Title: Planning for growth in the URC
1Planning for growth in the URC
Presentation for Synod meetings
2What is Vision2020?
- A 10-year plan for mission for the whole URC
local, Synod, denominational. - Growth takes many forms but this is a plan to
address our numerical decline. - Aimed to support current mission planning in
local churches and Synods. - Now it is only a consultation
- it is not due to begin until at least December
3A story to celebrate
- Insert a story of a church in your Synod that
has seen some sort of success especially if it
involves numerical growth! - Key success factors?
- May/June 2009 consultation with local churches.
- Autumn 2009 discussions at Synod meeting.
- Winter 2009/10 discussions at Mission Committee
and Mission Council. - July 2010 decision at General Assembly.
- Autumn/Winter 2010 Vision2020 begins.
5Vision2020 key ideas
1. Statements of our mission and purpose What
are our mission priorities for the next 10 years
and how will we know if we are on the right
track? 2. Local mission pledge How can
churches locally work towards these priorities? 3
. Link with Synod strategy How can the Synods
strategy and Vision2020 support each other?
6 1. Statements of mission purpose
- What kind of church will we be in 10
- years time?
- Our 10 mission statements priorities
- for the future.
- How will we know if we are on the right
- track?
71 Identity
IN TEN YEARS TIME every local church will be
able to say who they are, what they do and why
they do it.
81 Identity
- We will know if we are on the right track
- by
- The number of local churches with a mission
plan or similar strategy document. - 2. The number of churches having a welcome pack.
- 3. The number of churches having an Open Day.
92 Spirituality and prayer
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will have grown in our
practice of prayer and spirituality, nurturing
strength for our witness in complex times, and
developing our discernment of where God is and
what God is calling us to do.
102 Spirituality and prayer
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches who have committed to
taking part in initiatives to engage more deeply
with prayer. - 2. The number of churches embarking on new ways
of exploring mission and - spirituality.
113 Christian ecumenical partnerships
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be more confident
in our identity, valuing the treasures of our
tradition, discerning when to seek ecumenical
partnerships, and when and how to seek the
further unity of the church.
123 Christian ecumenical partnerships
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches in Local Ecumenical
Partnerships. - The number of churches involved in working with
ecumenical partners.
134. Community partnerships
- IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be a church that is
more active in the life of local neighbourhoods.
144. Community partnerships
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches running some form of
community project. - 2. The number of churches that work in
partnership with local agencies, including people
of other faiths. - 3. The number of church members volunteering in
other community-based activities.
155. Diversity
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be a diverse church
that does more to welcome and include all people
165. Diversity
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches that have regular training
to consider inclusiveness in the congregation and
act on it. - 2. The number of churches that regularly monitor
their membership and eldership to ensure
175. Diversity
3. Representation of black and minority ethnic
groups on all key councils, committees and task
groups at local, Synod and General Assembly
levels. 4. Appropriate numbers of black and
minority ethnic ministers, church-related
community workers, staff and candidates.
186. Evangelism
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be more confident to
engage in evangelism, proclaiming the good news
of the kingdom of God with friends, families and
strangers, through story and action.
196. Evangelism
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches taking up the opportunity
of the Vision4Life or God is Still Speaking
projects for congregational development. - 2. The number of churches drawing on Synod
(staff) resources for evangelism for training and
206. Evangelism
3. The number of congregations planning and
carrying out activities whose primary function is
to share the gospel.
217. Church growth
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be a growing church
with an increasing membership.
227. Church growth
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of new members in a congregation.
- 2. Growth in URC membership by 2020.
- 3. The number of churches exploring Fresh
Expressions or new ways of being church.
238. Global partnerships
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be a church that is
an active partner in Gods global mission with
other churches around the world.
248. Global partnerships
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches with direct links with a
church overseas. - 2. The number of Synods linked to a Council for
World Mission member church or other global
partner. - 3. The number of churches sharing
- in Commitment for Life.
259. Justice
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be a church that
keeps faith with the poor and challenges
269. Justice
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of churches that actively participate
in at least one Joint Public Issues Team campaign
each year. - 2. The number of churches engaged
- ecumenically in action against poverty and
social exclusion in their local communities.
279. Justice
3. The number of practitioners and campaigners
in local churches involved in a network around
these issues. 4. The number of Synods that have
endorsed and are monitoring the implementation of
the revised ethical investment policy of the
2810. The integrity of creation
IN TEN YEARS TIME we will be a denomination
where each congregation has taken significant
steps to safeguard the integrity of creation, to
sustain and renew the life of the earth.
2910. The integrity of creation
- We will know if we are on the right track by
- The number of local churches who have undertaken
an environmental audit and are implementing some
form of resulting action plan. - 2. The churches that in worship, bible study and
prayer give voice to the God whose life and love
is expressed in all creation.
3010. The integrity of creation
3. The number of congregations that are engaged
with people in their local communities and
globally over issues of environmental care,
sharing concerns, contributing the insights of
the Christian faith, co-operating with others in
finding more sustainable patterns of life
31Discussion Question 1
- Are the 10 mission statements the
- right priorities for the URC in the years
322. Local Mission Pledge idea
- Each church makes a pledge to achieve its own
mission goals. - Part of a covenant with other churches in the
Synod. - Basis for indicating the kind of support Synod
and Church House can give. - No penalty for not pledging or not achieving
your pledge. - Collected annually or biannually.
33Discussion Question 2 and 3
- Would churches in your Synod find
- making a mission pledge helpful with
- the right kind of support and
- guidance?
- How might Local Mission Pledges help
- the Synod with its mission planning
- and enabling?
343. Synod Mission Strategies
- Many Synods already have mission
- strategies of different kinds, some are in the
- process of developing them. These might
- respond to the regional context, priorities and
resources. - 2. help to guide Synod structures and financial
and staff resources. - 3. provide a framework for the Challenge to the
Church process.
35Discussion Question 4
How do you see Vision2020 enabling or enhancing
your Synod mission planning process/strategy?
36Mission Values and Spirituality
- Our mission planning must be rooted in
- seeking and listening to God and fresh
- discernment of the Holy Spirit at work.
- It must be founded upon the best insights and
- principles of our faith tradition.
37Mission Values and Spirituality
- We offer a Mission Creed as a source of
- reflection and inspiration.
- This and other Vision2020 resources are
- available on the URC website
- www.urc.org.uk
38Summary of Questions
- Are the 10 mission statements the right
priorities for the URC in the years ahead? -
- 2. Would churches in your Synod find making a
mission pledge helpful with the right kind of
support and guidance? - 3. How might Local Mission Pledges help the Synod
with its mission planning and enabling? - 4. How do you see Vision2020 enabling or
enhancing your Synod mission planning
39Have you got the vision?
Carry the flame
40(No Transcript)