Title: Steel Flat Bar - Texas Iron & Metal (1)
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2About Texas Iron Metal
Since 1939, Texas Iron Metal has been a
family-owned and run business providing Houston
with quality Prime and Less-Than-Prime (LTP)
steel, pipe, and other industrial products. From
carbon and alloy steel to stainless and
aluminum, we stock a wide range of material in
varying quantities across the U.S. With our
knowledgeable staff committed to ensuring smooth
transactions, we make it easy and quick for you
to find what you need, purchase it and load it
up. At Texas Iron Metal, we can provide the
materials you want when you need them, with just
one call. You want it, weve got it. Thats
supply on demand!
3Steel Flat Bar - Texas Iron Metal
Texas Iron Metal is a family-owned metal
recycling company that has been providing high
quality steel for over 80 years. Our most
popular product is our Steel Flat Bars which are
an excellent choice for any type of
construction, fabrication, or machine building
project. We have the largest inventory in Texas
with sizes ranging from 3/8" to 6". For more
information on how you can use this versatile
material in your next project, call us at
4865 Lockwood Dr, Houston, TX 77020
Contact Us
https//www.texasironandmetal.com/ 713-672-7595
for your support