LEARN: Land EcosystemAtmosphere Reactive Nitrogen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LEARN: Land EcosystemAtmosphere Reactive Nitrogen


... on crossdisciplinary experimental design and through on-site summer schools. ... in an integrated fashion (interdisciplinary modeling and measurement activities) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LEARN: Land EcosystemAtmosphere Reactive Nitrogen

LEARN Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Reactive
Nitrogen A Proposed Project for
iLEAPS Mary Anne Carroll,
Coordinator iLEAPS Science Steering Committee
Meeting Vienna, Austria April 30, 2005
Haber-Bosch process invented
  • Changes in N fluxes of reactive, or biologically
    available N.
  • (b) Simultaneous increases in atmospheric N2O and
    increased manure production as a result of
    reactive N generation in (a).

F.J. Detener
Figure by A. J. Hogg
A schematic of the "life-cycle" of gas-phase
nitrogen including dominant emissions sources,
tropospheric transformations, role in the overall
nitrogen cycle, and important linkages to the
carbon cycle.
(Shepson, Bertman, Sparks, and Carroll, 2002)
Building on a recent community workshop
http//www.acd.ucar.edu/oppFund/BGS/ and link on
iLEAPS web page
LEARN Proposed Steering Committee Claus Beier,
RISØ National Laboratory, Roskilde,
Denmark Steven Bertman, Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA Mary Anne Carroll,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Jan
Willem Erisman, Netherlands Energy Research
Foundation, Petten, The Netherlands David Fowler,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh
Research Station, Edinburgh, Scotland Alex
Guenther, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, CO, USA Elisabeth Holland,
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Boulder, CO, USA Luiz Martinelli, Universidade de
Sao Paulo, Sao Paul, Brazil Franz Meixner, Max
Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz,
Germany Knute Nadelhoffer, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Dominique
Serca, National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS), Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Toulouse, France
Paul Shepson, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, USA Jed Sparks, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, USA
LEARN Proposed Steering Committee Claus Beier,
RISØ National Laboratory, Roskilde,
Denmark Steven Bertman, Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA Mary Anne Carroll,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Jan
Willem Erisman, Netherlands Energy Research
Foundation, Petten, The Netherlands David Fowler,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh
Research Station, Edinburgh, Scotland Alex
Guenther, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, CO, USA Elisabeth Holland,
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Boulder, CO, USA Luiz Martinelli, Universidade de
Sao Paulo, Sao Paul, Brazil Franz Meixner, Max
Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz,
Germany Knute Nadelhoffer, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Dominique
Serca, National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS), Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Toulouse, France
Paul Shepson, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, USA Jed Sparks, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, USA
Science Issues The critical questions involving
atmosphere-terrestrial biosphere exchange of
reactive nitrogen described below have been
identified by scientists with expertise in plant
physiological ecology, soil microbiology and
biochemistry, nutrient transfer and
biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry and
composition, biosphere/atmosphere fluxes, and
integrated modeling U.S. Nitrogen Science Plan,
2004. They concern
  • Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions
  • Emissions
  • Deposition and Foliar Uptake
  • Canopy Assimilation and Ecosystem Response
  • Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmosphere-Biosphere
  • C. Other Important Interactions
    Ecosystem-community effects

See proposal
Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions
1. Emissions a) What is the spatial and
temporal variation in emission of the dominant
nitrogen trace gases (NO2, NO, N2O, and
NH3)? b) What is the influence of soil moisture
on partitioning of gaseous N emissions? How do
soil wetting/drying dynamics affect
emissions? c) What role do terrestrial ecosystem
emissions of particles, CO, oxygenated VOCs,
monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes have on
determining the atmospheric fate of nitrogen
compounds? d) How will emission patterns and
atmospheric chemical processing respond to
changes in climate, land use, and the chemical
composition of the atmosphere? e) How will
whole-ecosystem emissions respond to changes in
nitrogen inputs?
See proposal
Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions
  • Deposition And Foliar Uptake
  • What are the dominant receptor points for
    nitrogen (and other) gases across the landscape?
    How is nitrogen flux partitioned across receptor
  • What are the physiological controls over and the
    relative importance of canopy uptake of nitrogen?
  • What is the relative role of revolatilization,
    cuticular transfer, stomatal uptake and wash-off
    to the overall flux of nitrogen between the
    atmosphere and biosphere?
  • What are the physical and biological controls on
    the compensation points for NO2 and NH3 (and
    other N gas species)?
  • Is it legitimate to apply the micrometeorological
    techniques used for measuring fluxes of water
    vapor and CO2 to reactive gases or to
    non-homogeneous and complex surfaces such as
  • What is the cause of the large discrepancies
    observed between particle flux measurements and
  • How do atmospheric flux components interact
    (i.e., how do co-deposition of gases and
    particles affect surface affinity and uptake)?

