What you eatmakes a difference in your health. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What you eatmakes a difference in your health.


Cheap raw materials and labor policy. Cheap raw materials and labor ... Eat to live, not live to eat never stuff yourself. General health tips. It's simple: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What you eatmakes a difference in your health.

Nutrition ch.16 s.1
  • What you eat makes a difference in your health.

  • Explain the relationship between diet and health.
  • Distinguish among the six classes of nutrients.
  • Identify the importance of each type of nutrient.

Your body needs nutrients found in foods.
  • Nutrients provide energy and materials for cell
    development, growth, and repair.
  • 2. You need energy for every activity and to
    maintain a steady internal temperature.

Classes of Nutrients
  • 1. Proteins
  • a. Used for replacement and repair of body cells
    and for growth
  • b. Made up of amino acids
  • c. Found in eggs, milk, cheese, and meat
  • d. Essential amino acids must be supplied by

  • 2. Carbohydrates
  • a. The main source of energy for your body
  • b. Made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
    atoms energy holds these atoms together
  • c. Sugars are simple carbohydrates starch and
    fiber are complex carbohydrates.
  • d. Sugars are found in fruits, honey, and milk.
  • e. Starches are found in potatoes and pasta.
  • f. Fiber is found in whole-grain breads, beans,
    and peas.

  • 3. Fats
  • a. Also called lipids
  • b. Provide energy and help your body absorb
  • c. Because fat is a good storage unit for
    energy, any excess energy is converted to fat.
  • d. Classified as unsaturated or saturated based
    on their chemical structure
  • e. Saturated fats are associated with high

  • 4. Vitamins
  • a. Needed for growth, regulating body functions,
    and preventing disease
  • b. A well-balanced diet usually gives your body
    all the vitamins it needs.
  • c. Two groups water-soluble and fat-soluble

  • 5. Minerals
  • a. Are inorganic nutrients
  • b. Regulate many chemical reactions in your body
  • c. Calcium and phosphorous are used most by the

  • 6. Water
  • a. Required for survival.
  • b. Cells need water to carry out their work.
  • c. Most nutrients your body needs must be
    dissolved in water.
  • d. The human body is about 60 percent water.
  • e. You lose water each day when you perspire,
    exhale, and get rid of wastes.

Food Groups
  • 1. Because no food has every nutrient, you should
    eat a variety of foods.
  • 2. The food pyramid helps people select foods
    that supply all the nutrients they need.
  • 3. Foods that contain the same nutrients belong
    to a food group.
  • 4. Five food groups
  • a. Bread and cereal
  • b. Vegetable
  • c. Fruit
  • d. Milk
  • e. Meat

who created this model?
  • How can the food pyramid help you maintain good
  • The food pyramid tells you how many servings of
    each food group to eat every day. The recommended
    daily amount for each food group will supply your
    body with the nutrients it needs.

Do we have an appropriate metaphor for todays
industrial food system?
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In addition to obesity and diabetesexplosion, we
are seeing nutrient dilution
Nutrient Dilution Effect
  • Yield enhancing methods tend to decrease nutrient
  • Recent studies of fruits, vegetables and wheat
    show a 5 to 35 percent decline in nutrient
    density during past fifty years
  • A few nutrients in meat and milk have decreased
    by as much as 60 percent
  • ---Donald R. Davis University of Texas

Cost per nutrient value?
  • What we need is a food system that calculates the
    cost of food by its health and nutrient value.
  • A sobering thought During the same time that we
    have reduced the percent of our earned income
    spent on food to less than 10 percent, we have
    also increased the percent of our income spent on
    health care to 16 percent!
  • ---Gary Schwartz MD, Mayo Clinic

