Title: Managing Municipal eRecords A Case Study
1Managing Municipal e-Records A Case Study
Bob GuzSr. Business Systems AnalystCity of
IIMC Annual ConferenceMay 22, 2009
2Project Overview
Enterprise Document and Imaging Management System
3City of Austin
- Capital of Texas
- Approximately 800,000 citizens
- 1.5 million in greater metro area
- 11K 12K City employees
- City government responsible for wide varietyof
operations - Administration of City government
- Police, Fire, and EMS departments
- Public utilities (electric, water, solid waste)
- International Airport
4EDIMS Project Objectives
Enterprise Document and Imaging Management System
- Implement Open Texts Livelink ECM eDOCS DM/RM,
BI, Kofax Ascent Capture, and EMC Centera - Replace legacy document management systems
- Enforce compliance with mandated records
retention requirements
5EDIMS Project Objectives
- Make public records readily accessible to
citizens, their elected officials, and to City
staff - Provide common platform for image capture, and
document/records management for City departments
and operations
6EDIMS Project Deployment
- Strategic rollout, staged department by
department - Prioritization of departments based on
cost-benefit analysis - Prioritization of document types based on
established corporate criteria - Focus on structured documents, with plans to
expand to unstructured documents
7COA Corporate Criteria Examples
- Public records subject to Open Records requests
- Records associated with well defined workflows
and business processes - Records that have a high retrieval or reference
activity - Documents that require collaboration and
coordination across multiple departments - Records with lengthy retention requirements
- Public records associated with City Council
activities and decisions - Financial and other filings by officeholders,
PACs, and candidates for public office - Birth and death certificates
- Board and Commission appointment process and
training programs - Standard operating procedures
- Contracts and related attachments and amendments
9Document and Records Management in Open Text
10(No Transcript)
12The File Plan
13The File Plan
- Provides a structured hierarchy for an
organizations documents/records - Classification and Lifecycle Management
- Provides containers in which documents/records
are classified - File Plan containers are associated with records
management rules - When a document is filed in the system, it
inherits classification, access permissions, and
retention rules - City policy requires all documents to be filed
in the File Plan
14Our Goal Develop a File Plan that
- Addresses both physical and electronic records
- Establishes consistent granularity and complexity
across the enterprise - Distinguishes the File Plan from an ever-shifting
organizational structure - Acknowledges that different departments may be
responsible for records that support the same
activity - Leverages the automation capabilities of
OpenText eDOCS
15COA File Plan
- Business Functions
- Broad categories (big buckets) of similar
business processes - Record Classes
- Records that support the parent Business Function
but have different retention requirements - Record Series
- Having same retention requirements i.e., are
governed by the same disposition authority - Have one official retention period and one
custodian of record - Level at which business rules are applied
16File Plan Excerpt
17Files and File Parts
- Specific locations in which documents are
filed - Files are organized to align with the retention
rule associated with the parent container - Examples
- A known event plus a period of time (e.g.,
calendar year end 5 years) Organize by year,
set event to end of year - A conditional event plus a period of time (e.g.,
end of contract 10 years) organize by
contractor name or contract number, set event to
end of contract date
18Files and File Parts
19File Plan Components
Building Retention Rules
20Events When does it happen?
- Date-based triggers that can be used as the
starting point for a variety of actions - Examples
- Immediately upon a known event (e.g., election
day) - A known event plus a period of time (e.g.,
calendar year end 5 years) - A conditional event plus a period of time (e.g.,
end of contract 10 years)
21Actions What happens?
- Storage Actions
- Define if and when an item must be moved from an
Active Location to an Inactive/Off-line Location - Cutoff/Rollover Actions
- Define when to close files and open new files
- Disposal Actions
- Define the final disposition of records
- Example Permanent, Destruction, or Transfer
22Business Records Rule
- Event Action Records Rule
- Immediately following an election (Event)
- Close the current election file for candidate
ballot applications and associated documents
(Cutoff Action) - Declare ballot applications and associated
documents as records (Cutoff Action) - Two years after file closure, delete the records
(Disposal Action)
23Sample Business Records Rule
24Records Destruction Processing
- Procedure executed annually (Q1)
- Identify records eligible for destruction
- Route candidate report to custodian of record
- Suspend destruction, place legal hold on records,
as required - Execute destruction process
- Generate Certificate of Destruction and file in
system as a permanent record
25Public Access
26Council Meeting Information Center
- www.ci.austin.tx.us/cityclerk/edims/council_meetin
27Council Meeting Information Center
- Provides a "one-stop" source for City Council
meeting records
- Agendas
- Approved meeting minutes
- Meeting videos and closed caption transcripts
- Executed ordinances and resolutions
- Workpapers, drafts, and other documents presented
to the Council during meetings
- Brings together documentation that was previously
difficult to find because it was scattered across
the City's website in multiple locations
28Council Meeting Information Center
- Supports the City Council's goal to increase
transparency in government, making information
available to citizens more quickly and
conveniently - All records are full-text indexed
- Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on scanned
images - Supports keyword content searching
- ADA compliance
- For historical research, minutes of Council
meetings are available online, 1880 - present - Currently averaging 100K documents downloaded
per month via the public website
29Public AccessDemonstration
30Search Options
31Search Results
32Thank you!
Bob GuzSr. Business Systems Analystbob.guz_at_ci.au