Title: Sofa Online in Aukland | IKEA Furniture in New Zealand
1Taking time to just sit back and relax its
one of lifes simple pleasures. Thats why we
make soft, cosy sofas. And armchairs you can
sink into. Because when you have the chance to
plop down and settle in, the only thing you
should have to worry about is whos going to
refill the snack bowl.
- When you buy things that are expensive, like a
sofa or something that really feels like an
investment, you need to keep it as plain as
possible, as simple as possible. Make sure that
it's a clean design that will work with
whatever style you want it to
3Wide Range Of Sofa
4Ikea Furniture NZ Ikea Auckland Online
We are Importers and wholesalers of house hold
products in New Zealand. Being one of the
largest IKEA parallel importers, with the widest
possible range of Ikea products our goal is to
deliver the best quality furniture. We have more
than a 1000 items in stock and 2 containers
arrive every month. Buy quality products with the
lowest prices. All IKEA products are imported
directly from IKEA and are in its original
packing. We offer NZ wide delivery and are
located at 34 gateway park drive, Pokeno (right
opposite to the Yashili milk factory)
534 gateway park drive, Pokeno (right opposite to
the Yashili milk factory)
sales_at_idiya.co.nz idiya.co.nz