Signals and Linear System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Signals and Linear System


Is the extension of Fourier series. to non-periodic signal. Definition of Fourier transform ... Duality. If , Then. Time Shift ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Signals and Linear System

Signals and Linear System
  • Fourier Transforms
  • Sampling Theorem

Fourier Transform
  • Is the extension of Fourier series
  • to non-periodic signal
  • Definition of Fourier transform
  • Fourier transform
  • Inverse Fourier transform
  • From Fourier series (T0 ? ?)

Properties of FT
  • For a real signal x(t)
  • X(f) is Hermitian Symmetry
  • Magnitude spectrum is even about the origin (f0)
  • Phase spectrum is odd about the origin
  • f, called frequency (units of Hz), is just a
    parameter of FT that specifies what frequency we
    are interested in looking for in the x(t)
  • The FT looks for frequency f in the x(t) over -?
    lt t lt ?
  • F(f) can be complex even though x(t) is real
  • If x(t) is real, then Hermitian symmetry

Properties of FT
  • Linearity
  • Duality
  • If , Then
  • Time Shift
  • A shift in the time domain results in a phase
    shift in the frequency domain
  • ( )

Properties of FT
  • Scaling
  • An expansion in the time domain results in a
    contraction in the frequency domain, and vice

Properties of FT
  • Modulation
  • Multiplication by an exponential in the time
    domain corresponds to a frequency shift in the
    frequency domain

Properties of FT
  • Differentiation
  • Differentiation in the time domain corresponds to
    multiplication by j2?f in the frequency domain

Properties of FT
  • Convolution
  • Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to
    multiplication in the frequency domain, and vice

Properties of FT
  • Parsevals relation
  • Energy can be evaluated in the frequency domain
    instead of the time domain
  • Rayleighs relation

More on FT pairs
  • See Table 1.1 at page 20
  • Delta function ?? Flat
  • Time / Frequency shift
  • Sin / cos input
  • Periodic signal ? impulses in the frequency
  • sgn / unit step input
  • Rectangular ?? sinc
  • Lambda ?? sinc2
  • Differentiation
  • Pulse train with period T0
  • Periodic signal ? impulses in the frequency domain

FT of periodic signals
  • For a periodic signal with period T0
  • x(t) can be expressed with FS coefficient
  • Take FT
  • FT of periodic signal consists of impulses at
    harmonics of the original signal

FS with Truncated signal
  • FS coefficient can be expressed using FT
  • Define truncated signal
  • FT of truncated signal
  • Expression of FS coefficient

Spectrum of the signal
  • Fourier transform of the signal is called the
    Spectrum of the signal
  • Generally complex
  • Magnitude spectrum
  • Phase spectrum
  • Illustrative problem 1.5
  • Time shifted signal
  • Same magnitude, Different phase
  • Try it by yourself with Matlab !

Sampling Theorem
  • Basis for the relation between continuous-time
    signal and discrete-time signals
  • A bandlimited signal can be completely described
    in terms of its sample values taken at intervals
    Ts as long as Ts ? 1/(2W)

Impulse sampling
  • Sampled waveform
  • Take FT

Reconstruction of signal
  • Low pass filter
  • With Bandwidth 1/(2Ts) and Gain of Ts

Reconstruction from sampled signal
  • If we have sampled values
  • x(-2Ts), x(-Ts), 0, x(Ts), x(2Ts)
  • With Nyquist interval (or Nyquist rate)
  • Ts 1/(2W)
  • Then we can reconstruct x(t) using
  • Example Figure 1.17 at page 24

Aliasing or Spectral folding
  • If sampling rate is Ts gt 1/(2W)
  • Spectrum is overlapped
  • We can not reconstruct original signal with
    under-sampled values
  • Anti-aliasing methods are needed