See proposal
Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions
  • Canopy Assimilation and Ecosystem Response
  • a) What are the mechanisms and magnitudes of
    secondary chemical reactions and processes
    occurring inside the leaf (i.e., mesophyll
    resistance) that define the assimilation rate of
    reactive nitrogen into the canopy?
  • b) What is the partitioning and impact of canopy
    versus soil derived nitrogen sources? Are they
    fundamentally different in terms of ecosystem
  • c) What is the carbon yield of nitrogen
    incorporation from differential incorporation
  • d) What are the relative strengths of critical
    feedbacks between atmospheric and biospheric
    processes (e.g., nitrogen addition, elevated CO2,
    ozone formation)?

Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmosphere-Biosphere
See proposal
a) What oxidation products of NOx are formed
under different atmospheric conditions and how
are they partitioned? b) What are the mechanisms
of formation, reaction rates and product
properties of multifunctional organic nitrates?
What is their role and importance? c) What are
the deposition velocities for reactive nitrogen
compounds? d) What is the role of NO3 in daytime
photochemistry in forest environments? e) Is
nighttime chemistry involving biogenic emissions
of hydrocarbons and reactive nitrogen important
to the formation of organic nitrates? If so,
what are the biogenic species, the chemical
mechanisms and reaction rates, and the oxidation
Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmosphere-Biosphere
See proposal
f) How does turbulent mixing within the nocturnal
boundary layer affect reactive nitrogen species
distributions? g) What is the role of
heterogeneous chemistry in the processing of
atmospheric reactive nitrogen and the formation
of oxidants? h) What controls the biogenic
emissions and the mechanisms of oxidation and
reaction rates of oxygenated and
higher-molecular-weight VOCs? What is their
role in the formation of organic nitrates? i) How
does mixing in complex canopies and uneven or
sloping terrain affect biogenic emissions and
the within-canopy chemical and physical
processes that determine partitioning of
gaseous and aerosol reactive nitrogen? With
what affect on above-canopy fluxes?
Other Important Interactions Ecosystem-community
See proposal
  • What structures plant and microbial communities
    naturally? Can a baseline be generated to make
    comparisons to system experiencing increased N
  • What are the key interactions when controls are
    altered simultaneously (i.e., concominant
    increase in nitrogen deposition and temperature)?
  • How will local or regional perturbations be
    influenced by global-scale anthropogenic forcing
    factors? What are the interactions with other
    global change drivers?
  • What are the controls of soil moisture content on
    fungal communities/function?
  • e) How will plant-fungus associations (i.e.,
    mycorrhizae) be influenced by perturbations to
    the nitrogen cycle in native and managed systems?

Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
  • Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions Emissions
  • Develop initial algorithms using enclosure
    emission measurement systems and test results
    of initial studies at existing manipulative field
    sites (e.g., elevated CO2, nutrient amendments,
    water, ozone, temperature).
  • Make simultaneous nitrogen and carbon flux
    measurements at existing tower flux sites
    located in a few key ecosystems. Quantify
    temporal variations in emissions.
  • Use aircraft flux measurements to evaluate the
    ability of emission models to extrapolate to
    regional scales and to characterize emission
    responses to land use and climate changes.

Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
  • Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions Deposition
    and Foliar Uptake
  • Conduct detailed chamber experiments to quantify
    canopy assimilation of reactive nitrogen,
    synergistic effects, and non-linearities at
    realistic concentrations.
  • Using a group of tower sites that reflect
    gradients in magnitude and speciation of
    nitrogen fluxes and pool sizes, climate and
    ecosystem type, conduct detailed ecosystem
    integrated measurements including the
    quantification of all major nitrogen and carbon
    fluxes along the atmosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere
  • Develop modeling tools to scale detailed uptake
    models/experiments to regional/global scales.

Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
  • Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions Canopy
    Assimilation and Ecosystem Response
  • Using experimental laboratory protocols, quantify
    the assimilation chemistry governing canopy
    assimilation of nitrogen into plant and/or
    microbial metabolism.
  • Develop parameterized models based on
    fertilization experiments to estimate the carbon
    yield of nitrogen addition by differential
  • Begin the development of holistic models
    considering nitrogen transformation and flux
    in both the atmospheric and biospheric
    compartment with emphasis on feedbacks,
    co-limitation, and commingled affects.

Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
  • Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmosphere-Biosphere
  • a) Conduct controlled laboratory studies of gas
    phase and heterogeneous reactions to determine
    reaction mechanisms for oxygenated and
    higher-molecular biogenic VOCs and identify and
    quantify VOC oxidation products under realistic
  • b) Augment existing field programs that focus on
    limited aspects of nitrogen and carbon cycling to
    obtain comprehensive suites of observations
    including surface fluxes and concentration
    gradients of key reactants, intermediates, and
    products as well as the critical meteorology.
  • c) Employ satellite observations to further test
    our understanding of NOx emissions and
  • Further develop /evaluate analytical capabilities
  • Couple atmospheric models to process-based
    vegetation models that predict uptake and
    emission of nitrogen species from a vertically
    resolved canopy driven by vegetation physiology.

Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmosphere-Biosphere
Feedbacks f) Using 1-d models that include
detailed turbulent mixing, constrained by
observed micrometeorology and concentrations of
selected tracers, conduct studies of the details
of rapid chemical reactions and exchanges in the
canopy. g) Using 3-dimensional chemical tracer
models that have parameterized the sub grid
processes, conduct studies of the distribution of
longer-lived species and to make predictions at
larger horizontal scales.
Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
  • Other Important Interactions and Connections
    Modeling and Integrated Database
  • Foster the development and testing of integrated
    river-basin models for nitrogen export.
  • Develop (or improve) process models of coupled
    water, carbon, and nitrogen transport and
    transformation that (to) include terrestrial
    components of the hydrologic cycle. Test models
    against data from integrated databases and
    results of field studies.
  • Develop infrastructure and protocols for
    coherency in addressing issues of data quality,
    consistencies of methodologies and reporting and
    linkage of traditional hydrology and water
    quality data with other areas of information that
    inform on nitrogen cycling (e.g., fertilizer
    accounting data, drainage networks,
    land-atmosphere flux data, and nutrient cycling
    rate data).

Measurement and Modeling Recommendations
See proposal
  • Other Important Interactions and Connections
    Ecosystem-community effects
  • Conduct empirical studies of plant and microbial
    community composition and spatial and temporal
    variability in response to nitrogen perturbation.
  • Leverage current large-scale studies aimed at
    assessing carbon cycling (FACE and Ameriflux
    experiments) to include nitrogen treatments and
    explore plant and microbial community dynamics.
  • Foster technologies (e.g., genetic
    fingerprinting, sequencing) to augment our
    understanding of microbial species identity and
    how it relates to biogeochemical function.
  • Develop or utilize existing networks of long-term
    field sites (or databases) to track changes in
    plant and microbial community composition under
    altered nitrogen cycling regimes.

