Title: Network optimizations using convexity
1Network optimizations using convexity
- Yoo Han Woong
- 2005. 05. 11
2 Contents
- Use of Convexity in Network Field
- List of Papers
- Background of Convex Optimization(4)
- Applications and Algorithms 3 papers
- System Classification
- System Variables
- System Model
- Design Objective and Performance Index
- Solution
- Motivation Contribution
- Conclusion
- Conclusion
3Use of Convexity in Network Field
- Application
- Congestion Control (Network Flow)
- Wireless Ad-hoc Network (Routing/RA)
- Cellular Network (CDMA RA)
- MIMO (Multi Input and Multi Output) Channel
- Solution
- Auction Algorithm
- Gossip Algorithm
4List of Papers
- Application
- Congestion Control (Network Flow)
- Low03 A Duality Model of TCP and Queue
Management Algorithm - Wireless Ad-hoc Network (Routing/RA)
- Chi04 To Layer or Not To Layer Balancing
Transport and Physical Layers in Wireless
Networks - Kri04Optimal information extraction in
energy-limited wireless sensor networks - Cellular Network (CDMA RA)
- Boy03 Simultaneous routing and power allocation
in CDMA wireless data networks - MIMO (Multi Input and Multi Output) Channel
- Lag03 Joint Tx-Rx Beamforming Design for
Multicarrier MIMO Channel- A Unified Framework
for Convex Optimization - Solution
- Auction Algorithm
- Ber98 Auction Algorithm
- Gossip Algorithm
- Boy05 Gossip Algorithms Design, Analysis and
5Background of Convex Optimization(1)
- General Optimization Problem
- Convex Programming problems are those for which f
is convex and C is convex. (Continuous Problem)
Convexity guarantees some nice property to solve
6Background of Convex Optimization(2)
- Why Convexity is so special?!
- It have only global minima, which is not local.
- A convex set have nonempty relative interior.
- A convex function is continuous and has nice
differentiability properties - A convex set is connected and has feasible
directions at any point. - A nonconvex function can be convexified while
maintaining the optimality of its global minima. - Duality Theory and Optimality Condition can make
a problem easier.
7Background of Convex Optimization(3)
- Convexity and Duality
- A multiplier vector for the problem
Where L is Lagrangian Function
- Dual Function and Dual Problem
Where is concave
dual function
8Background of Convex Optimization(4)
- Optimal primal value
- Optimal dual value
- We have always g f when convexity in the
primal problem (strong duality) - ? Optimal solution of dual problem are muliliers
for the optimal problem.
9Applications and Algorithms
- Applications
- Low03 A Duality Model of TCP and Queue
Management Algorithm - Chi04 To Layer or Not To Layer Balancing
Transport and Physical Layers in Wireless
Networks - Kri04Optimal information extraction in
energy-limited wireless sensor networks - Boy03 Simultaneous routing and power allocation
in CDMA wireless data networks - Lag03 Joint Tx-Rx Beamforming Design for
Multicarrier MIMO Channel- A Unified Framework
for Convex Optimization - Algorithms
- Ber98 Auction Algorithm
- Boy05 Gossip Algorithms Design, Analysis and
10Applications- Congestion Control (Network Flow)
- Low, S.H,
- "A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithms, " - IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking,
- Vol 11, No. 4, August, 2003
11A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System System Classification
12A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System System Variables
- Input variables none
- State variables the transmission rate xr, the
flow rate yl, end to end congestion measure qs,
link congestion measure pl - Internal parameters source number s, link
number l, finite capacity c, routing matrix R,
TCP Scheme, AQM Scheme - Measured output variable the Congestion
measure, the transmission rate xr, total
Throughput, Total Utilization - Controlled output variables the transmission
rate xr,
13A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System System Model
- Basic concept
- Transmission rate and Congestion Measure are dual
where The sets Ls define an L x S routing matrix
14A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System System Model
- Assume that (1)(3) has set of equilibria (x,p)
then equilibrium rate xs and congestion measure
qs is
Assume that Fs is continuously differentiable and
in the open set A(xs, qs)
xs, qs is positive then by inplicit function
theorem, there exists a unique continuously
differentiable function fs from positive xs and qs
15A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System System Model
- Maximizing Aggregate Utility
Its dual form is
16A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System Solution- Theorem 1
- Hence, various TCP/AQM protocols can be modeled
as different distributed primal-dual algorithms
(F, G, H) to solve the global optimization
problem (8) and its dual (9), with different
utility functions Us.
