Title: How to Choose Fiber Optic Cables?
1How to Choose Fiber Optic Cables?
2- Do you want to know buy fiber optic cable? we
will help you to know more about some informative
tips for choosing the best fiber optic cables
available in the market.
3Multimode Single mode
- One major aspect to consider buying a fiber optic
cable is the mode of fiver which you are looking
for. This mode of fiber will be describing how
the light beam is traveling inside of the fiber
4(No Transcript)
- The form of standard jacket type is known as OFNR
which is the abbreviation of Optical Fiber
Non-conductive Riser. It does not have any stray
electrical current and it is easy to be installed
in the riser application.
6Simplex vs. Duplex
- Duplex patch cords are known to be the most
common form of cable because it is used in most
of the fiber electronics work. They are always in
the need to get two fibers in the communication.
- You should always be aware that you have been
dealing with the 8-position modular RJ-45 plug
which is on the end of your cable. When it comes
to the fiber patch cord.
8Thank You