Title: prioritytradelines
1Priority Tradelines LLC
Let your journey begin with us
- Priority Tradelines LLC is an Authorized User
Tradelines company established in 2016 by - Robert Hughes. This company mainly help peoples
in order to fix poor credit rating and - boost credit score by purchasing Authorized User
Tradelines so that their business and - financial condition can function and flourish
tremendously . The company with the 8 - vast experience and has very fascinating tactics,
that can help all borrower to fix their - credit score.
3What is Tradelines ?
- A trade line is a record of activity for any type
of credit extended to a borrower and reported to
a credit reporting agency. A tradeline is
established on a borrowers credit report when a
borrower is approved for credit. The tradeline
records all of the activity associated with an
account. - The types of information in tradelines can
include - Account name with lenders name and address
- Account type such as revolving, installment,
mortgage, open and closed - Credit limit maximum amount of credit extended
- Credit balance current level of debt
- Account responsibilitydefines authorized users
such as individual, joint or cosigner - Status of payment
- Date of delinquency
4How do tradelines works?
- When you purchase an authorized user tradeline,
the credit history of that tradeline is added to
your credit report. It includes how long the
tradeline is open and whether payments are on
time. Your reported credit limit will increase as
well, which lowers your total credit utilization.
While you get the benefits of someones perfect
credit behavior added to your credit report, you
also dont get the burden of maintaining the
tradeline yourself.
5How to choose right tradelines?
When shopping to buy tradelines, there are
basically only two main variables to consider
- (1) the age of the tradeline, and
- (2) the credit limit of the tradeline.
- Besides these, the other variables are
- having a perfect payment history
- having low utilization (at or below 15)
- the type of account (usually a credit card)
- and the reporting date of the account.
6Common mistakes made when buying tradelines?
- Following mistakes should be avoided while buying
tradelines - Not knowing how tradelines work
- Not understanding how credit scores work
- Buying cheap tradelines as a test
- Judging the power of a tradeline strictly by
price - Thinking tradelines will fix high utilization
- Buying tradelines from an unethical company
- Entering your personal information incorrectly
when placing an order
7Benefits of buying tradelines
- Increase the chances of your credit card and loan
approval - Lowers interest rates on loans
- It makes it easier for you to rent an apartment
and house - You get better car insurance rates
8Contact Us
- info_at_prioritytradelines.com
- 1 469-610-5147
- https//www.facebook.com/prioritytra
delines/ - https//www.linkedin.com/company/pr
iority-tradelines/ - https//twitter.com/prioritytrade
- https//www.instagram.com/priority
tradelines - https//www.pinterest.com/priority