The growth of ride-hailing applications has fundamentally transformed how we move about a city with more ease and freedom. The ridesharing app is a must for tourists or people unfamiliar with the area as it is a more reliable, secure, and economical option than the traditional transportation method. Here are a few tips if you're intending on using rideshare apps to explore a new place: Carpooling works - You might want to take advantage of ridesharing carpooling to get group rates that are much lower than standard rides. By and large, the carpooling cost is always lower than the standard rate, but you have to share the space with a stranger and may have to make multiple stops. The sequence in which riders are picked up and dropped off is determined by their location and the time the transportation was requested. If the driver cannot locate another pickup during a shared journey, you will still be charged the discounted carpool rate with a net positive. – PowerPoint PPT presentation