  • This is absolutely a must watch by every person
    who eats at fast-food restaurants. In this
    documentary one of the most amazing things was
    examined. What if a person ate only McDonald's
    food for thirty days? What would happen? Could
    just thirty days of eating McDonald's food cause
    any medical problem? Could just thirty days of
    eating McDonald's food cause a massive weight
    gain? Could just thirty days of eating McDonald's
    food cause disease and illness? Certainly no
    doctor would believe that simply eating
    McDonald's food for thirty days would cause any
    medical or health problems. This documentary
    shows the truth. The man had his blood work
    tested before, during, and after his experiment.
    He had his weight checked. In just thirty days,
    the medical doctors were dumbfounded and
    astonished by what happened to this man's body.
    In just thirty days of eating McDonald's food
    this man gained twentyfive pounds. In just thirty
    days! But it's worse than that. He started at
    only 185 pounds, so he gained almost 20 percent
    of his original body weight. No doctor could
    believe it.

Fast food
  • Are fast food places purposely putting
    ingredients in the food to get you physically
    addicted to the food, increase your appetite, and
    make you fat?
  • From a health standpoint, the doctors were again
    astonished. His liver virtually turned to fat.
    His cholesterol shot up sixty-five points. His
    body-fat percentage went from 11 to over 18
    percent. He nearly doubled his risk of coronary
    heart disease. He felt depressed and exhausted
    most of the time. His moods swung on a dime. He
    craved this McDonald's food more and more when he
    ate it, and he got massive headaches when he
    didn't! The doctor said if kept on this diet, he
    would definitely develop coronary artery disease,
    inflammation and hardening of the liver, probably
    develop dozens of various illnesses and diseases,
    and would certainly die an early death.
  • The doctors who did the blood work could not
    believe how this man was, in effect, dying in
    just thirty days! They couldn't believe it
    because they were only looking at calories,
    carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sodium. They
    weren't considering the "trans fats." They
    weren't considering how the food has been
    genetically produced. They weren't considering
    how the food was energetically destroyed and was
    toxic to the body. They weren't considering all
    the food processing chemicals and additives used
    in this food.

Production Organic vs. Conventional
  • As you can imagine, organic agricultural
    practices are quite distinct from those of
    "conventional" farming.
  • Conventional farmers
  • apply chemical fertilizers to the soil to grow
    their crops
  • spray with insecticides to protect crops from
    pests and disease
  • use synthetic herbicides to control weed growth
  • Organic farmers
  • feed soil and build soil matter with natural
    fertilizer to grow their crops
  • use insect predators, mating disruption, traps
    and barriers to protect crops from pests and
  • make use of crop rotation, mechanical tillage and
    hand-weeding, as well as cover crops, mulches,
    flame weeding and other management methods to
    control weed growth
  • As a last resort, organic farmers may apply
    certain botanical or other non-synthetic
    pesticides (for example, rotenone and pyrethrins,
    both of which are from plants).
  • The meat, dairy products and eggs that organic
    farmers produce are from animals that are fed
    organic feed and allowed access to the outdoors.
  • Unlike conventionally raised livestock, organic
    livestock must be kept in living conditions that
    accommodate the natural behavior of the animals.
    For instance, ruminants (including cows, sheep
    and goats) must have access to pasture. Although
    they may be vaccinated against disease, organic
    livestock and poultry may not be given
    antibiotics, hormones or medications in the
    absence of illness. Instead, livestock diseases
    and parasites are controlled largely through
    preventive measures such as rotational grazing,
    balanced diet, sanitary housing and stress

Conventional foods today
  • The chemical fertilizers used in the food,
  • the pesticides used in the food
  • food is picked early and then gassed,
  • food is genetically modified and manufactured in
    an unnatural way,
  • the processing methods that are used,
  • the irradiation that was used,
  • the actual thousands of chemicals that are put in
    processed food to make it taste better and give
    it certain textures, preserve it, or specifically
    designed to get you chemically and physically
    addicted to the food, increase your appetite and
    leads to weight gain.

