Title: Commercial Office Space For Sale In Bangalore
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2About us
Real estate is defined as land including the air
above it and the ground below it , and many
buildings or structures on it. Now a days there
is very crisis of living places for people. So
among these highest population in metros.
YieldAsset is one of the leading real estate
investment firms.
3Our Vision
Companys vision is to get the investors
acquainted to frictional investment. It is a
concept in which an investor buys a fraction of
commercial real estate property. A group of
investors pools in money and buys a premium
commercial real estate property. Fractional
investment is a wise investment choice as the
risks as well as the profit is shared among
these investors. It is the safest real estate
investment opportunities.
4Our Mission
Yes, 2020 has been a rough year for the real
estate market too. But the recent turn of events
has shown that small markets have fewer
risks. YieldAsset is a safe and secure platform
that brings hassle-free fractional investment to
you. It is the best place to go if you want to
invest in commercial real estate online.
Investors can earn greater liquidity ,evaluation
,identification and prioritization through
fractional investment.
Our company searches the best schemes which has
transparency and no liabilities .We helps the
small to big investors. The company helps small
scale investors to find commercial properties as
their requirements and large investors to
diversify their investments. Mainly our company
focuses on fractional investment schemes.
6Schemes of Investment
Fractional investment is the small denomination
of a large investment. It comes with many
benefits. High returns through monthly rental
income, lesser risks, and appreciation on
property value in the long term are just a few
of the benefits offered by fractional
investments. Our company provides these types of
schemes to the clients.
7Investment in commercial real estate
In this the company provides the opportunities to
small scale investors by apply this fractional
investment in commercial properties.
8Focus on metros
Now a days the investment in commercial
properties is profitable in India . In metro
cities like Delhi , Mumbai, Bangalore there are
lots of people coming from other cities for
their livelihood .So in those cities people have
to live in commercial properties. Our company
consult the clients to invest in commercial
9360 degree view
Our company search everything about a property
.We give sureity with full transparency about a
properties .That client will have the proper
knowledge about the property.
- Get in Touch with Us
- Address- 6th Floor, Classic Converge, Sakti
Statesman, Green Glen Layout, near Ibblur lake,
Bellandur 560103 - Email- query_at_yieldasset.com Rajesh
Binner 9880719000 - Riaz Maniyar 9886562109