Regional and Global Aspects
Implementation of the LEARN project within
iLEAPS will extend the work of several
international efforts that have worked to
synthesize information on human alteration of the
nitrogen cycle (e.g., the International SCOPE
Project on Nitrogen Transport and
Transformations) and will be conducted in
parallel with projects focusing on aquatic
ecosystems (e.g., the Comprehensive Federal
Interagency Research Plan). LEARN will focus on
the integration of research efforts focusing on
atmosphere-terrestrial biosphere exchange of
reactive nitrogen and on leveraging upon and
expanding existing networks currently focusing on
the terrestrial carbon cycle to include reactive
nitrogen measurements.
Regional and Global Aspects, continued
In cooperation with the Global Land Project and
IGAC, LEARN will encourage and support the
integration of expertise in plant physiological
ecology, soil microbiology and biochemistry,
nutrient transfer and biogeochemistry,
atmospheric chemistry and composition,
biosphere/atmosphere fluxes, and integrated
modeling in the organization of multilateral,
interdisciplinary studies of reactive nitrogen
cycling and impacts. LEARN will also encourage
and support the extension of current focus sites
to include additional interdisciplinary
activities and the integration of ground-based
studies with aircraft and satellite observations.
LEARN will encourage the involvement of
scientists from developing countries by seeking
collaborations and making demographic inclusivity
at related conferences and summer schools a
priority. LEARN will also explore where best to
focus its observational studies through
conversations with the international community.
The International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) has
transitioned from a Fast-Track project to a
regular project within IGBPs integrative
activity focusing on Analysis, Integration and
Modeling of the Earth System (AIMES). INIs
goal is to optimize nitrogens beneficial role
in sustainable food production and minimize
nitrogens negative effects on human health and
the environment resulting from food and energy
production. INI, under AMES, is responsible
for the international integration of nitrogen
acitivites and is focusing on scientific
assessment, development of solutions to solve a
wide variety of problems, and interactions with
policymakers to implement these solutions.
Relationship between LEARN and INI
LEARN, under iLEAPS, would be one of several IGBP
projects that will conduct research and other
activities that will be useful to INI in its
assessment role.
LEARN Proposed Steering Committee Claus Beier,
RISØ National Laboratory, Roskilde,
Denmark Steven Bertman, Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA Mary Anne Carroll,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Jan
Willem Erisman, Netherlands Energy Research
Foundation, Petten, The Netherlands David Fowler,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh
Research Station, Edinburgh, Scotland Alex
Guenther, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, CO, USA Elisabeth Holland,
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Boulder, CO, USA Luiz Martinelli, Universidade
de Sao Paulo, Sao Paul, Brazil Franz Meixner, Max
Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz,
Germany Knute Nadelhoffer, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Dominique
Serca, National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS), Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Toulouse, France
Paul Shepson, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, USA Jed Sparks, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, USA INI Regional Center
Director or Oversight Committee Member
Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer
LEARN will foster exchange between and
integration of traditionally more narrowly
oriented disciplines, including plant
physiological ecology, soil microbiology,
meteorology, and atmospheric chemistry. This
will be done via workshops focusing on
crossdisciplinary experimental design and through
on-site summer schools. LEARN will assist
iLEAPS in exploring knowledge transfer and junior
scientist career support though such vehicles as
student exchange and postdoctoral fellowships and
mid-career support through such vehicles as
exchanges and/or sabbaticals.
This is a list of potential participants only. .
Although many of the potential participants
have been in contact with the organizers in
relation to ongoing science planning and research
activities, many of the potential participants on
this list have not yet been contacted regarding
this activity. They are listed to indicate the
potential breadth and depth of the proposed
LEARN Proposed Steering Committee Add
participants from Africa and Asia Invite
someone from DEBITS SSC?
LEARN is expected to be a multi-year project,
with integrated planning and experimental design
being the focus of years 1-2, and regional-based
focus studies conducted in an integrated fashion
(interdisciplinary modeling and measurement
activities) with the shorter- and longer-term
goals of facilitating global model development
and tests and assessment activities (years 3 5)
and obtaining a full understanding of
atmosphere-land ecosystem reactive nitrogen
exchange on a global basis (years 5 ).
Strategies for moving forward to productive
activities SC meeting to define initial tasks
and timeline Considering the formation of
working groups (e.g., joing iLEAPS/LEARN and GLP)
to address specific science questions / specific
regional activities
North American Nitrogen Center
The North American Nitrogen Center is one of five
continental-scale centers of the International
Nitrogen Initiative sponsored by the
International Council of Science (ICSU) through
the Scientific Committee on Problems of the
Environment (SCOPE) and the International
Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP).
  • The goals of the North American Nitrogen Center
  • To better assess the sources of N pollution and
    the drivers of change in N cycling across the
    regions of North America, with an emphasis on
    evaluating trends in fluxes and environmental
  • To comprehensively and quantitatively assess
    both the ecological and human-health consequences
    of N pollution in North America.
  • Use existing coastal N assessments (extending to
    Canada and Mexico), emphasize other ecological
    effects and human health consequences
  • To develop policy options for reducing N
    pollution and to encourage large-scale pilot
    studies to test potential policies and technical
  • To communicate the issues of human acceleration
    of the N cycle to the public and to decision
    makers, and to facilitate communication and
    interaction among the scientific community.
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