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Cheap raw materials and labor policy
  • Cheap raw materials and labor lead to cheap
  • Cheap ingredients lead to adding value by
    providing volume.
  • we promote all you can eat fare
  • put lots of cheap ingredients (like high fructose
    corn syrup) into our food.
  • emphasis on quantity dilutes nutrient density
  • That combination may have deleterious health

Rex Russell, M.D. states the following
  •   It has been reported that in the early
    twentieth century, a people in the Himalayas
    called the Hunzas had an average life span of 90
    years, and often over 120 years. 
  • When a medical team led by Dr. Robert Garrison
    studied the Hunzas in the 1940s, the physicians
    did not find a single case of cancer, ulcers,
    appendicitis or colitis.  Heart disease and
    hypertension were unknown among them.  The
    medical experts also found that the Hunza people
    ate nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes.
  • The team could only conclude that the Hunzas
    life expectancy was based on clean water and
    exercise ...  In 1949, the Hunzas were
    incorporated into Pakistan, and their life span
    has since been shortened because of changes in

Proper diet is imperative for extraordinary
health, but since the mid-20th century, the
standard American diet has lost its nutritional
power due to factors such as
  • Commercial farming methods resulting in
    mineral-deficient soil an over-reliance on
    pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and other
    drugs used in raising livestock.
  • The popularity of fast-food, processed foods, and
    junk foods with chemical additives, unhealthy
    fats and trans-fatty oils, white flour and
    refined starchesall with no to low nutritional
  • Environmental pollutants which poison our air,
    land, water, and food. 

Best diet
  • Emphasize a whole-foods diet rich in the highest
    quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins,
    and minerals. 
  • These are best found in organic fruits and
    vegetables, complex carbohydrates, nuts, seeds,
    fiber, pure water, and organic, free-range meat
    and poultry products.

Macronutrients and Micronutrients
  • Macronutrients are nutrients required in the
    highest amounts micronutrients are essential
    dietary elements required in only small
    quantities.  Our bodies require the three
    macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, and fats. 
  • Proteins supply energy and provide the structural
    components necessary for growth and repair of
  • Carbohydrates and fats function to supply
  • Vitamins and minerals are needed in small
    quantities (micronutrients), but are essential
    for normal growth, muscle response, health of the
    nervous system, digestion, production of
    hormones, and metabolism of nutrients.  

Simple ruleSince our bodies are from nature we
should Eat What Is From Nature!
Eat Whole, Organic Foods
  • Consuming whole foods (unprocessed foods) is key.
     Organic foods are recommended--foods lacking
    commercial pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics,
    and preservatives.   This includes food
    (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) in its most
    natural and whole organic state.
  • Proteins
  • Include healthy proteins--the building blocks of
    organs, muscles, nerves, enzymes and hormones.
    Only animal proteins meat, eggs and dairy,
    which contain all eight of the essential amino
    acids--are complete protein sources.  Recommended
    animal proteins are properly raised beef, lamb,
    buffalo, venison, elk, and other clean red meats
    fish with fins and scales from oceans and rivers
    chicken, turkey, and other poultry raised in a
    free-range setting.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Carbohydrates provide energy needed to drive
    bodily chemical processes.  The simple sugars
    eaten in Biblical times were highly nutritious
    fruits and vegetables, raw honey, and
    sprouted/germinated grains. (Sprouting and
    germination allows grains to come alive, making
    nutrition within the seed available.)
  • Fats
  • Healthy fats are necessary.  Heres why
  • Fats are building blocks for cell membranes,
    hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters (messages
    from your brain to your body that make you think,
    feel and move).
  • Fats slow down food absorption so you can go
    longer without feeling hungry.
  • Fats are needed to absorb and use vitamins A, D,
    E K.
  • Fats help to keep us warm and cushion organs.
  • The brain is 60 fat, and needs fat for
    connecting brain cells and making sure signals
    get through.
  • It is important to get healthy fats, so include
    foods such as ocean-caught fish, cod liver oil,
    and omega-3 eggs. Recommended are ocean-caught
    fish with fins and scales such as salmon, tuna
    and sardines, fatty fish with high omega-3
    levels. Choose grass-fed, free range or organic
    meats when animals graze on their natural diet
    of greens, their diet is automatically rich in
    these essential fats.

