Title: SCALING LAW in single charged pion electroproduction
1SCALING LAW in single charged pion
- Weekly Report (Jul.17, 2006)
2Analysis procedures
- GSIM-GENOVA-EG ( single channel np )
- GSIM-GENEV (single, multi-pion channels)
- Based on EvntGen with Rad. effect on/off
3Analysis procedures
- single chan. currently GSIM evnt 200M
- single, multi-pion chan. REC evnt 81M
- Single chan. Rad effect on/off
4Impact of BG under mmx by misidentification
Q) BG contribution can be large due to
misidentification pion at p gt 2GeV ?
In the resonance region (Wlt1.8GeV,
Q21.874.52GeV2) Under 2.5s cut of ß BG
5Impact of BG under mmx by misidentification
Q) BG contribution can be large due to
misidentification pion at p gt 2GeV ?
In the resonance region (Wgt1.8GeV,
Q21.874.52GeV2) Under 2.5s cut of ß BG
6Missing mass
Missing mass distribution as function of Xbj at
fixed Q2, -t
7MMx plots in terms of Q2, pp
8BG Distribution
Q2 2.65GeV2 , -t 1.01.3GeV2 , Xbj 0.160.7
9BG subtraction
- Better understanding of background distribution
- Background contribution from particle
misidentification at high momentum range (p gt
2GeV) , and high W gt1.8GeV is small - Apply the single gaussian function to describe
the high mass - Front tail from fit function would be a good
description of BG contribution under neutron mass
peak - Only neutron signal and radiative effect are
survived no fitting is necessary - Systematic uncertainty check in cross section
level among no cut, constant cut, 2rd order pol.
function cut, gaussian cut for high mass (under
10Neutron mass
- How can we be free from background ? Detect the
neutron directly on EC - How we can separate between ? , n precisely ?
- Generally, we used the rough ß cut at the first
time - If we used very thin target, do we have better
chance to separate the ?/n on ß distribution ? - Do we have better understand neutron detection
property from ß distribution ? - How can we get better ß distribution to separate
?/n ? - Better distance, timing resolution due to thin
target ?
11Vertex distribution
1) Vertex distribution from LH2 target
2) Vertex distribution from empty target
- Choose the target window (left) as thin target
- Apply 3s cut of vz of electron
- Apply the constraint of vertex xy plane
12E1-6 target
? Target materials
? Empty target Runs Run 30825, 30962, 31104, Run
31128, 31252, 31254, Run 31300, 31344
13Possibility of ?/n separation
- Distance from thin target to EC plane
14Possibility of ?/n separation
EC geometry
Inner 5 layers x 3(UVW) Outer 8 layers x
Each layer BC 412 10.0mm Lead 2.2mm
? Inner dl 18.3 cm ? Outer dl 48.3 cm
15Possibility of ?/n separation