Title: The Umbrellas Ibaraki, Japan and California, USA 19841991
1The Umbrellas Ibaraki, Japan and California,
USA 1984-1991
This Japan-USA temporary work of art reflected
the similarities and differences in the ways of
life and the use of the land in two inland
valleys, one 19 kilometers (12 miles) long in
Japan, and the other 29 kilometers (18 miles)
long in the USA. The Umbrellas, free standing
dynamic modules, reflected the availability of
the land in each valley, creating an invitational
inner space, as houses without walls, or
temporary settlements and related to the
ephemeral character of the work of art.
Source http//christojeanneclaude.net/
2The Umbrellas Ibaraki, Japan 1984-1991
In the precious and limited space of Japan, The
Umbrellas were positioned intimately, close
together and sometimes following the geometry of
the rice fields. In the luxuriant vegetation
enriched by water year round, The Umbrellas were
Source http//christojeanneclaude.net/
3The Umbrellas California, USA 1984-1991
In the California vastness of uncultivated
grazing land, the configuration of the umbrellas
was whimsical and spreading in every direction.
The brown hills are covered by blond grass, and
in that dry landscape, The Umbrellas were yellow.
Source http//christojeanneclaude.net/
4The Gates New York, NY Central Park
Central Parks entrances were supposed to be
gated after the park was designed over 150 years
ago. There are even names for each gate
Mariners Gate, Artists Gate, etc. However, the
parks land architects did not like the
complicated design of the proposed gates, so they
decided to leave the entrances open. The Gates,
which ran along the 23 mile stretch of walkways
in the park, reflected both the geometric pattern
of city blocks surrounding the park (the poles)
and the serpentine curve of the walkways (the
movement of the fabric).
Source http//christojeanneclaude.net/
5The Gates New York, NY Central Park
Source Yasmin Collazo Personal collection
6The Gates New York, NY Central Park
Source Yasmin Collazo Personal collection
7The Gates New York, NY Central Park
Source Yasmin Collazo Personal collection
8Surrounded Islands Miami, Florida Biscayne
Bay 1980-1983
Surrounded Islands was a work of art which
underlined the various elements and ways in which
the people of Miami live, between land and
water. From November 1982 until April 1983,
6,500,000 square feet of woven polypropylene
fabric were sewn a factory in Florida, into 79
different patterns to follow the contours of the
11 islands. A flotation strip was sewn in each
Source http//christojeanneclaude.net/
9Surrounded Islands Miami, Florida Biscayne
Bay 1980-1983
Source http//christojeanneclaude.net/