Polymorphism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to get in trouble: Storing mutable types in collections ... post planning, class designer did not provide it. create a related type for each object type ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Polymorphism

  • SWE 619,
  • Last Updated Fall 2008

  • equals()
  • Revisiting Liskovs mutable vs. not rule
  • Polymorphism
  • Uniform methods for different types
  • easy polymorphism
  • Element subtype approach
  • Planning ahead
  • Related subtype approach
  • Reacting after the fact

A word about equals
  • Problem
  • We want to check if two objects are equal to
    each other
  • Many ways to do so
  • Object identity AB (same object)
  • Object state A.counter B.counter (similar
  • Object property A.area() B.area()
    (practically same)

Overriding equals
  • Object class equals is check
  • Overriding equals means providing a check other
    than object identity.
  • Usually it provides object state check
  • Overriding equals in a mutable class
  • A.equals(B) is true/false at different times
  • Immutable classes dont suffer from this problem

How to get in trouble Storing mutable types in
  • Assume a collection that does not allow
    duplicates (eg java.util.TreeSet)
  • Aim to store mutable types with overridden
  • void insert (Object x)
  • for all elements in collection
  • if (elementi.equals(x)) return // no
  • collection.addElement(x)

Whats the Problem?
  • Consider client code for fig 8.1
  • Set s new HashSet() // AF(s)
  • Vector x new Vector() // AF(x)
  • Vector y new Vector() // AF(y)
  • s.insert(x) // AF(s)
  • s.insert(y) // AF(s) , ? Or ?
  • s.contains(y) // true or false?
  • y.add(cat) // AF(y) cat
  • // AF(s)
  • s.contains(y) // true or false?
  • s.insert(y) // s.state , cat???
  • y.remove(cat) // s.state , ??? !!!!

  • Liskovs approach to equals() avoids this problem
  • Mutable objects compared via
  • A workaround for Javas decision
  • public boolean equals (Object x)
  • if (!x instanceOf Container) return false
  • return (el ((Container) x.el))
  • Equality does not pose a problem anymore!
  • We can insert both x and y in s.
  • Even if x modified, we will still find y in s

  • equals()
  • Revisiting Liskovs mutable vs. not rule
  • Polymorphism
  • Uniform methods for different types
  • easy polymorphism
  • Element subtype approach
  • Planning ahead
  • Related subtype approach
  • Reacting after the fact

What is Polymorphism?
  • Abstraction? Generalization?
  • Abstracts from the type of data, parameter
  • E.g. java.util classes Vector, Dictionary and
    others can store any object like Integer, Float,
    String, Reader etc.
  • Compare with IntSet, which could only store

What is it?
  • Generalize abstractions
  • They should work for many types
  • E.g. IntSet could be generalized to Set
  • Not just store integers, but other data types
  • Saves us from creating new data abstractions for
    each data type (like PolySet, FloatSet, etc.)
  • Compare IntSet with HashSet, TreeSet

Polymorphic procedures
  • Procedures can be polymorphic with respect to
    types of arguments
  • E.g. Intset.insert(int x) becomes
    Set.Insert(Object x) or overloaded Set.Insert()
    with the specified list of types
  • How does this affect specs of procedures?

Polymorphic Data abstractions
  • Two kinds
  • element subtype (Comparable, Addable)
  • Pre planning.
  • Unique way for all subtypes
  • related subtype (Comparator, Adder)
  • post planning, class designer did not provide it
  • create a related type for each object type
  • Both kinds use interfaces for generalization

Comparable Interface (fig 8.4)
  • public Interface Comparable
  • //O Subtypes of Comparable provide a method to
    determine the ordering of their objects. This
    ordering must be a total order over their
    objects, and it should be both transitive and
    antisymmetric. Furthermore, x.compareTo(y) 0
    implies (iff???) x.equals(y).
  • public int compareTo (Object x) throws CCE,
  • //E If x is null, throws NPE if this and x
    arent compatible, throws CCE. Otherwise, if this
    is less than x returns lt0 if this equals x,
    returns 0 and if this is greater than x, returns

OrderedList (Figure 8.5)
  • Stores elements which implement Comparable
  • Bug in addEl() (first line)
  • if (val null) should be if (el null)
  • Specs order of exceptions!
  • Very similar to TreeSet
  • What is the abstract state?

