Title: Buy Underground Enclosures Water Meter Box
1Underground Enclosures Water Meter Box
Proxl Global is one among the only Underground
Enclosures Water Meter Box Manufacturer
2Proxl Global is one of the Simplest manufacturers
of the Underground Enclosure Water Meter Box
which comes in several shapes and colors. We
offer high-quality products which will be easy to
put in and take less space. These products are
often utilized in underground water applications
which are easy to line up. These meter boxes are
durable and powerful, which are extremely
3Proxl Global Manufacturer two sorts of
Underground Enclosures Water Meter Box
1. Rectangular Water Meter Box 2. Circular
Water Meter Box
4- Rectangular meter Box - it's still popular in
many countries due to its ability to guard larger
size meters than the circular shape meter boxes. - 2. Circular meter Box - it's most commonly used
for 15mm and 30mm water meters because it fits
perfectly around them. Some manufactures
construct circular meter boxes for larger meters
5Contact Us
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Address- 308/6, Shastri
Nagar,Delhi, Delhi,110052 Emailinfo_at_proxl.co.in
Contact info 91 9654658968