How to Develop a Solid B2B Content Marketing Strategy

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How to Develop a Solid B2B Content Marketing Strategy


Content marketing is a vital part of any B2B marketing strategy. Not only is it effective for generating new leads – it is also useful for nurturing warm leads into sales-readiness. It also contributes to the entire sales and marketing pipeline. The stats back this up. The average B2B customer consumes between three and five pieces of content before they engage with a sales rep. 96% of those buyers choose to do business with organisations who have provided them with relevant content throughout the buyer’s journey. So it’s clear that an effective content marketing strategy can have a dramatic impact on both lead generation and lead quality. There are two parts to creating an effective content marketing strategy – the content and the distribution. Whether your content is created in-house, or it’s outsourced, you need to be tactical about your content marketing strategy. Leads nurtured by content spend up to 47% more, so you want to make sure your content marketing is done right. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How to Develop a Solid B2B Content Marketing Strategy

How to Develop a Solid B2B Content Marketing
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Content marketing is a vital part of any B2B
marketing strategy. Not only is it effective for
generating new leads it is also useful for
nurturing warm leads into sales-readiness. It
also contributes to the entire sales and
marketing pipeline. The stats back this up. The
average B2B customer consumes between three and
five pieces of content before they engage with a
sales rep. 96 of those buyers choose to do
business with organisations who have provided
them with relevant content throughout the buyers
journey. So its clear that an effective content
marketing strategy can have a dramatic impact on
both lead generation and lead quality. There are
two parts to creating an effective content
marketing strategy the content and the
distribution. Whether your content is created
in-house, or its outsourced, you need to be
tactical about your content marketing strategy.
Leads nurtured by content spend up to 47 more,
so you want to make sure your content marketing
is done right.
  • Content marketing differs in outlook from other
    B2B marketing strategies, because it hinges on
    giving something back to your prospects. Channels
    like email marketing and digital marketing push
    adverts and messages out, asking people who have
    an interest to express it.

In the short run, they may gain a free
demonstration or trial, and in the long run,
theyll gain a product or solution.With content
marketing, however, youre offering something of
value in exchange for the expression of interest.
These objects of value come in the form of an
insightful or informative medium most commonly,
this is a blog or downloadable asset like an
eBook or whitepaper. It could also be something a
little more varied, such as a video, podcast or
infographic. This content is created with a
double intention to raise interest in your
product or solution, but also to share knowledge
and entice discussion in your field.
This means prospects are further inclined to
inquire, as theyre thankful for the content and
now thinking about their business needs. But it
also works to nurture those who may not be ready
to buy just yet. After reading a few blogs and
watching a couple of videos, the prospect may
then realize you can help them, and come to you
for a solution. So how is this done? How can you
create an effective content marketing strategy
that generates both hot and warm business leads,
doesnt repeat itself and is consistent in its
  • Perfect your Buyer Personas
  • If youre not already using buyer personas, you
    should be. And if you are, make sure theyre
  • In a nutshell, a buyer persona is a
    representation of your ideal buyer. The more
    information you can attribute to it, the better.
    Make sure youre covering both bigger picture
    factors and more detailed, micro preferences. For
  • What industry are they in?
  • What facilities do they need for your
    product/solution to work?
  • Who is their clientele?
  • Whats their annual turnover?
  • Whats their business size?

  • Where are they based? These are often similar to
    the questions used in turning a normal business
    lead into a qualified lead. Then look to more
    specific detail
  • Whats their job title?
  • Whats their seniority?
  • Can they make a decision alone?
  • Whats their time scale for purchasing?
  • Whats their budget?

  • What are their needs?
  • Which hours of the day are they in the office?
  • What are they already aware of and what do they
    need to know?

Other Details About B2B Content Marketing
  • Pad your buyer persona out with these details.
    Some organizations have two or three different
    personas, where they have several use cases and
    market to varying industries. So why are buyer
    personas important? Once youre in the head of
    your ideal buyer, youll know what language will
    get them excited and intrigued, youll know what
    theyre looking for in research, youll have
    insight into the movements and advancements of
    their industry. This all feeds into making the
    most successful content for your specific
    audience that meets the business needs of your
    desired buyers. Last year, 71 of the
    organizations who exceeded revenue and lead
    generation goals were actively using buyer

This is because a buyer persona allows you to
appear less sales-y in your B2B marketing 81
of those using buyer personas were able to
improve their business proposition and product
value within their content marketing, so they saw
more leads generated! Dont forget buyer
personas change, just like every aspect of
marketing, so ensure you update them at least
every six months. Even if there is little or no
change, this will help ensure all your marketing
channels are tapping into the correct buyer
Make an Informed Decisions About Mediums and
  • Now youve got those buyer personas nailed, lets
    use them to make informed decisions and create an
    effective content marketing strategy.

