Title: Cosmology, Astronomy and Modern Physics
1Quantum Mechanics
2The New Quantum Era
Erwin Schrödinger 1887-1961
Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976
Paul Dirac 1902-1984
3Wave-particle duality
- Applying this to the atom
- Heisenberg saw a way to resolve the particle and
wave concept of an electron without using the
Bohr model
Max Born 1882-1970
Born suggested matrix mechanics
Worked.but no physical picture
Paul Ehrenfest and Pascual Jordan 1880-1933
- Matter waves? - Schrödinger wave equation
- Wave function ? describes amplitude of wave
- wave mechanics
1-dimensional Schrödinger equation
Erwin Schrödinger 1887-1961
Quantum mechanics aims to find ? in a certain
situation (e.g. for an electron in an atom)
5What does it mean?
- Whole subject in itself
- We will look at how ? can be interpreted
- Amplitude of matter wave?
Max Born 1882-1970
?2 can be interpreted to represent the
probability of finding the electron at a given
position at a certain time
No certainties...
6Double-slit - revisited
- One electron at a time seemingly random picture
Am. J. Phys. 57 117 (1989)
7Double slit -probabilities
- High peaks represent high ?2 high probability
- We know that we cant measure very precisely -
always errors - If you measure the weight of a rock, how accurate
can you be? - If you measure the length of something?
Absolute limit to accuracy Not down to
instruments but to nature.
- The actual act of measuring leads to an
uncertainty in the measurement
Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976
Overall, the combined uncertainty is given by
Heisenbergs uncertainty principle
You cant measure both the position and momentum
of an object precisely at the same time.
- Say that we can measure the position of an object
so that the uncertainty is ?x 1.2 x 10-11m.
Determine the minimum uncertainty in the momentum
of the object.
4.4 x 10-24 kg ms-1
Very small uncertainty in momentum! What effect
would this have?
11Example continued
- If this was an electron (m9.1 x 10-31 kg), what
would be the uncertainty in its speed? What if
it were a baseball (m0.15kg)?
p mv so ?p m?v and thus ?v ?p/m
?v (electron) (4.4 x 10-24) / (9.1 x 10-31)
4.8 x 106 ms-1 ?v (baseball) (4.4 x 10-24) /
(0.15) 2.9 x 10-23 ms-1
So very small uncertainty in velocity of baseball
(negligible) but MASSIVE uncertainty in velocity
of electron. Think of it round the other way - if
you know the velocity...
12Uncertainty 2
- Distance is related to time (?t ?x/v)
- Energy related to the velocity (momentum) hf
hv/? - So another version of the uncertainty principle
This would, in principle, allow us to borrow
large amounts of energy for a very short period
of time
13Quantum Measurement
- The very act of measurement affects what youre
measuring - States indeterminate until they are measured
- collapse of the wavefunction
14Schrödingers Cat
- Schrödinger unhappy with the probabilities...
- ? Famous thought experiment.
15The cat is dead and alive?
- Until we open the box and observe, we dont know
if the decay has happened or not - The cat is dead
- The cat is alive
superposition of states
But once we make the observation open the box
we collapse the wavefunction. Maybe the cat does
this by itself
16(No Transcript)
17Copenhagen Interpretation
- A collection of ideas
- Ideas of probability, complementarity and
Bohr at Los Alamos
- Synthesis of relativity and quantum theory
- Prediction of anti-matter
Paul Dirac 1902-1984
1932 investigation of cosmic rays
Found particle with mass of electron, but
positive charge positron
Carl Anderson 1905-1991
19Cloud Chamber
- Gas cooled to condensation point
- High energy particles leave droplets behind
Charles Wilson 1869-1959
See also bubble chamber
20Solvay, 1927
de Broglie
21EPR paradox
- Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen
- Separation of two entangled particles
Measuring the properties of one automatically
defines the properties of the other Spooky
action at a distance Non-locality
John Bell 1928-1990
Alain Aspect b. 1947
22Many Worlds Interpretation
- collapsing wave function unsatisfactory
- Hugh Everett, 1957 (PhD thesis)
Hugh Everett III 1930-1982
Cat is dead and alive Different realities
Strange, but it works gt 50 acceptance amongst
physicists (?)
23The Macroscopic World
24Back to reality
- We saw earlier that X-rays were of a suitable
wavelength to be diffracted by crystals (of the
order of 10-10 m)
Clifford Schull 1915-2001
Neutrons (m1.675 x 10-27 kg) so
Put ?10-10m v 4000 ms-1
25Nuclear Physics