Title: Buy Fresh Wild Alaska Sockeye Salmon Portions Online
1Healthy Benefits of Sockeye Salmon
21. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Salmon is one of the best sources of the
long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. EPA
and DHA have been credited with several health
benefits, such as decreasing inflammation,
lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of
cancer and improving the function of the cells
that line your arteries.
32. Nutritional Benefits
- Salmon Sockeye is one of the best sources of
Vitamin B12. It is also rich in potassium and
other nutrients like iron and Vitamin D. The
vitamin B12 in salmon keeps blood and nerve cells
humming and helps you make DNA.
43. Enhances the Eyesight
- Incredibly rich in omega-3 fatty acids and
vitamin A, salmon is a wonderful food source for
eyes. Regular salmon consumption could help to
cure dry-eye syndrome and age-related macular
degeneration (AMD) symptoms.
54. Helps in Weight loss also
- Salmon may benefit weight loss as well. The oily
fish is protein-rich with a low-calorie content.
Hence it is absolutely healthy to include salmon
in your diet plan and the fat content is
absolutely good and doesn't make you gain the
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