Start by asking, what information do our ideal
buyers want to know/consume? Think of broad
topics that apply to your product/solution, like
B2B sales and then delve deeper into niche
topics and subjects, such as sales analytics,
sales call techniques or sales pipeline. Pick
two or three of these broad, big starting points,
and draw five-to-ten detailed areas from each
one. Relate these back to the needs attached to
your buyer persona, also to their industry, job
title and clientele.
  • Then you need to ask, how do our ideal buyers
    want to receive this information? Do they want to
    read it, or watch it, or listen to it? Its good
    to offer a variety, as we all have different
    preferences, but here you can rule things out you
    know wont appeal. If youre marketing to a
    persona that enjoys detail and information, then
    a 60-second video is unlikely to spark their
    interest more than a blog, asset or 15-minute
    podcast. Draw up a list of mediums youll
    definitely use. Prepare a list of ones youll
    test and try, and a list of those you dont think
    will work with your buyer persona.

Platforms to Use for B2B Content Marketing
  • Now the final question- where would our ideal
    buyers like to find/interact with our content?
    This is where the strategy deepens and you look
    to the practical use of the content youll make.
    Of course uploading content to your website is a
    must, to grow a community and boost SEO, but
    think about how youll announce and share that
    content, via email, social media, direct mail
    even? Look at all the options through the eyes of
    your ideal buyer. Also, contemplate how often
    they would want to receive content. B2B
    organizations who publish 11 blogs per month
    generate an average of 4x as many business leads!
  • Answer all these questions in detail, and youll
    be ready for the next step.

Create a Content Calendar
  • A content calendar for your B2B content marketing
    plans takes time to create but is the key to
    implementing and maintaining an effective content
    marketing strategy. You should be planning out
    every week what content youll publish, when and
  • Start on a large scale apply a broad topic to a
    month or choose a campaign to run the length of a
    quarter, then go deeper. Spread those niche, more
    detailed topics across the assets, blog posts,
    infographics and podcasts for that month. This
    way youll cohesively cover that topic on both a
    surface level detail and a more in-depth, adept
    level of detail in the mediums you deem
    preferable to your ideal buyer.

Plot titles for each piece on the calendar in the
week you want them published. Also, and describe
where theyll be published, promoted and shared.
Then you need to expand the calendar from a
practicality perspective- when do you need to
start constructing the content to publish on a
certain day? What input will you need from your
internal or external copywriter and/or graphic
designer to complete the content? How many checks
and amendment processes will you undergo? This
content calendar will be what gives your content
marketing that ability to nurture leads through a
journey, along with the ability to run a content
market strategy with the power to bring constant
results and reliable lead quality.
Be a Thought Leader
  • 96 of B2B buyers want more input from thought
    leaders in the content they read. To become one!
    Conduct the appropriate research for B2B content
    marketing and position yourself as a thought
    leader in your field. Whether you choose to
    relate closely to modern influencers in your
    ideal buyers industry, or you aim to carve your
    own path of learning and expertise, make sure
    youre working with reliable resources. Find
    statistics from surveys or academic studies.
    Also, look to different schools of thought within
    your industry, to create content with superior
    knowledge. Set up your own surveys and use the
    results to make benchmark reports. Aim to be
    teachers- your prospects should come to you to
    learn about their industry and find research for
    their own strategies.

This does wonders for many factors outside of
lead generation. Namely, credibility. The name of
your brand, when positioned as a thought leader,
becomes associated with expertise, knowledge and
trust. This helps all of your B2B marketing
channels by legitimizing their message and
increasing their standing in the market. This
also helps your sales team when leads come their
way, they already believe youre a brilliant
organization and the best in your field, so
closing that sale comes far quicker and easier.
Track the Right KPIs for Effective B2B Content
  • With any marketing strategy, the reporting and
    analysis are as crucial as the build-up in its
    success. This is especially true of content
    marketing, where youre running a constant
    campaign and nurturing journey. So make sure you
    not only have a good reporting system in place,
    but youre recording the best metrics to improve
    your strategy.

There are no right or wrong key performance
indicators to measure as every content marketing
strategy will differ due to its buyer persona.
Its KPIs will of course, also vary. We would
recommend, however, ensuring you have a good
website analytics software, that will enable you
to see the number of views or downloads your
content has achieved. This is a great starting
place to track the reception of your content and
its conversion rate.  Remember, content takes
time to work. Its not as instant as some
channels as it focuses more on the nurture of a
lead. When you launch a new content marketing
strategy, make sure you allow a few weeks for it
to take effect.
  • Content marketing offers that softer approach
    that many buyers not only appreciate but also
    feel a benefit from. So it balances out your B2B
    marketing department where other channels focus
    on getting that instant yes!. Though it seems
    theres loads to do to get started, the
    contribution of an effective content marketing
    strategy to sales and retention is as valuable as
    its B2B lead generation capabilities. So youll
    not only obtain more customers, youll keep them

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