Ordered List code (fig 8.5)
  • public class OL
  • private boolean empty private OL left, right
  • private Comparable val
  • public void addEl(Comparable el) throws
  • // M this // E if el is null throw NPE else
    if el is in this throw DE else if el is
    incomparable to elements in this throw CCE else
    add el to this
  • if (el null) throw new NPE(...)
  • if (empty) left new OL() right new OL()
    val el empty false return
  • int n el.compareTo(val)
  • if (n 0) throw new DE(...)
  • if(n lt 0) left.addEl(el) else right.addEl(el)

Related subtype approach
  • After classes have been designed
  • We want a collection to store and operate on any
    of such types
  • Some client code may already exist! We dont want
    it to break.
  • So we create related subtype
  • Accompanies each type, supports desired operations

Related subtype
  • Example problem (figure 8.8)
  • We want to sum up all the elements in a set.
    SumSet class must maintain a running sum of all
    Integers, Floats or Polys stored.
  • We store one type of object at a time
  • SumSet a ? stores only Polys
  • SumSet b ? stores only Integers

SumSet Implementation (Fig 8.8)
  • public class SumSet
  • private Vector els private Object s private
    Adder a
  • public SumSet(Adder p) throws NPE
  • els new Vector() a p s p.zero()
  • public void insert(Object x) throws NPE, CCE
  • // M this // E if x is null throw NPE if x
    cannot be added to this
  • // throw CCE else adds x to this and
    adjusts the sum
  • Object z a.add(s, x)
  • if (!els.contains(x))
  • els.add(x) s z
  • public Object sum() //E return sum of elements
    in this
  • return s
  • Note order of exceptions
  • Whats an Adder?

Comparator interface
  • public Interface Comparator
  • public int compare (Object x, Object y) throws
    NPE, CCE
  • //E IF x,y null, throws NPE
  • // If x and y are not comparable, throws CCE
  • // If x less than y, returns -1 if x is equal
    to y, returns 0 if x greater than y, returns 1
  • Why two parameters in compare()?
  • How does client use it?

  • String.compareTo(String) method provides a
    dictionary like ordering. (lexicographical
  • What if we want a different ordering?
  • For example We want to compare strings from
    back. cat.comparison(dog) should return 1
  • We can achieve so by implementing our own
    Comparator StringFromBackComparator (SFBC)

SFBC implementation
  • public class SFBC implements Comparator
  • public int compare (Object x, Object y)
  • if (xnull y null) throw new NPE(msg)
  • String sx (String) x // CCE automatically
  • String sy (String) y // CCE automatically
  • //compare sx and sy from back..

How does client use SFBC?
  • String n cat
  • String p dog
  • int m (new SFBC()).compare(n,p)

E.g. ReverseComparator
  • We are not satisfied by comparable.compareTo()
  • We cannot change it!
  • Alternate way use Comparator to define our own
    criteria ?
  • Here, we want to reverse the evaluation of

Correct implementation?
  • public class ReverseComparator implements
  • //O Reverse the natural order of elements. Eg
    7lt3 here
  • public int compare (Object x, Object y) throws
    NPE, CCE
  • return ((Comparable x).compareTo((Comparable)
  • Is this correct implementation?
  • Look at methods rule contract
  • What does client expect?

How about absolute comparison?
  • public class AbsoluteComparator implements
  • //O Compare on absolute value of (Integer)
  • public int compare (Object x, Object y) throws
    NPE, CCE
  • int a ((Integer) x).intValue()
  • int b ((Integer) y).intValue()
  • if (a lt 0) a -a if (b lt 0) b -b //
    absolute values
  • if (a lt b) return -1
  • if (a gt b) return 1
  • return 0
  • Is this correct?

Similarities between Comparable and Addable
  • Comparable
  • Provides uniform way to compare elements
  • Abstracts from types
  • All types compared in a similar manner
  • Addable
  • Provides uniform way to add elements
  • Abstracts from types
  • All types added in a similar manner
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