordered dictionary is by means of
    a hash table. We discuss AVL
  • trees and hash tables next.

AVL trees
  • Definition An AVL tree is a binary tree with an
    ordering property where the
  • heights of the children of every internal node
    differ by at most 1.
  • Example
  • 44
  • 17 (2)
    78 (3)
  • 32 (1) 50
    (2) 88 (1)
  • 48 (1)
    62 (1)
  • Note 1. Every subtree of an AVL tree is also an
    AVL tree.
  • 2. The height of an AVL tree storing n
    keys is O(log n).

Insertion of new nodes in AVL trees
  • Assume you want to insert 54 in our example tree.
  • Step 1 Search for 54 (as if it were a
    binary search tree), and find where the
  • search terminates unsuccessfully
  • 44 (5)
  • 17 (2)
    78 (4)

  • These two children
  • 32 (1) 50
    (3) 88 (1) are
  • 48 (1)
    62 (2)

  • 54 (1)
  • Step 2 Restore the balance of the tree.

Rotation of AVL tree nodes
  • To restore the balance of the tree, we perform
    the following restructuring. Let z be the
  • unbalanced node on the path from the newly
    inserted node to the root, y be the child of z
  • with higher height, and x be the child of y (x
    may be the newly inserted node). Since z became
  • unbalanced because of the insertion in the
    subtree rooted at its child y, the height of y is
  • greater than its sibling.
  • Let us rename nodes x, y, and z as a, b, and c,
    such that a precedes b and b precedes c in
  • inorder traversal of the currently unbalanced
    tree. There are 4 ways to map x, y, and z to
  • a, b, and c, as follows
  • z a
  • y b
    y b
  • T0
  • x c
    z a x c
  • T1
  • T2 T3
    T0 T1 T2 T3

Rotation of AVL tree nodes (contd.)
  • z c
  • y b
    y b
  • x a T3
    x a z c
  • T2
  • T0 T1
    T0 T1 T2 T3
  • z a
  • y c
    x b
  • T0 x b
    z a y
  • T3
  • T1 T2
    T0 T1 T2

Rotation of AVL tree nodes (contd.)
  • z c
  • y a
    x b
  • x b T3
    y a z c
  • T0
  • T1 T2
    T0 T1 T2 T3

The restructure algorithm
  • Algorithm restructure(x)
  • Input A node x that has a parent node y, and a
    grandparent node z.
  • Output Tree involving nodes x, y and z
  • 1. Let (a,b,c) be inorder listing of nodes
    x, y and z, and let (T0, T1, T2, T3) be
  • inorder listing of the four children
    subtrees of x,y, and z.
  • 2. Replace the subtree rooted at z with a
    new subtree rooted at b.
  • 3. Let a be the left child of b and let T0
    and T1 be the left and right subtrees of
  • a, respectively.
  • 4. Let c be the right child of b and let T2
    and T3 be the left and right subtrees of
  • c, respectively.
  • If y b, we have a single rotation, where y is
    rotated over z. If x b, we have a
  • double rotation, where x is first rotated over y,
    and then over z.

Deletion of AVL tree nodes
  • Consider our example tree and assume that we want
    to delete 32.
  • 44 (4)

  • These
    children are
  • 17 (1)
    78 (3) unbalanced

  • 50 (2) 88 (1)
  • 48 (1)
    62 (1)
  • Note Search for the node to delete is performed
    as in the binary search tree.
  • To restore the balance of the tree, we may have
    to perform more than one rotation
  • when we move towards the root (one rotation may
    not be sufficient here).

Deletion of AVL tree nodes (contd.)
  • After the restructuring of the tree rooted in
    node 44
  • 44 (4) za

  • 17 (1) 78 (3) yc
    44 78

  • xb 50 (2) 88 (1)
    17 48 62
  • 48 (1) 62 (1)

Implementation of unordered dictionaries hash
  • Hashing is a method for directly referencing an
    element in a table by performing
  • arithmetic transformations on keys into table
    addresses. This is carried out in two
  • steps
  • Step 1 Computing the so-called hash function H
    K - A.
  • Step 2 Collision resolution, which handles cases
    where two or more different keys
  • hash to the same table address.

