Title: Grab Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode
1Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode
2Copper Bonded Earthing Electrode is taken into
account to be the foremost apt equipment for
earthing purpose due to excellent resistance to
oxidization the most copper coated earthly
electrode is saved by the copper bonding from
corrosion and therefore the crystalline mixture
which is filled within the electrode. Designed on
the principle of Pipe-in-Pipe technology, we coat
copper earth electrode using 100/250 micron of
3Features CPRI Tested Continuous electroplating
processing Variable choices are manufactured as
required by the customers Values over the life
of the product Reduced installation area and
4Contact Us Mr. R. K. SharmaMobile
91-9818074274Address I-Thum, A-807, Tower A,
Block A,Industrial Area, Sector 62, Noida,Uttar
PradeshIndia 201301