Title: GeBased Semiconductor Devices for Cryogenic Power Electronics
1Ge-Based Semiconductor Devices forCryogenic
Power Electronics
Houston, April/May 2002
2R. R. Ward, W. J. Dawson, R. K. Kirschman GPD
Optoelectronics Corp., Salem, New
Hampshire O. Mueller LTELow Temperature
Electronics, Ballston Lake, New York R. L.
Patterson, J. E. DickmanNASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, Ohio A. HammoudDynacs Corp.,
Cleveland, Ohio
3Cryogenic Power Electronics
- Semiconductor Devices (diodes and transistors)
- For Power Management and Actuator Control
- For Use down to 30 K and Lower
- Solar-System Exploration
- Reasons Cold environment, reduced power
- For Outer planets, cold satellites,
interstellar - Scientific Spacecraft
- Reason Cryogenic sensors and optics
- For Motors and actuators
- Long-Term Surface Installations
- Reasons Cold environment, reduced power
- For Outer planets, cold satellites
5ApplicationsDefense, Industry, Commercial
- Medical Instruments (MRI)
- Electrical Power (Superconducting Electrical
Power Storage, Transmission, Distribution) - Motors/Generators (Superconducting or
Cryogenic) - Magnetic Confinement (Superconducting or
Cryogenic) - High-Power Amplifiers (Base Stations, MRI)
- Reasons Improved efficiency and reliability,
reduced size and mass many systems already
incorporate cryogenics
6Why Ge and SiGe Devices?
- Si-Based Circuits Demonstrated, but only gt 77 K
- Si Bipolar Devices Cease Operation lt 100 K
- Applications Require Operation lt 77 K
- Other Materials (III-Vs) Uncertain for lt 77 K
- Possible Materials for lt 77 K are Ge and SiGe
7Why Ge and SiGe Devices?
- Can Optimize Devices for Cryogenic Applications
by Selective Use of Ge, Si, SiGe - SiGe Provides Additional Flexibility through
Band-Gap Engineering ( of Ge) - Devices Can Operate to Lowest Cryogenic
Temperatures ( 0 K) - All Device Types Diodes, Field-Effect
Transistors, Bipolar Transistors
8Development Program
- Present
- Characterize Ge devices at cryogenic temperatures
- Design and fabricate Ge diodes, MIS structures
and transistors (BJT, JFET, MOSFET, IGBT) - Low-power and medium-power for cryogenic
operation - Work with users and their applications
- Projected
- Design, fabricate and characterize SiGe devices
for cryogenic power applications
9Ge JFET Cross-Section (n-channel)
10Low-Power Ge JFET at 4 K
11Results 15-A Ge Diode
12Results 15-A Ge Diode
13Results 60-A Ge Diode
14Results 60-A Ge Diode
15Ge vs Si Power Diodes Forward
16Ge Power Diodes Breakdown
17Ge MIS Structures
18Results Ge MIS Structures
19Results Ge MIS Structures
20Results Ge Bipolar Transistor
21Bipolars Cryogenic Temperatures
- We Have Characterized Ge Devices Diodes,
JFETs, and Bipolars at Cryogenic Temperatures - Ge Devices Can Operate to Deep Cryogenic
Temperatures to 20 K and as Low as 4 K - Ge MIS Structures Have Been Demonstrated and
Characterized at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures - Preliminary SiGe MIS Structures Have Been Made
- Improve Device Characteristics (Reverse
Breakdown Voltage, for example) - Demonstrate Ge MOSFETs
- Determine Necessary Design Features for
Cryogenic Power Devices for 30 K and lower - Develop Ge Cryogenic Power Devices
Diodes, BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, IGBTs - Propose Investigation and Development of
SiGe Cryogenic Power Devices