Title: Haynes Bridge Middle SchoolAlpharetta, Georgia
1Haynes Bridge Middle School Alpharetta, Georgia
- Water Conservation and Awareness Project
- In Collaboration with The Center for the
Advancement and Study of International Education
2- We have learned a lot about water this year.
3- Last fall at the Water Educational Exchange
conference we learned about the supply of water
in Georgia and in other areas of the world.
Research on the Scientific Basis for
Sustainability 2025 World "Water Stress"
Status-quo Scenario
Georgia Rivers Map Georgia State Map - Cities,
Roads, Counties, Rivers, Lakes, Topography
4- We learned how our parents are billed for water
and how to calculate appropriate water usage at
Water Use Calculator
5- how water is released from Lake Lanier
Buford Dam Powerhouse
Lake Sydney Lanier View From Space
6- and that in many areas of the world, people
have to dig wells to have access to water and
that often the water they do use is unhealthy.
Water Crisis in India
7- Since the conference, we have started to look
at water in a new way
8- We began by teaching other students and adults
at our school how to use less water.
9- We also learned more about the drought in
Georgia and how scientists, farmers, and other
citizens are affected by it.
Lake Lanier revealed A photographer's essay
Governor Perdue's Georgia WET Project
10- We were not able to change the situation but it
did help us to feel better about it by learning
ways to prevent the situation from getting worse.
11- We measured the amount of moisture in our soil
and tested the water levels at a local stream.
Through the Adopt-A-Stream program we have also
monitored the amount of pollution in local
12- Recently, we also began a plastic bottle
recycling program at school. Earth Science
students helped to collect plastic bottles from
our cafeteria and take them to a local recycling
Roswell Recycling Center Video
Our Very First Bag!!
13- We have collected a lot of bottles! We are
still guessing what our grand total will be by
the end of this school year.
14- Next year, we hope to continue our study of
water with the Life Science curriculum and
involve the new sixth graders in our water
conservation efforts. We would also like to
include projects designed to help other people
around the world who arent as fortunate as us.
We hope to raise money with our school for Pur
Waters Childrens Safe Drinking Water to fund
clean drinking water for the children of Kenya.
Our Goal for Kenya - Children's Safe Drinking
Water Program
15- We also hope to expand our recycling program at
our school. Our data from our collection period
this year will help us to estimate the services
we will need to expand our program.
Our hopes are that by recycling our plastic
drinking bottles, we will be able to reduce the
10 billion plastic water bottles that end up in
the garbage and our landfills and conserve the
amount of water it takes to produce new plastic
(Pur Water).
16 Finally, we hope that by educating our peers we
can begin to make a difference both locally and