Title: Adjustment to Total Resources Disposition of Canceled Payables
1Adjustment to Total Resources Disposition of
Canceled Payables
- Michele Crisman
- USSGL Staff
2OMB Guidance1
- "Legitimately incurred obligations that have not
been disbursed (i.e. paid) at the time a Treasury
Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) is canceled
cannot be disbursed from the canceled obligated
or unobligated balances of the canceled TAFS.
After a TAFS is canceled, any obligations or
adjustments to obligations that would have been
properly chargeable to that TAFS may be disbursed
from an unexpired TAFS that is available for
obligation for the same purpose as the closed
TAFS . - Payment of obligations against canceled TAFSs
from unexpired TAFSs are limited to one percent
of the appropriation in the unexpired TAFS. No
more than one percent of an unexpired TAFS may be
used to pay any combination of canceled
obligations. This is a single, cumulative limit
. - Antideficiency Act provisions continue to apply
to canceled TAFSs. The authority to pay
obligations against closed TAFSs from one percent
of unexpired TAFSs cannot be used to exceed the
original appropriation. - When you cancel obligations under the
provisions of Public Law 101510 (31 U.S.C.
15511557), a tracking process should be
maintained. You must maintain proper U.S.
Standard General Ledger (USSGL) controls for
obligations pertaining to canceled appropriations
to prevent overpayment. The Treasury's Financial
Management Service provides USSGL accounting
instructions. - 1OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 130.14, dated
July 2007. (See site for specific provisions.)
3The Issue
- When a valid bill is presented for a canceled
payable the current treatment is
4The Issue Contd
- Rule
- USSGL 4201, Total Actual Resources Collected,
should only be used in a closing entry. - The current treatment violates this rule.
5The Proposal
- Create USSGL 4208, Adjustments to Total
Resources Disposition of Canceled Payables. - USSGL 4208 facilitates compliance with the rule.
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
7Illustration1. Pay outstanding payable from
current year-appropriation. Remove the canceled
payable from canceled TAFS and reestablish the
account payable in the current year2.
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated
8Illustration 2. Pay the invoice for the valid
account payable related to TAFS XX00 (canceled
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
10Illustration C2. To record the closing of
expended authority paid.2
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
11 Illustration Closing EntriesC1. To record
the consolidation of actual net funded resources
and reductions for withdrawn funds.2
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
12Illustration C4. To record the closing of
unobligated balances to expiring authority.2
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
13Illustration C5. To record the closing of
fiscal-year activity to unexpended
2.For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
14Illustration C6. To record the closing of
revenue, expense, and other financing accounts to
cumulative results of operations.2
2.For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable in a Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.
2For further details see the draft Accounts
Payable In A Canceled TAFS scenario dated 4/24/08.