Title: Citizen Empowerment Through IT with Paperless eGovernment
1Citizen Empowerment Through ITwith Paperless
- Citizen Empowerment through E-Governance,
- E-Process Automation, E-Process Outsourcing,
- IT-Enabled employment, IT Education.
- Presentation By
- Avinash Chaurasia
- Force3 (Forum for Creative Entrepreneurship )
2E-Governance, (conventional e-Gov is Past
) E-Government ( Needed at Present
) E-Government is more, about government than
about e. Future belongs to E-Process
Automation, E-Process Outsourcing, For ICT4D
i.e. ICT enabled Economic Development.
3E-Governance,(conventional e-Governance is Past
)E-Governance means good governance
Governance or power as exercised by governments
in managing a country's social and economic
resources. "Good" governance is the exercise of
power by various levels of government that is
effective, honest, equitable, transparent and
accountable. Chasing fashionable trends in
IT-technologies for e-Gov as fadfor sake of
being different, technologically more aware, are
the roadblocks in having a paperless office. Web
based Citizen Grievance redress mechanism
involving cyber-café, kiosk based complaint
reporting for non-functioning public water taps
or street lights or Initiatives on Credit card
based payment mechanism for digital library of
government rules / regulation etc. are
e-Governance solution which may be
technologically correct but out of sync with
Indian realities. These are misplaced
e-Governance initiatives, technologically
advanced, created for elite few which ignores
the underprivileged majority their legitimate
claims of equality in digital access too
threatening to seriously widen the digital
What? e-government means better government
How? By greater engagement with citizens By
enabling better policy outcomes, By higher
quality services, By improving other key
outputs. criteria for success. Governments and
public administrations will, and should, continue
to be judged against these established
criterion. Why? Delays in implementing
e-government reforms will penalize economic
5Future belongs toE-Process Automation,E-Process
E-Process Automation For enabling better policy
outcomes, For higher quality services, For
improving other key outputs. E-Process
Outsourcing To tap the additional resources for
creating huge IT infrastructure To create jobs /
for Economic development To basically Save on
cost of Governance Etc
6The Key to Success, Knowledge. Knowledge leads to
In a time of drastic change, it is the learners
who inherits the future.
The Learned ones, find themselves equipped, only
to live in a world that no longer exists
7 Drawing Parallels from Business for e-Government
8ICT4D ICT for
Economic Development
Challenge The Challenger To prevent the wheel
from being invented again and again To tap the
untapped resources (The projects and the
people behind)
9Reasons for NGO involvement Government
patronage. Focus on users needs and
applications rather than technology IT and
quality of life, transfer of knowledge and
experiences rather than technology The
cultural, economic and social aspects of
implementation of technology Best practice,
considering the social context and the
preconditions in a very wide sense. Voluntary
participation and altruism the guiding
Spirit The people Independence and
neutral status An enormous potential for
networking and to form the basis for replications
10Force3 Project objectives on Solution
framework for Paperless office
To facilitate making most of Under Utilized IT
Infrastructure in Govt offices, bring ICT led
economic development Generate jobs for IT
aware unemployed youth Hardware related
Issues Computers mostly Glorified
Typewriters Software related Issues To
Eliminate Long Duration Costly Software
11 Force3 Forum for Creative Entrepreneurship
Non-profit organization (NGO/voluntary/special
aims group) Target group Youth,
Adults, Educational level High-school,
University and college, Inhabitant in
Urban, Rural, Gender Female, Male,
Target / project relationship Citizen,
Professional, Student, Users involved in the
project ? gt 10000
12 Force3 Forum for Creative Entrepreneurship
Contd Specific target group Educated
unemployed IT aware youths. For giving them
their first employment break on sustainable
basis. Government departments / local bodies
By providing them with an Enterprisewide common
thread running thru' for paper less office, work
flow automation, citizen centric services an
ERP extender ( SAP certified ) called as "
Solution framework for paperless office
13IT Innovation
Citizen centric Software interface is developed
under volunteer service driven initiative made
available free of cost. Massive IT
infrastructure on High speed scanning for
Paperless office work flow automation software
for deployment on Government network under NGO
initiative. NGO initiative, Non-Profit
initiative, practical, general purpose solution
Volunteer services for department specific
customization. That is our innovative approach
to ensure jobs for unemployed optimizing
computer usage in government deptt.. Software
is capable of Enterprisewide , statewide
connectivity through internet, VPN or only on
local network approach for which out of 76
identified processes in collectorate we had
mapped 14 processes so far thru volunteer
efforts( for which Rs2.5 Crore was cost quoted in
14User need
Citizen centric services made available thru'
Government at Citizen's door step, giving
corruption free, hassle free services. Make
available automated file movement thru government
function. No missing document, no missing files
no delays in locating files so no need for speed
money to expedite work. It also makes available
IT enabled job opportunities to hitherto educated
unemployed local IT aware youths thus bringing
about change in their economic status in society.
