Title: The effective use of blogs in economics education
1The effective use of blogs in economics education
- Developments in Economics Education (DEE)
Conference - Paul Ayres and Bhagesh Sachania
- http//del.icio.us/cfbloke/dee
2Aims of this session
- In the next hour, we hope that you will
- have answered the following questions
- What are the possibilities for using blogs in
economics teaching? - How can they be harnessed to disseminate
research? - What are the opportunities and risks of blogging?
3How will we do this
- Experiential learning approach
- Small group work
- Examining best practice
- Discussions and brainstorms
- facilitated by us,
- but with active input from you
4Who are we to tell you this
- Paul Ayres, Economics Editor, Intute Social
Sciences, paul.ayres_at_bristol.ac.uk - Experienced blogger and podcaster at
http//www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/blog/ - Collaborated on the Economics in Action blog,
part of the Why Study Economics initiative
http//whystudyeconomics.ac.uk/blog/ - Written and presented about these issues to a
number of Social Science organisations
5Who are we to tell you this
- Bhagesh Sachania, Information Officer, Economics
Network, b.m.sachania_at_bristol.ac.uk - Has run a series of workshops on the effective
use of educational technology at economics
departments round the UK - Authors of the Guide to Using Blogs in
Economics available from http//www.economicsnet
6About you
- A quick show of hands
- How many of you know what a blog is?
- How many of you read blogs about economics?
- How many of you have commented on a blog written
by someone else? - How many of you have written a blog post already?
7What is a blog?
- Blog (short for Weblog) a Web site that
contains an online personal journal with
reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks
provided by the writer. - (Merriam-Websters Words of the Year 2004)
- Try Writing and managing content section 3 of
- the Guide to Using Blogs in Economics
8Characteristics of blogs
- Quick and easy web publishing
- Offer instant communication
- Regularly updated
- Require little technical knowledge
- A social / networking activity
- Link to other online resources
9Rise of the bloggers
- Over 70 million blogs online
- 120,000 new blogs every day
- 1.5 million blog posts a day
- 87 of UK online adults have heard about blogs
- 40 of US online adults read blogs for political
news - Sources technorati.com, Harris Poll,
10Activity 1 Learning from other people and their
- Tell your colleagues about your favourite
economics blog and why you like it - If you cant think of one go to
http//www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/economics/ - Search for blog to bring up a list of blogs and
blogging related sites - We will collate the suggestions and come up with
an economics blog reading list
11Activity 2 How might you use a blog for
economics education?
- Potential teaching and learning uses of blogs
- Replacing standard class web pages
- Professor-written blogs which cover interesting
developments that relate to the theme of the
course - Organization of in-class discussion
- Organization of intensive seminars where students
have to provide weekly summaries of the readings - Requiring students to write their own blogs as
part of their grade - Henry Farrell, Crooked Timber blog
12Activity 2 How might you use a blog for
economics education?
- Potential research uses of blogs
- Writing up as you go along
- Floating new or embryonic ideas
- Dissemination of research results
- Take advantage of the invisible college of
fellow economists - Engaging with the public to raise the level of
debate on economic issues - Sidestepping the mainstream media for publicity
13Activity 2 How might you use a blog for
economics education?
- In your groups, come up with a 30 word statement
on how you could use a blog in your economics
education - What are the characteristics of a blog that would
make it appropriate over another form of
technology / teaching? - Try Uses in Economics section 5 of the Guide to
using Blogs in Economics - Try Scott Leslies matrix of blog uses
14(No Transcript)
15Activity 3 What issues are associated with
- blogs are great as they let anyone say
anything they want about any subject - blogs present many opportunities
16Activity 3 What issues are associated with
- blogs are rubbish as they let anyone say
anything they want about any subject - blogs also have their risks
17Activity 3 What issues are associated with
- In your groups, examine your 30 word statements
about your use of a blog in economics education - Come up with a list of potential risk factors and
opportunities of using a blog in this fashion - Try section 4 Risks of the Guide to Using Blogs
in Economics
18Activity 3 What issues are associated with
- Some questions you may wish to consider
- Will your blog be publicly available?
- Will you allow comments?
- Does your institution know you are blogging?
- Are your ideas safe or could they be stolen?
- Who is in control of a student written class
blog? - What resources do you have available time,
computing, subject expertise?
19Finally a note of caution
- The roof of the classroom has been
- blown off and the walls have been
- set on the circumference of the
- globe."
- Ben Darrow talking about the educational
potential of radio in 1932
20Whats next?
- Read the Guide to Using Blogs in Economics
online at the Economics Network website - Look at related websites from http//del.icio.us/
cfbloke/econblog - Look out for the Economics Network technology
workshop in Bristol next year - Read 100s of economics blogs at the Economics
Roundtable http//www.rtable.net/ - Find more economics blogs via Intute Social
Sciences and suggest some new ones