- Theorem 1 characterizes a large class of
protocols that admits such an interpretation. It
holds as long as the end-to-end congestion
measure to which the TCP algorithm reacts is the
sum of the constituent link congestion measures,
under some mild assumptions on the TCP and
AQMalgorithms that are typically satisfied
17A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System Design Objective and
Performance Index
- Find A model of TCP Congestion Control Algorithm
and AQM scheme
18A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System Solution (F,G,H)
19A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System Motivation Contribution
- Motivation
- To Obtain general Utility function considering
both TCP and AQM. - Contribution
- To examine the relation between flow(or tr. rate)
and congestion measure dual relation - Find a algorithm model (F,G,H)
20A Duality Model of TCP and Queue Management
Algorithm System Conclusion
- Significance
- To examine the relation between flow (or
transmission rate) and congestion measure dual
problem - Find a algorithm model (F,G,H)
- Problem
- On the equilibrium property stability and
dynamics is not mentioned - Extension
- stability and dynamics of these congestion
control scheme
21Applications- Cellular Network (CDMA RA)
- Mikael Johansson, Lin Xiao, Stephen Boyd
- Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation
- in CDMA Wireless Data Networks
- Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications, Vol.1
Anchorage. AK, May 2003, pp51-55
22Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSystem Classification
23Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSystem Variables
- Controlled Input variables communications
variable ? (or r) including media access scheme,
such as transmit power,
bandwidth, time slot fraction and etc., weights
on flow - State variables collection of source sink
vector s, collection of flow vector x, - Internal variables none
- Internal parameters total node number N, total
destination number D, total link number L, media
access methods, coding and modulation scheme,
network topology Anl, - Measured output variable average behavior of
data transmission, total energy consumption ,
total Throughput, total utilization
24Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSystem Model
- Review Multicommodity network flow problem
Where network topology A, collection of
source sink vector s, collection of flow
vector x,
25Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSystem Model
- Communication Model in CDMA
- Communication Variable and Constraint
- Two Particular class of CDMA system
- The Gaussian broadcast channel
- Interference-limited channels
26Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data Networks Design Objective and
Performance Index
- The Generic SRRA Fomulation
- Characteristics of SRRA Problem
- Very General Form so that include many important
design problem - Examples the objective can be maximum total
utility, minimum total power
(or bandwidth), minimax power
among the nodes, minimax link
27Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data Networks Design Objective and
Performance Index
- Design Objective
- Find optimal operation of CDMA network i.e.
- Do SRRA(Simultaneous Routing and Resource
- Performance IndexMinimize or maximize the
objective function
28Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSolution
- The Gaussian broadcast channel
- An equivalent characterization of the rate region
- The Convex Formulation of the SRRA Problem
29Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSolution
- Interference-limited channels
- Convex Optimization
- SINR is defined as
- Approximation log(1SINR) ?? log(SINR)
30Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksSolution
- Interference-limited channels
- SRRA Problem
- where the last constraint (which is convex) is
(5) in the new variable Q. Here the capacity
constraints tl lt?l(Q) are jointly convex in t
and Q. - Omitted by space constraint in this presentation
31Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksMotivation Contribution
- Motivation
- No Description SRRA problem in CDMA Environment
(previous paper) - Contribution
- Solve SRRA Problem considering two type of CDMA
channel models
32Simultaneous Routing and Power Allocation in CDMA
Wireless Data NetworksConclusion
- Significance
- New Network model considering CDMA Environment
- Finding Optimal operation of network using SRRA
Method - Problem
- Do not mention the important issues in wireless
network such as QoS, Dynamic Routing, media
access methods, coding and modulation scheme - Cannot explain some situations packet loss,
retransmissions, time varying fading, topology
change - Extension
- Dynamic routing and resource allocation
- Dual Decomposition Method previous Paper
- Optimizing Distribution Algorithm in Power
33Conclusion -Overall
- Conclusion
- Basic Concept of Convex Optimizaiton
- Two region Application and Algorithm
- Review Two Paper Congestion Control and CDMA
Resource Allocation - Extension
- To Find uncovered region, make the convex problem
34Ref.System Model- Description
35Ref. System Model- Description