Title: Students t test and Nonparametric Statistics
1Students t test and Nonparametric Statistics
2Hypothesis testing defined
- A method for deciding if an observed effect or
result occurs by chance alone - OR
- if we can argue the results actually happened as
a result of an intervention.
3The Null Hypothesis
- In order to decide if the results of an
experiment occur by chance or if the effects seen
are the result of a treatment, researchers
declare a null hypothesis (Ho) and an alternative
or research hypothesis (Ha).
4To test a hypothesis, researchers talk about
rejecting the null in order to demonstrate the
treatment has an effectORaccepting the null
if the treatment does not have an effect.
5When you reject the null, you say that there IS a
significant difference between the groups,
indicating the likelihood the treatment was
6When you accept the null, you say the hypothesis
that says there is no difference (which is the
null hypothesis) is correct.
7Decisions to reject or accept the null.
- Based on whether the calculated value of the
statistic performed is equal to or smaller than
the critical value of the alpha level (the
probability that a certain outcome will be
achieved) - By tradition, .05 is the most common alpha level
used to make this decision
8Students t test
9The research question asked by the t test Is
there a difference on X between the two groups?
10What is the t test?
- A parametric statistical test which analyzes the
difference between the means of scores between
two groups.
11Which levels of measurement allow you to
calculate a mean?
Interval and ratio
- There are assumptions about the data that need to
be considered when using the t-test. These are - the data is normally distributed
- the variances are homogenous or similar
- the groups are of equal size
13Two kinds of t tests
- t test for paired samples - when the subjects are
measured on a variable, receive the treatment,
then measured again. The pre and post-test means
of the measures are compared. Also used with
matched pairs and in twin studies. - t test for independent samples - comparison of
pre and post treatment means between 2 different
14Calculating an independent samples t test
- The difference between the group means divided by
the difference between the variability within the
15The difference between the group means gives you
the effect size (the magnitude of the difference
between the two groups)
The variance gives you the degree of variability
within each group
16Between group differences and within group
differences are important factors to remember -
they are used to calculate ANOVA as well as t
17Calculating a paired t test
- mean of the difference scores___
- standard error of the difference scores
18The number that results from a t test is called
the calculated value of the test. This number
is then compared in a table to the critical
value using the alpha level set for the study.
19Both point and interval estimates (confidence
intervals) can be calculated for t tests.
20There are different formulas to calculate the t
statistic when variances between groups are equal
and when they are unequal
21Multiple t tests
- When you read a study where several t tests are
used to test the same data, BEWARE - For example, when there are repeated measures
taken (3 phases) and you see t tests used to
assess the differences between the first and
second phase, then between the second and third.
This means the risk of committing a Type I error
(rejecting a true null or finding a difference
when there isnt one) is increased.
23 24Solutions for the problem
- Perform an ANOVA
- Adjust the alpha level using a Bon Ferroni
correction - to do this you half (.025) or lower
(.01) the alpha level
25Parametric Tests vs. Nonparametric Tests
- Parametric tests are based on assumptions made
using the normal curve normal distribution of
data and homogenous or similar variances - Nonparametric tests are used when the data is not
normally distributed or variances are dissimilar.
26 Criterion for Using Nonparametric Tests
- Assumptions of normal distribution and
homogeneity of variances cannot be made - Data is ordinal or nominal
- Sample size is small (10 or fewer per group)
27Comparable Parametric and Nonparametric Tests
- Independent samples t test
- Paired t tests
- One way ANOVA
- Factorial ANOVA
- Mann-Whitney U test
- Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test
- Sign Test
- Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance by
ranks - Friedman Two Way
28Hypothesis testing with nonparametric tests is
the same procedure as with parametric tests.
29Test Power
- Parametric tests are seen as more powerful
- Are often used with inappropriate data because of
this - Need to assess the nature of the data carefully
to decide if the appropriate test is being used
30Statistical Power
- Statistical power is the probability that a test
will lead to rejecting the null (saying there IS
a difference). - The more powerful a test, the less likely you are
to make a Type II error.
31The Chi-Square Test
32Chi Square
- Is a nonparametric test
- Is used to indicate whether the counts of
observed events match theoretical expectations - Used with nominal or interval level data
- Data is arranged in cells made up of rows and
columns each cell must contain at least 5
counts - The data used must consist of variables that are
NOT correlated.
33What if proportions are different?
- The differences between observed and expected
counts are tested to see whether they are large
enough to be significant - The differences themselves can be standardized
and then cited as standard deviation units
34Remember Venn diagrams and relationships?
35Fishers Exact Test
- Chi square columns and rows must have 3 or more
variables - If only two variables exist, then a test called
Fishers Exact Test is done - The process is the same as for a chi-square
36McNemars Test
- When nominal and ordinal variables are related,
then a test like chi-square can be carried out. - This is called McNemars Test.