Title: SaaS Onboarding Videos from Scratch
1SaaS Onboarding Videos
- The first fortnight your customers get to spend
with your product decides if they will continue
with you. One way to woo them is to invest in
SaaS Onboarding Videos. Its so effective
that 86 of people say they would stay loyal to a
business that invests in onboarding content that
welcomes and educates them. Its even better if
you leverage videos.
3Onboarding Videos
How do you do customer Onboarding Videos? If you
are still doing it the traditional way through
texts, you would be outdated soon. Videos are the
new-gen of onboarding. It holds the attention of
your customers and keeps them engaged for a
longer period of time.
4Support Videos
Customer, when faced with an issue, sends out an
email detailing the issue to the support team.
The support team, then, responds to an answer and
most of the time it doesnt end with a single
email exchange. It goes on and on resulting in a
chunk of email exchanges even for a small issue.
This process can eat away a considerable amount
of time and productivity.
5Where to use SaaS onboarding videos?
6Product Walkthrough
- Product walkthrough or introductions should be
the first interaction your newly acquired
customers should have with you. Some do this
through onboarding software that guides the user
to do certain actions (absolutely hate that). But
the smarter ones like Sparktoro put out
walkthroughs in their emails (both support and
welcome) as well as in-app modules.
7Help Centers
- Help Centers are everywhere but they are bland as
they come. Im tired of seeing the same Intercom
and Zendesk themes everywhere. It feels almost as
if all the people in town decided to wear blue
shirts with a pair of black trousers.
8Email us
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