Title: Chinese Market 2006: Dispelling Myths
1Chinese Market 2006Dispelling Myths
- Dr. Chen Yang
- The China and Transitional Economy Research
Centre - Northampton Business School
- University of Northampton
2Controversial Views on China
- World factory super manufacturing power
- Positive comments
- low cost Chinese goods helped to keep inflation
flat in the UK - reflects the virtue of globalisation
- Negative views
- an increasing threat
- enlarging gap between the rich and poor reflects
the evil side of globalisation globalisation
without a human face
3Surging consumerism
- Exciting
- super rich worlds largest emerging luxury goods
market - 2002, Rolls-Royce opened its China garage
- booming middleclass
- Once the lion awakens, she will travel the world
- 2002, China became VWs largest overseas market
4Controversial Views on China
- Concerns
- environmental sustainability
- shortage of energy
- Optimistic view 2025 China will overtake America
- Pessimistic View China will collapse
5- 1st Myth
- To what extent does cheap labour remain the main
determinant of Chinas competitive advantage in
manufacturing? - Has the nature of growth changed? Is it the one
with or without a human face?
6Manufacturing Labour Costs
7Snapshot OneTextile Manufacturer Younger Group
8Textile Manufacturer Younger Group
- Technology-driven growth
- Automatic production lines
- Environmental friendly growth
- Knowledge based growth
- High calibre working force
- Compliance with international standards
- Working conditions
- Workers welfare package
- Environmental concerns
- International purchaser as a driving force
- Younger growth with a human face
9Youngers International CooperationA win-win
- Create International brand, Construct 100 years
Enterprise - Strength
- Manufacturing power
- Weakness
- Low value added producer
- No internationally recognised core brand
- Weak in areas that demand creative thinking
- Threat
- Increasing level of competition
- Thin profit margin
- Hostile trade protection policy against Chinese
textile products
10International CooperationA win-win scenario?
- Opportunity manage the threat positively
- Nurture creative thinking / international
recruitment - Strategic joint venture to establish core brand
in Japan - Strength of Britain in the areas demand creative
thinking - Strong arts design department at University of
Northampton - International award winning students and staff
work with top designers - Creative thinking recycle designs for the
industry - Unique degree in fashion marketing
11International CooperationA win-win scenario?
- Entrepreneurial initiatives
- a JV?
- create high-value added job opportunities
- The role of the China Centre
- Identify opportunity
- A bridge in between
12- 2nd Myth
- Industrialisation and urbanisation of China in
the age of Information Technology (IT) - The role of knowledge based New Economy in the
growth of Chinese economy - Opportunities for big players only?
13Multinational Giants in Chinas Telecommunication
14Chinese Newcomers
15www. Alibaba. com
- Ma Yun self made IT entrepreneur and his magic
Alibaba - 1999 a school teacher with a brilliant idea
- 2001 on the edge of collapse
- 2002 received the first American venture capital
investment - 2003 lobbying British venture capital to invest
in Alibaba - 2005 Alibaba took over Yahoo China
16- 3rd Myth
- Has politics followed economics?
- Change of Chinese society
- Business opportunity embedded in the change
- Culture, sports, leisure sectors new engine for
further growth
17The social impact of Informatisation
- The lead character gets devoiced after his wife
discovers an SMS message from his mistress on his
cell phone - Difficulties in maintaining privacy in the
technological age - China moves towards a more open society in the
age of Informatisation.
Feng Xiaogangs Cell Phone 2004
18The social impact of Informatisation
- Chinas SMS market is an estimated 25 times
bigger than its movie industry - 12 billion SMS messages were exchanged during 7
days Chinese new year holiday in 2006
19International Icons
20Culture, Sports and LeisureNew Engine for Growth
- Multimillion pounds images
- Sponsorship management
- Merchandising and image licensing
- Professional team behind these images
- Agent
- PR team
- Image consultant
- Speech coach / English teacher / Media Control
- IT specialist / Blog manager
- Psychiatrist
- Physiologist / Dietician
21(No Transcript)
22One World One Dream