Discrete Fourier Transform
  • DFT of discrete time sequence xn
  • Relation between FT and DFT
  • FFT(Fast Fourier Transform)
  • Efficient numerical method to compute DFT
  • See fft.m and fftseq.m, for more information
  • Example Try Illustrative problem 1.6 by yourself

DFT in Matlab
  • fft.m and ifft.m with finite samples
  • Definition of DFT
  • Definition of IDFT
  • Time and frequency is not appeared explicitly
  • Just definition implemented on a computer to
    compute N values for the DFT and IDFT
  • N is chosen to be N2m
  • Zero padding is used if N is not power of 2

FFT in matlab
  • A sequence of length N2m of samples of x(t)
    taken at Ts
  • Ts satisfies Nyquist condition
  • Ts is called time resolution
  • FFT gives a sequence of length N of sampled Xd(f)
    in the frequency interval 0, fs1/Ts
  • The samples are apart
  • is called frequency resolution
  • Frequency resolution is improved by increasing N

Some remarks on short signal
  • FT works on signals of infinite duration
  • But, we only measure the signal for a short time
  • FFT works as if the data is periodic all the time

Some remarks on short signal
  • Sometimes this is correct

Some remarks on short signal
  • Sometimes wrong

Frequency leakage
  • If the period exactly fits the measurement time,
    the frequency spectrum is correct
  • If not, frequency spectrum is incorrect
  • It is broadened

Frequency domain analysis of LTI system
  • The output of LTI system
  • Take FT (using convolution theorem)
  • Where the Transfer Function of the system
  • The relation between input-output spectra

  • Illustrative problem 1.7
  • Problems
  • 1.10, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15

More on Sampling
  • Most real signals are analog
  • The analog signal has to be converted to digital
  • Information lost during this procedure
    (Quantization Error)
  • Inaccuracies in measurement
  • Uncertainty in timing
  • Limits on the duration of the measurement

More on Sampling
  • Continuous analog signal has to be held before it
    can be sampled

More on Sampling
  • The sampling take place at equal interval of time
    after the hold
  • Need fast ADC
  • Need fast hold circuit
  • Signal is not changing during the time the
    circuit is acquiring the signal value
  • Unless, ADC has all the time that the signal is
    held to make its conversion
  • We dont know what we dont measure

More on Sampling
  • In the process of measuring signal, some
    information is lost

  • We only sample the signal at intervals
  • We dont know what happens between the samples

  • We must sample fast enough to see the most rapid
    changes in the signal
  • This is Sampling theorem
  • If we do not sample fast enough
  • Some higher frequencies can be incorrectly
    interpreted as lower ones

  • Called aliasing because one frequency looks
    like another

  • Nyquist frequency
  • We must sample faster than twice the frequency of
    the highest frequency component

  • We simply filter out all the high frequency
    components before sampling
  • Antialias filters must be analog
  • It is too lte once you have done the sampling

More on sampling Theorem
  • The sampling theorem does not say the samples
    will look like the signal

More on Sampling Theorem
  • Sampling theorem says there is enough information
    to reconstruct the signal
  • Correct reconstruction is not just draw straight
    lines between samples

More on Sampling Theorem
  • The impulse response of the reconstruction filter
    has sinc (sinx/x) shape
  • The input to the filter is the series of discrete
    impulses which are samples
  • Every time an impulse hits the filter, we get
  • Superposition of all these rings reconstruct the
    proper signal

Frequency resolution
  • We only sample the signal for a certain time
  • We must sample for at least one complete cycle of
    the lowest frequency we want to resolve

  • When the signal is converted to digital form
  • Precision is limited by the number of bits

Uncertainty in the clock
  • Uncertainty in the clock timing leads to errors
    in the sampled signal

Digitization errors
  • The errors introduced by digitization are both
    nonlinear and signal dependent
  • Nonlinear
  • We can not calculate their effect using normal
  • Signal dependent
  • The errors are coherent and so cannot be reduced
    by simple means

Digitization errors
  • The effect of quantiztion error is often similar
    to an injection of random noise
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