Title: Will Ferrell http:www.transbuddha.commediaHolder.phpid1147
1- Will Ferrell http//www.transbuddha.com/mediaHold
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3- Role of Working Group 1
- Describe progress to understand
- human and natural drivers of climate change
- observed climate change, climate processes and
attribution, - projected future climate change
4FAQ 1.2, Figure 1
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6- Time line of IPCC Assessment Reports
- 1990 First Report (FAR)
- 1995 Second Report (SAR)
- 2001 Third Report (TAR)
- 2007 Fourth Report (AR4)
7Figure 1.1
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9Greenhouse gas trends
10Figure 2.3
- CO2 concentrations (monthly averages) and
atmospheric oxygen (O2) The O2 concentration is
measured as per meg deviations in the O2/N2
ratio - (b) Annual global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel
burning and cement manufacture in GtC yr1
(black) and annual averages of the 13C/12C ratio
measured in atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa
11Figure 2.4
12Figure 2.5
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14Whats in the Full Report?
- Policy Summary (18 pp)
- Technical Summary (74 pp)
- Chapters 1-11 (1000 pp)
- 1- Historical Overview
- 2- Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in
Radiative Forcing - 3- Observations Surface and Atmospheric Climate
- 4- Observations Changes in Snow, Ice and Frozen
- 5- Observations Oceanic Climate Change and Sea
- 6- Paleoclimate
- 7- Couplings Between Changes in the Climate
System and Biogeochemistry - 8- Climate Models and their Evaluation
- 9- Understanding and Attributing Climate Change
- 10- Global Climate Projections
- 11- Regional Climate Projections
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18Box TS.5
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21Human and natural drivers of climate change
22Human vs. natural factors
- Human
- Greenhouse gases
- Aerosols
- Land surface properties
- Natural
- Solar activity
- Volcanic activity (usually not considered since
episodic). - Internal natural variability
These factors - change the energy balance of
climate system - are measured in terms of their
radiative forcing - change climate, given a
certain climate sensitivity
23FAQ 1.1, Figure 1
Earths energy balance
Green-house effect
24Radiative forcing RF and climate sensitivity ?
- Radiative forcing Wm-2 expresses how a factor
changes in- or outgoing energy of the system. - Positive forcing tends to warm, negative tends to
cool - IPCC 2005 values relative to 1750.
- Climate sensitivity is often expressed in terms
of the temperature increase due to a doubling of
CO2 (2xCO2) concentrations above the
preindustrial levels, e.g., 2 - 4.5K.
25Figure TS.25
Climate sensitivity due to 2xCO2
Cumulative distributions of climate sensitivity
derived from observed 20th-century warming (red),
model climatology (blue), proxy evidence (cyan)
and from climate sensitivities of AOGCMs (green).
26Climate feedbacks
- With feedbacks
- If temperatures change in response to forcing,
other quantities may also change, e.g. water
vapor, clouds. This in turn can significantly
change magnitude, timing, and spatial structure
of the overall sensitivity. - The difficulty to determine the size of feedbacks
(in particular from clouds) remains the largest
source of uncertainty.
27Figure SPM.2
Radiative forcings
28Radiative forcings Summary
- AR4 There is very high confidence that the
effect of human activity since 1750 has been one
of warming, with a radiative forcing of 1.6 (0.6
to 2.4) Wm-2. - Main GHG CO2, CH4, N2O, etc.
- Unprecedented rate of increase.
- Aerosols Cooling effect.
- Direct and indirect effect.
- Dominant source of uncertainty.
- Other O3, CFCs, land cover change, soot, etc.
- Solar Small warming effect 0.12 Wm-2
29Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change
30Components of the cryosphere and their time
Fig. 4.1 of WG1
31Northern Hemisphere March-April average
snow-covered area
Figure 4.2 of WG1
32Figure 4.5
Ice-freeze and Ice-breakup dates
Red River D 1 month
Fig. 4.5 of WG1
33Figure 4.15
Ice mass balance (a) and contribution to
sea-level rise (b). Fig. 4.15 of WG1.
34Permafrost in Russiaa. Sitesb. Thickness
anomoly of active layerc. maximum soil freeze
depth anomoly.Figure 4.20 of WG1
35The ocean as a reservoir of atmospheric change
(heat, CO2, etc)
36Ocean heat content for 0-700 m layer
Figure 5.1 of WG1
37Figure 5.9
38Dissociation of CO2 in water
CaCO3 CO2 H2O Ca2 2 HCO3- H2O CO2
H2CO30 H2CO30 H HCO3- HCO3- H
CO3-2 H2O H OH-
39Dissolved CO2 in water
40Anthropogenic CO2 inventory is dominated by
downwelling in the North Atlantic
Fig. 5.10 of WG1
41Figure 5.11
42Global mean sea level rise
Fig. 5.13 of WG1
43Sea level rise measured from satellites
Fig. 5.14 from WG1
44Sea level rise attributed to thermal expansion
Fig. 5.19 of WG1
45FAQ 5.1, Figure 1
47Antarctic ice core record (Vostok) compared to
stacked ocean isotope record (fig. 6.3 of WG1)
48Figure 6.4
49Michael Manns hockey stick Figure TS.20 of WG1
50FAQ 6.1, Figure 1
51Attribution of Climate Change
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53Figure SPM.4
54Figure 3.2
55Figure TS.8
56Figure 3.13
57Figure 3.14
58Figure TS.11
- There has been little or no long-term trend in
the average number of tropical cyclones that
occur across the entire globe each year. - It is likely that intense hurricane activity has
increased over the Atlantic Ocean since 1970. - Although global warming may affect the frequency
of intense hurricanes, direct attribution for the
creation of individual hurricanes to global
warming is not possible.
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60Projections of future climate
61Advances in climate modeling
- More realistic models
- More models
- More simulations
- Various (SRES) scenarios
- AR4 A major advance is the large number of
simulations available from a broader range of
62Figure 1.2
Increased model complexity
The complexity of climate models has increased
over the last few decades. The additional
physics incorporated in the models are shown.
63Figure 1.4
Increased model resolution
Geographic resolution characteristic of the
generations of climate models
64SRES emission scenarios
- Alternative estimates for how the emissions
during the 21st century may evolve. - Depend on demographic, political, socioeconomic,
and technological factors.
A1FI business as usual A2 pessimistic, ca.
3xCO2 B1 optimistic, ca. 2xCO2 A1B
intermediate, most often used COMMIT 20th
century stabilization, hypothetical
65Figure TS.32
Global mean surface warming
66Next two decades
- 0.2 K global warming per decade.
- Largely independent of SRES scenario.
- Comparison
- 0.2 K warming is twice as large as natural
climate variability. - Current warming is 0.15 - 0.3 K
- COMMIT predicts 0.1 K per decade.
67Figure TS.28
Global mean surface warming
Projected surface temperature changes for the
early and late 21st century relative to the
period 1980 to 1999.
68Figure SPM.7
Changes in precipitation (A1B)
Relative changes in precipitation (in percent)
for the period 20902099, relative to 19801999.
Values are multi-model averages based on the SRES
A1B scenario for December to February (left) and
June to August (right). White areas are where
less than 66 of the models agree in the sign of
the change and stippled areas are where more than
90 of the models agree in the sign of the change.
6921st century
Continued greenhouse gas emissions at or above
current levels would cause further warming and
induce many changes that would very likely be
larger than those observed during the 20th
70Beyond 2100
- Both past and future anthropogenic carbon
dioxide emissions will continue to contribute to
warming and sea level rise for more than a
millennium, due to the time scales required for
removal of this gas from the atmosphere.
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