Eat Food in a Form that is Healthy for the Body
  • Eat Foods in a Form that is Healthy for the Body
  • The second rule of eating a healthy diet is to
    eat foods in a form that is healthy, useable, and
    health-promoting for the bodynatural, organic,
    unprocessed, and properly preparedthus,
    receiving food that is high in nutrients, easily
    digestible, and free of chemicals and additives. 
    Our bodies were not designed to thrive on
    anything less. 
  • The Perils of Modern Processing, Additives, etc.
  • Since the early 1900s whole grains have been
    routinely processed, removing most of their
    nutritional content, and the average diet has
    been comprised of processed foods rather than
    fresh foods.  The past two generations have
    literally grown up on highly-processed fast
    foods, leading to diets of
  • Increased sugar, refined grains and flour
  • Pasteurized, homogenized, skimmed dairy products
    from antibiotic and hormone-laden cows
  • Unhealthy fats (such as trans-fatty-acid laden
    hydrogenated oils)
  • Soda (Americas most popular beverage)
  • Junk foodswith little or no complex
    carbohydrates, fiber, essential vitamins and
    minerals, and never meant for human consumption.
  • Whole Foods and Organic Foods
  • Remember, consuming whole foods (unprocessed) is
    key to eating the healthiest way, and organic
    foodsfoods lacking commercial pesticides,
    fungicides, antibiotics, hormones,
    preservativesare recommended. Whole foods
    contain all the essential nutrients and other
    important natural compounds, and have not been
    highly processed or loaded with man-made
    chemicals.  Unfortunately, our modern way of
    growing, harvesting, and preparing food (all
    designed for convenience and long shelf life) has
    stripped food of its nutritional value.

The dirty dozen.
  • These are some of the most popular and widespread
    food products and are the least healthy items you
    can put into your mouth.  Try to avoid them.
  • Pork products
  • Shellfish and fish without fins and scales
    (catfish, shark, eel)
  • Hydrogenated oils (margarine, shortening, etc.)
  • Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin,
  • White flour
  • White sugar
  • Soft drinks
  • Pasteurized, homogenized skim milk
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Hydrolyzed soy protein (imitation meat products)
  • Artificial flavors and colors
  • Excessive alcohol

  • Big agribusiness is a major lobbyist. They want
    to keep corn cheap and plentiful because they
    value it as an inexpensive industrial raw
  • Not only does it fatten up a beef steer more
    quickly than pasture does (though at a cost to
    ourselves and cattle, which dont digest corn
    very well, and are therefore pre-emptively fed
    antibiotics to offset the stresses caused by
    their unnatural diet) once milled, refined and
    recompounded, corn can become any number of
    things, from ethanol for the gas tank to dozens
    of edible, if not nutritious, products, like the
    thickener in a milkshake, the hydrogenated oil in
    margarine, the modified cornstarch that binds the
    pulverized meat in a McNugget and, most
    disastrously, the ubiquitous sweetener known as
    high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

