Title: Buy Multifunctional Trigger Point Tool Online| Fasciamaster No. 4
1Fascia master No 4 (Multifunctional Trigger point
2- Description Fascia Master No 4 is a
multifunctional tool for both professionals and
beginners in IASTM. - Material medical steel
- Height 133 mm
- Weight 204 grams
- Grip diameter 31 mm
Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 13 3.1 1.2 cm
Color Metal
3Working Timeline
- Fascia Master, no 4 is a multifunctional tool for
identifying and treating muscle trigger points.
It is ideal for the beginning therapist and one
of our best-selling items as it is ergonomically
designed to rest easily in your hand. - All Trigger Sticks are made from aluminium.
- Fascia Master triggerstick for trigger points is
a powerful IASTM tool and for myofascial release.
- Worldwide there are many different types of tools
on the market, and the quality depends on the
materials used and their ergonomic design. Fascia
Master uses only high-quality materials from the
medical field, giving improved results in
targeting the deeper layers of fascia. -
- Made By ProfessionalsFor Professionals
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