Title: Buy Valcivir Tablet Online | Online Generic Medicine
1V alcivir (Valacyclovir)
Valcivir (Valacyclovir) is an antiviral
prescription medication which is used to treat
patients who are suffering from outbreaks of
the herpes simplex virus, cold sores and
shingles. This drug has been clinically proven
to reduce the duration and the severity of
outbreaks as well as limiting the occurrence of
future outbreaks. UsesValcivir (Valacyclovir) is
used for l treatment of viral infections of
skin, mucus membrane, genitals and eyes caused
by herpes virus including cold sores (blisters
on and around your lips) and shingels (painful
rashes usually in the form of a strip of
blisters). It is also used for treatment of
recurrent genital herpes infections, to treat
chickenpox in children.
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