Title: Preventative Risk Management Community Based Risk Managment Approach
1Preventative Risk Management Community Based
Risk Managment Approach
Cláudio Jamal Leila Oliveira World Vision
- Humanitarian actions do not address the
development processes that are shaping disaster
risk in the first place. The development
community generally continues to view disasters
as exceptional natural events that interrupt
normal development and that can be managed
through humanitarian actions - (UNDP Report on Risks 2004)
2New focus on risk as key to development
Confronting disaster issues in a systematic and
coherent fashion must be an explicit objective of
development strategies(World Bank, 2005).
- The impact of shocks put a high toll on human
development and seat back future investiments
- The impact of shocks will be directly driven by
the development characteristics of the affected
- Poverty Risk trap recurrent shocks minimize
the long-term development perspective and the
long-term development increases vulnerability
Disaster seek the poor and they stay poor.
3Vulnerability key to risk
- Hazards are inevitable butthey can be managed
and mitigated through appropriate development
 Risk Hazard Vulnerability
Risk Chance of a loss or loss itself,
characterized by the change in welfare that
results from the realization of the hazard and
from the success or failure of risk management
measures applied.
Hazard/Shock Physical or man-made
event that has potential for causing injuries to
life and damaging property, environment and
Vulnerability Characteristics of person or group
in terms of their capacity to anticipate, cope
with, resist, and recover from the occurence of a
hazard. Â
4Community as key to vulnerability
- Socio-economic vulnerability, rather than
physical hazard explains the impact of disasters - Vulnerability, in turn is driven by community
capabilities (physical, social, economic, human,
environmental) - People in high-risk areas have often developed
their own coping mechanisms and strategies to
reduce the impact of disaster - First response is given by informal loosely-knit
groups from within communities before formal
organizations are able to mobilize - Accumulated losses from small hazards can exceed
the losses and impacts from big disasters and
contribute significantly to increased
vulnerability at the local level - Small hazards attract little media attention and
communities are often left on their own to cope
with the destruction
5What is GERANDO?
- Gestão de Risco à NÃvel da Comunidade
- Community Based Risk Managment
- It is an application of CBRM approach, not a set
of guidelines - It integrates the various phases and levels of
risk management and development - It is truly community based community is
capacitated to plan, implement, sustain, and own
it - It focus on sustainability community ownership,
equity, long term viability, environmental,
social and cultural protection
Communities reduce their vulnerabilities
and enhance their capacity
Community and stakeholders act upon risks
Community and stakeholders understand risks
- Mitigation Plans and Implementation
- Hazards identification and Analises
- Preparedness and Response Plan and Implementation
- Early Warning/Surveillance
- Access to sustainable resources
- Monitoring and Evaluation
6Hazard Analyses
- Objective Community prioritises disaster
management - Methods Participatory revision, collection and
analysis of natural and man made hazards from a
range of sources - Tools
- Hazard Identification Tool
- Nature,
- Frequency
- Severity
- Hazard Exposure Tool
- Population
- Location
- Livelihoods/Social Economic Groups
- Social/community services, infrastructures, and
7Vulnerability Analyses
- Requires quantitative and qualitative analysis,
- Seeks peoples participation in the evaluation of
their vulnerability. - Its multiple levels and dimensions make it
difficult to develop common measures or
indicators of vulnerability. - Need to be perceived in terms of
- (i) Well being (health and nutrition),
- (ii) physical assets (infrastructure,
self-protection), - (iii) Social assets (social protection and
networks), and - (iv) Livelihood and resilience (economic assets).
8Surveillance Early Warning
Many times, community based surveillance is
covertly viewed as a way of appoint local people
to undertake certain tasks cheaply, so as to
further goals set by external programmers. In
such approaches, community participation in
implementation is not matched with power over
decision-making or control over the use of
resources. (Tonisirin and Gillespie 1999)
- Community based surveillance has two main
objectives - Strengthen Communities It is the process of
awareness and actions following the collection of
indicators that makes community surveillance
important for rural development. - Produce Actionable Data Community information
should guide external assistance. - Community based surveillance has dual roles
- Hazards
- Vulnerability
- Outcomes
9Mitigation Plans and Implementation
- Identify and implement development plans that
- Incentivate DRM as a whole
- Build capacities to mitigate the impacts of
shocks - Community takes an active role.
- Sustainability
- Long-term viability of the projects,
- The suitability of projects to local capacities,
vulnerabilities and inclusion of local knowledge,
- The ownership of the project,
- Empowerment of the community,
- Equal distribution of benefits
- Benefit community as a whole
- Benefit the community as a whole towards
increasing resilience to worse shocks. - Eg. HIV/AIDS movie house, community based
health care and emergency evacuation, fishing
tanks, and chicken/goat credit union. Â
10Mitigation Plans and Implementation
- Economic Viability
- Monetarily sustainable
- On-going costs lt profits
- No focus on profits guarantee that payments (
or kind) are affordable to the poorest households - Kick Start
- Break the poverty chain allow invest in
sustainable business. - Micro-credit vs. non-profitable nature
- Assists with an unique sum (usually in-kind
adding to about USD 100,00). - Â
- Peer Pressure
- Community manages the project and funds, which
control and report any irregularities. - If any irregularities are found by surprise
visits the community as a whole looses the right
to engage in any further
11Preparedness and Response Plans and
- Developed and be ready for implementation.
- Plans for worst hazards
- Preparedness Response
- Emergency Response
- Relief
- Reconstruction
- Key issues to be included
- Triggering indicators level (categorization)
- Communication system
- Type of actions to be done by community (e.g.
take animals to certain point, make a cleaning
group) - Type of actions to be done by external assistance
- Organization system (including assistance to less
able and committees)
12Access to Sustainable Resources
- Community capacitated and empowered to design and
implement their own Risk Managment, including - Need Assessment (hazard, vulnerability, and
monitoring analyses) - Response Plan (mitigation/development plan,
emergency preparedness plan) - Proposals can be submitted to various partners,
including - NGOs
- Government Bodies
- Social Society
- At private level, lessons can be used for
profitable investiment - Individual utilization of micro-credit
- Cooperations
13Key Successes First External Evaluation
- Community demand has been growing
- Usually more than 100 community members
participate in community monthly meetings - Trainings include at least 40-50 people each time
- Every community has developed a
mitigation/development plan and have got more
than 50 sigatures - ADP demand has also grown
- At least 10 ADPs (out of 30) have expressed
interrest for GERANDO - ADPs that have GERANDO are very sympathetic and
helpful to the exercise (free of charge!!) - Community has a strong feeling of the importance
and benefits of GERANDO - Partners have endorsed the idea and MoUs have
been signed - Manuals and concept frameworks have included
experiences from the whole world best lesson
learnt, simple and well elaborated
14Key Chalenges
- GERANDO is currently located in the Emergency
Unit. Efforts are being made to make GERANDO a
cross cutting project. - Integration with Programs and SPON has shown
to be challenging - Human and financial inputs are limited in number
- Iliteracy level has slow down the process and
tools had to be simplified
15Key Questions
- Objective
- Is GERANDO Approach a good tool to assist risk
managment and devlopment? - Method
- Share experiences and perceptions from the group
by general topic - Is GERANDO really sustainable?
- Is the information generated by GERANDO usefull
for World Vision, communities and partners? - Can GERANDO fulfill the requirements for an
approach to facilitate successfull WV projects in
the field?