Title: English Grammar for Students of Italian
1Italian Grammar Book by The Olivia Hill Press
English Grammar for Students of Italian
The Olivia Hill Press
2About Italian Grammar Book
English Grammar for Students of Italian makes
learning Italian grammar easier by explaining how
it works in English. An indispensable
supplement for students who need additional
support understanding the grammar concepts
covered in their textbook.
3Why to Choose English Grammar for Students of
Step-By-Step Examples
One Point Per Chapter
Explained In English
Study Tips
Online Reviews
All The Essentials
4Step-By-Step Examples
This Italian grammar book provide you
step-by-step examples to show you how to get from
an English to a Italian sentence structure.
5Study Tips
You will find study tips that help you learn
common Italian verbs and word forms, and to
remember them.
6All The Essentials
Straightforward lessons that focus on the rules
and not the exceptions. Covers the Italian
grammar taught in beginning college courses.
7One Point Per Chapter
In each bite-sized lesson, authors Sergio Adorni
and Karen Primorac explain one grammar rule and
illustrate it with English and Italian examples.
8Explained in English
Each chapter of this Italian grammar book
explained in English to help you learn Italian
grammar from the point of view of a language you
already speak.
9Online Reviews
This Italian grammar book provide you with online
reviews to Check your understanding by completing
the review questions.
10Order Information of the Book
Title English Grammar for Students of
Italian Author Sergio Adorni and Karen
Primorac ISBN-13 978-0934034401 ISBN-10
0934034400 List Price 19.95 Publisher The
Olivia and Hill Press, 3rd edition
11Contact Us
3460 E Ellsworth Rd 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48108,
(734) 971-0202
12The Olivia Hill Press