To emulate this kind of deployment government
will need to buy 100/1000 times costly
E-Governance business suites till such time
they get the funds they will have to let their
Hardware remain as glorified typewriters. What
is admittedly Government roadmap for future,we
are making it available now. Our solution
framework enables fulfillment of all the norms of
Govt of Indias Minimum agenda for E-governance.
15- Social entrepreneurs, Need
Reform Champions. - Successful IT projects for transformation of
Paperless Government office will always have one
reform champion. - Leverage new infrastructure
(devices, networks, standards) - Develop proof of concept applications
- Find oxygen for projects (achieve sustainability)
- Transformation parallels to Business venture
- --Not too different from any start-up
( Need mentoring support from
Reform champion)
Force-3, Paperless Government officeProject with
Citizen centric services based front end back
ofice process automation is replicable in all the
Indian states. We volunteer to roll out the
proof of concept in any of the state all over
India, Provided the decision maker concerned
match our enthusiasm commitment with their
administrative will to implement Paperless
Government office in their state.
Facilitating Corruption free administration /
Service deliveries at government departments.
Empowered citizens demanding better/ rightful
service. Optimum utilization of computers IT
infrastructure. Empowering of rural educated
unemployment with first career break Employment
oriented apprenticeship on sustainable basis...
Empowering the rural poor school students from
central India with IT education in school thru
sustainable job opportunities Local
entrepreneurship development to 5500 local
educated unemployed youths.
18Possible E-Governance Networks in Vidarbha
Chhattisgarh State ( 2000 Networks
approximately or more with average 25 user on
each network)With additional Kiosk based CFCs
Overall 5000 PC based IT infrastructure possible
- Time required
- Where ever LAN in existance, deployment possible
in less than 15 days time. - If LAN is to be created PCs to be mobilized
deployment possible in 30 days to 45 days time
constrained only by PCs resource mobilization - Immediate Benefits
- Benefits of automated file handling DMS
workflow from day one
19Normal In USA, why not in India???what we have
Compare it with Land record servers all over
- Two replicated Data Centers
- with a total of 8 terabytes (TB) of mirrored
storage per Site, 125 City Register users, - 110 Public Access Terminals,
- 6,000 Internet/Intranet users a day with an
average of 1.7 2.3 million hits a day and
transfer 8.0 11.8 GB of images and data daily
were made globally available to the property
holders of New York City.
20Scarce Budget, why Waste ??? Technology transfer
- Applications that scale up
require infrastructure. - Then incremental cost of next copy approaches
zero. - Infrastructure requires capital investment
- (railroads, canals, electricity, telephone)
- Recent examples Internet, Cellular, Broadband.
- Need of the hour ASP / Rental Infrastructure
focussed on application service..
21Why to Re-invent.Wheel exist, need is to find
the application for the Wheel
22DARPG had shown the waye-Mission for Paperless
government office.
23e-Mission, in Central India for Paperless Govt.
office is for the asking.
24Force3 Awaits a Reform champion.
Thanks.. Q. A.