K1 K2 K3 ... Kn
A1 A2 ... An
Implementation of hash tables
  • Hash tables consist of two components a bucket
    array and a hash function.
  • Consider a dictionary, where keys are integers in
    the range 0, N-1. Then, an
  • array of size N can be used to represent the
    dictionary. Each entry in this array is
  • thought of as a bucket (which is why we call it
    a bucket array). An element e
  • with key k is inserted in Ak. Bucket entries
    associated with keys not present in
  • the dictionary contain a special NO_SUCH_KEY
    object. If the dictionary contains
  • elements with the same key, then two or more
    different elements may be mapped
  • to the same bucket of A. In this case, we say
    that a collision between these
  • elements has occurred. One easy way to deal with
    collisions is to allow a sequence
  • of elements with the same key, k, to be stored
    in Ak. Assuming that an arbitrary
  • element with key k satisfies queries findItem(k)
    and removeItem(k), these
  • operations are now performed in O(1) time, while
    insertItem(k, e) needs only to
  • find where on the existing list Ak to insert
    the new item, e. The drawback of this is
  • that the size of the bucket array is the size of
    the set from which key are drawn,
  • which may be huge.

Hash functions
  • We can limit the size of the bucket array to
    almost any size however, we must
  • provide a way to map key values into array index
    values. This is done by an
  • appropriately selected hash function, h(k). The
    simplest hash function is
  • h(k) k mod N
  • where k can be very large, while N can be as
    small as we want it to be. That is,
  • the hush function converts a large number (the
    key) into a smaller number
  • serving as an index in the bucket array.
  • Example. Consider the following list of keys
    10, 20, 30, 40,..., 220.
  • Let us consider two different
    sizes of the bucket array
  • (1) a bucket array of size
    10, and
  • (2) a bucket array of size

Example (contd.)
  • Case 1
    Case 2
  • Position Key
    Position Key
  • 0 10, 20, 30,..., 220
    0 110, 220
  • 1
    1 100, 210
  • 2
    2 90, 200
  • 3
    3 80, 190
  • 4
    4 70, 180
  • 5
    5 60, 170
  • 6
    6 50, 160
  • 7
    7 40, 150
  • 8
    8 30, 140
  • 9
    9 20, 130

  • 10 10, 120

Example 2
  • Consider a dictionary of strings of characters
    from a to z. Assume that each
  • character is encoded by means of 5 bits, i.e.
  • character code
  • a 00001
  • b 00010
  • c 00011
  • d 00100
  • e 00101
  • ......
  • k 01011
  • ......
  • y 11001
  • Then, the string akey has the following code
  • (00001 01011 00101 11001)2
  • Assume that our hash table has 101 buckets. Then,
  • h(44217) 44217 mod 101 80
  • That is, the key of the string akey hashes to
    position 80. If you do the same with

Hash functions (contd.)
  • These examples suggest that if N is a prime
    number, the hash function helps
  • spread out the distribution of hashed values. If
    dictionary elements are spread
  • fairly evenly in the hash table, the expected
    running times of operations
  • findItem, insertItem and removeItem are O(n/N),
    where n is the number of
  • elements in the dictionary, and N is the size of
    the bucket array. These efficiencies
  • are ever better, O(1), if no collision occurs (in
    which case only a call to the hash
  • function and a single array reference are needed
    to insert or find an item).

Collision resolution
  • There are 2 main ways to perform collision
  • Open addressing.
  • Chaining.
  • In our examples, we have assumed that collision
    resolution is performed by
  • chaining, i.e. traversing the linked list holding
    items with the same key in order to
  • find the one we are searching for, or insert a
    new item with that key.
  • In open addressing we deal with collision by
    finding another, unoccupied location
  • elsewhere in the array. The easiest way to find
    such a location is called linear
  • probing. The idea is the following. If a
    collision occurs when we are inserting a
  • new item into a table, we simply probe forward in
    the array, one step at a time,
  • until we find an empty slot where to store the
    new item. When we remove an item,
  • we start by calculating the hash function and
    test the identified index location. If
  • the item is not there, we examine each array
    entry from the index location until
  • (1) the item is found (2) an empty location is
    encountered, or (3) the array end is
  • reached.
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