Title: UMOHS Writing Center
1The UMOHS Writing Center
Brent Goldman, Ph.D. Headmaster
Howard Liebman, Ph.D. Principal
Edie LeBas, M.A.T. Writing Center Director
2UMOHS Mission
The University of Miami Online High School is
committed to providing quality online instruction
in a technologically rich supportive online
3UMOHS Writing Center Mission
The UMOHS Writing Center supports teachers and
students in reading and writing-across-the-curricu
lum (WAC) projects by providing online discussions
about reading and an online writing lab (OWL).
4What is an OWL?
- The OWL (online writing lab) is an extension of
the college or university bricks-and-mortar
campus writing center. - Some OWLs provide interactive tutorials and
limited email help. - Some OWLs use email for full support of students
5 International Writing Center Association
- http//writingcenters.org
- Resource for all writing centers, whether online
or bricks and mortar. - Membership is on an individual basis.
- Workshops and conferences provide the pedagogy
for training writing tutors - Pedagogy that enables writers to make their own
decisions about writing
- The UMOHS OWL is different from email-based OWLs
in that it uses the asynchronous annotative,
interactive discussion features of HyLighter to
provide a process for review and revision.
7What is the purpose of the UMOHS OWL?
- Help students become insightful readers and
fluent writers. - Guide students to write on task and on topic.
- Enable students to write about what they read and
respond to what others write. - Provide students practice in identifying and
understanding writing errors. - Train peer coaches to help student writers.
8Features of HyLighter 3.0
- Text-based, annotative discussion
- Interactive and asynchronous
- Comments or questions embedded in text
- Mark-up and comment feature
- Compare feature w/ permission matrix
- Global view of discussion comments
9Online Writing Center Services
- Text-based, annotative online discussions
- Professional and staff online discussions
- Online publication editing
- Asynchronous club meetings
- OWL for grammar, research and writing
- OWL peer-coach training sessions
10HyLighter discussions for difficult texts
11Writing Center Services
The Table View provides a global view of the
12HyLighter discussions using visuals
13Publication editing using peer review
Writing Center Services
14Professional / staff discussions
Class projects and discussions
15Online asynchronous club meetings
Writing Center Services
16Writing Center Services
17Trained OWL coaches help students with
Writing Center Services
- brainstorming a topic
- researching a topic
- writing a thesis statement
- organizing ideas and evidence
- using evidence to support a claim
- paraphrasing quoted material
- citing sources correctly
- writing introductory and concluding paragraphs
- writing lab reports for science and math
- designing and writing PowerPoint presentations
- writing MLA research papers
- writing resumes and college application letters
18 Peer Coaches
Writing Center Services
- When? Peer coaches can choose which weeks/days
fit their schedules best. (Flexible!) - Where? Access to HyLighter is 24/7 to fit each
peer coach's place of residence as well as
his/her travel and study times. (No travel!) - How? The peer coach provides feedback to a
student's writing and records observations
about each session. (Service oriented!)
19 Peer Coaches
Writing Center Services
- Who? Students recommended by their teachers can
train to become peer writing coaches (IWCA
model). - Why? Peer writing coaches receive community
service hours, enhance their academic portfolios
for college and learn more about themselves as
writers. - What? Training sessions in HyLighter will model
to each peer coach how to guide students to
review and revise their own writing. (Coaches do
NOT write for the students!)
20- Teacher completes a form to refer student.
- Student receives a user name and password
for his/her own personal HyLighter account. - The facilitator uploads form and writing project
to HyLighter for review by a peer coach. - The peer coach responds to the student's work.
- On the second visit, the student revises/edits
his/her first draft inside of HyLighter for
review by coach.
21For more information
- University of Miami Online High School
- http//www.umohs.org
- UMOHS Writing Center
- elebas_at_umohs.org
- HyLighter Interactive Annotation David
LeBow, Ph.D, President - dglebow_at_comcast.net