Title: Gallbladder Plush Toys - Neuron Plush Toys
1Nerdbugs LLC
Nerdbugs plush organs are a fun, vibrant,
nerdy line of award-winning cute, adorable,
funny body parts plush organs plush that are just
as lovable and giftable in a hospital room and
2Brain Plush Organ Toys
We're starting off a new month by sharing with
you _at_michellemarlahan's journey against a
condition in her uterus. It is always important
to listen to what your body says. She reminded us
that our body - "It's hungry, tired, curious, has
desires and urges. Listen to them." She recently
discovered that her uterus is in "pre-cancer"
condition. But there is always a fix to that
through surgery. Good thing that she listened to
what her body says! Thank you so much Michelle
for sharing this and for reminding us! You are
such a good soul! ???????
3Ugh ohhh, Stomach Cancer messed with the wrong
Dad! The old stomach might have been taken out of
his body but the little plushie made its way to
give Dad oodles of comfort and love! ????
4Contact Us
WEB STORE e info_at_nerdbugs.com t 608.218.4041