Title: I Koren and C M Krishna
1I Koren and C M Krishna Electrical and Computer
Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst,
MA 01003 Sponsored by Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Command Advanced Research Projects
Agency ARPA order B855 under SPAWAR contract
N00039-94-C-0165 (Please view the slides only
through slide show. The show is automated)
A Distributed Event Driven Simulation for
Distributed Real Time Systems The RAPIDS
simulator provides the user with a configurable
environment, with various possible
topologies, protocols, etc., in order to study
the performance of real-time
scheduling Modular and easily extendable for
new network protocols, allocation and scheduling
algorithms and recovery techniques.
algorithms and fault recovery policies in fault-
tolerant distributed real-time systems.
Helps designers compare different policies and
algorithms for reliable real time systems
design By exposing the potential bottlenecks,
can help fine-tune the design of the architecture
and operating system for a given real-time
3Console window of the simulator
To start the simulator
To quit the simulator
To pause the running simulator
To create console screen on other computers
To load the already saved configuration
To save the present configuration
To select one of the topologies
Get parameters relevant to specified topology
Algorithm to allocate the tasks among nodes
Give the system parameters
To edit the messages exchanged between tasks
To send the task in run time
To configure the fault conditions
To inject faults in run time
To remove the injected fault
To view schedule window of all nodes
To view Performance window of the system
To view allocation of tasks among the nodes
4Running the simulator
5Comparison of schedule window of two runs of
simulator with different topology
With network topology point to point
With network topology Fire Wire
6Performance of system without any faults
7Performance of system after injecting fault
8Comparison of Performance of system with and
without fault
Without faults
With faults