Title: CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com
1CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com
2CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 3 Case Study The Ethical Hacker
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Cas
e Study The Ethical Hacker Due Week 3 and worth
70 points Imagine for a moment that you are a
hacker an ethical one. You are called upon by
law enforcement based on your expertise to hack
into a
3CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 4 Assignment 1 Defense in Depth
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Ass
ignment 1 Defense in Depth Due Week 4 and worth
70 points
4CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 8 Assignment 2 Mister Network
Engineer For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Assignment 2 Mister Network Engineer Due
Week 8 and worth 70 points Using the network
diagram below, your task is to incorporate the
5CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com
CIS 534 Week 10 Term Paper Project Designing a
Secure Network For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Term Paper Project
Designing a Secure Network Due Week 10 and worth
190 points This term paper involves putting
together the various concepts
6CIS 534 Exciting Results / snaptutorial.com