Title: Buy Green Hoya Carnosa Plant Online - Root Bridges
1Buy Green Hoya Carnosa Plant Online Root Bridges
2Hoya carnosa, the wax plant, is a popular house
plant grown for its attractive glossy foliage,
and sweetly scented flesh coloured flowers so
exactly resembling wax, that you might almost
make it into candles. It is mesmerizing not only
because of its fragrance and waxy appearance but
also because of the fact that each of its flowers
looks like a five-pointed star and the cluster of
flowers also arranges itself in a star shape.
3If you're looking for an exotic indoor plant
that's very easy to grow, take a look at hoya
(also sometimes called wax plant). This unique
houseplant is a vine (but don't worry it's not a
fast-growing one!) that has thick, waxy leaves
and clusters of star-shaped waxy flowers. It's
among the most tolerant of all houseplants.
4Dimensions 6" x 6"x 9" Growth Medium
Cocopeat Pot Description Round Plastic Pot
5HOW TO CARE FOR HOYA Light Bright Indirect
sunlight or sunlit for 1-2 hours Water Sparingly
water twice a week Fertilizer Liquid fertilizer
once a month
6Common Name(s) Wax Plant, Krimson Queen Hoya,
Variegated Rope Hoya Native Region East
Asia Botanical Name Hoya carnosa Family Apocynac
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