Title: How Ulexite can be beneficial for Crops
1How Ulexite Powder can be Beneficial for Crops
- Ulexite - Ulexite is a mineral occurring in silky
white rounded crystalline masses or parallel
fibres. Due to the internal reflection, the
natural fibres of ulexite conduct light at their
long axes. Apart from that, it has a complex
structure that contains a chain of sodium, water,
and hydroxide octahedra. Whether, the chain is
linked by water, calcium, hydroxide, oxygen
polyhedra and massive boron unite.
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3Ulexite Used in Agriculture Industry
- Ulexite powder is widely used in many industries,
and agriculture is one of them. The use of
ulexite in agriculture is indirect as it is a
borate source of boron that is very efficient for
plants. The mineral acts as a micronutrient and
fulfills the boron needs of plants. Boron
deficiency can affect both plant growths- the
vegetative and reproductive as it provides
structural cell wall integrity to plants.
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5How Does Ulexite Make Its Place From Other Boron
- Ulexite has a chemical formula of
NaCaB5O6(OH)65H2O, and the chemical name is
Sodium Calcium Penta-borate Octahydrate. This
silky white-colored (color-less sometimes)
mineral was discovered by the German chemist
Georg Ludwig Ulex, and thats how the chemical
got its name - ULEXITE. - The fertilizers, which are used as a source of
boron for plants, normally included Granubor,
Hydroboracite, Colemanite, and Ulexite in them.
But as leading Ulexite suppliers, we are talking
on the role of ulexite in this article
6Slow Release
- The dose of fertilizers is important to measure
before using for plants. However, the
slow-release characteristic of ulexite scores it
as a unique source of boron. The boron mineral
source releases boron very slowly, so it works
efficiently for a long time.
7Low Toxic Quality
- The oversupply of boron, can end up supplying a
toxic amount of boron, as the line between both
quantities is very thin. But unlike other boron
sources, ulexite is less toxic and releases boron
slowly, which makes the challenging task easy.
8No Run-Off Issue
- As compared to other boron sources, ulexite is
slightly soluble in water, which leads it to be
the best choice for heavy rainfall regions. The
ulexite mixes a bit slow to rainy water and does
not wash off with it, which saves the efforts and
money too. Other than that it also saves the
environment from water pollution.
9Cost Effective
- Ulexite is one of the most effective and
cost-friendly mineral sources. All this because
of its quality to stay longer and provide better
10Why Choose Us As Your Ulexite Suppliers
- As a well-versed chemical supplier, we are
serving almost 500 chemical products, each with
its pure quality. Supplying quality products is
our first consideration so as our supply chain
partners. Ulexite is one of the commonly serving
chemicals of our supply, and the large-scale use
of it makes us do work more efficiently on its
supplies. So make a difference in your
plantation, use ulexite as your plant fertilizer.
And if searching for a trusted ulexite suppliers,
contact us today!
11Contact Us
133 Cecil Street, 12-03 Keck Seng Tower,
Singapore 069535