Title: Sparkmaker 3d printers
13Idea Technology Pvt Ltd
Email ID- 3ideatech_at_gmail.com Contact Info-
(91)-836-994-6747, (022) 668 247 19 Website-
- Sparkamaker
- Sparkmaker FHD
- Sparkmaker 3D printer is family friendly mini
desktop which is almost fully assembled. The
durable all metal resin tank is removable and
easy to clean, which also can avoid resin leakage.
4Sparkmaker FHD
- Sparkmaker FHD 3D printer features an upgraded
print quality and simple user interface. Its
faster FHD prints models at faster speeds making
3D printing more efficient and saving you
valuable time. It can be used either through an
SD card or by Bluetooth, it is just one button to
get printing started.
5Thank You
Email ID- 3ideatech_at_gmail.com Contact Info-
(91)-836-994-6747, (022) 668 247 19 Website-