High Fructose Corn Syrup Bad, Good, or in
  • Its sweeter than sweet and inexpensive to boot,
    so food and beverage manufacturers use high
    fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in virtually
    everything they makefrom soft drinks (including
    fruit drinks) to jams, crackers, bread, yogurt,
    salad dressing, and even soup. Some research has
    suggested that fructose is not metabolized in the
    same way other sugars are, and that the
    proliferation of HFCS may be a contributing
    factor in our countrys obesity problem. But many
    experts believe it is no worse than any other
    sweetener in fact, last July The New York Times
    called it a sweetener with a bad rap. So is
    this syrup the demon culprit behind obesity or
    wrongly accused?
  • Sweet and EvilIn 2004, researchers published an
    article in the American Journal of Clinical
    Nutrition, concluding there is a distinct
    likelihood that the increased consumption of HFCS
    in beverages may be linked to the increase in
    obesity. In this article, they explain that
    fructose does not stimulate the pancreas to
    release insulin and, in turn, does not trigger
    the secretion of the hormone leptin, which is
    instrumental in making us feel satiated. These
    researchers also point to the fact that the
    increased use of HFCS in the United States
    mirrors the dramatic increase in obesity. HFCS
    now accounts for more than 40 percent of the
    caloric sweeteners added to food and drinks.
  • HFCS DefenseThis and other attacks on HFCS
    prompted the Corn Refiners Association to create
    a website, HFCS Facts, debunking myths and
    defending the sweetener. One point they make is
    that HFCS is not actually high in fructose. It
    contains either 42 or 55 percent fructose and the
    rest is mostly glucose. The proportions are
    roughly equivalent to table sugar, which is 50
    percent fructose and 50 percent glucose. The
    Times article quotes two gurus in the field of
    nutrition both saying they do not believe there
    is evidence to support the idea that HFCS has
    uniquely contributed to the obesity epidemic. And
    when the Times reporter interviewed one of the
    authors of the 2004 journal article, the
    researcher said the idea of a unique link between
    HFCS and obesity was just a theory and that it
    could well be proved wrong with future science.
  • Diabetes and FructoseWhat about those with
    diabetes? On the surface, it would seem that a
    sugar that doesnt raise blood glucose and
    insulin would be a godsend for people with
    diabetes. However, like most things, its not
    that simple. First, fructose is combined with
    glucose and other sugars to make HFCS. Second, in
    animal studies, rodents fed large amounts of
    fructose became insulin resistant (a precursor to
    diabetes) and developed high triglycerides.
    Combine this with the idea that fructose may
    suppress the release of the appetite-regulating
    hormone leptin and youve got a prescription for
    upping obesity and diabetes risks.
  • The bottom line Whether its table sugar, honey,
    or a highly processed sweetener like HFCS, added
    sugar is something were better off withoutno
    matter what your health status. Get your sugars
    from natural, healthy sources and you cant go
  • Source - http//www.dlife.com/dLife/do/ShowContent

  • Since 1980, HFCS has insinuated itself into every
    nook and cranny of the food industryMcDonald's
    meal, there's HFCS not only in his 32-ounce soda,
    but in the ketchup and the bun of his
    cheeseburger and some think it as the prime
    culprit in the nation's obesity epidemic.
  • Soft Drinks Cause Weight Gain in Several
    WaysSome nutritionists say that consuming
    high-fructose corn syrup causes weight gain by
    interfering with the bodys natural ability to
    suppress hunger feelings. Currently, 64.5 percent
    of adults over the age of 20 are overweight, 30.5
    percent are obese and 4.7 percent are severely
    obese. According to Dr. Sonia Caprio, a Yale
    University professor of pediatric endocrinology,
    The reality is that there is epidemiological
    work done in children as well as adults that
    links obesity and Type 2 diabetes with the
    consumption of sodas.

Health eating tips
  • Drink water
  • Stay away from sodas
  • Stay away from hfcs
  • Stay away from processed foods
  • Stay away from saturated / trans fats
  • Natural fats not bad - Mono- and polyunsaturated
    fats have health benefits and are the preferred
    dietary fats
  • Stay away from hydrogenated products
  • Try to eat as fresh as possible
  • All natural / organic best choices usually have
    no hormones/toxins
  • Eat to live, not live to eat never stuff

General health tips
  • Its simple
  • Eat right (natural / fresh)
  • Exercise (being active)
  • (if you do these, you have no need for fad

Food for thought
  • We do live longer, but need the aid of expensive
    manufactured drugs usually producing an
    uncomfortable and prolonged life
  • Varying genetics plays a role in how different
    people process things

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Read the Nutrition Facts Label For Total Sugars
Plain Yogurt
Fruit Yogurt
Look at the Ingredient List for Added Sugars
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