Title: No name
1TITLE "UC Santa Barbara Geography / Site Map"
include "common/header.php" echo '',_TITLE,
'' if(isset(_SESSION'uri')) uri h
if(uri1'')message "Since this is a
geography user directory (ie. it begins with /
or /7E), it is very likely that this user's
files are no longer publicly available. You may
complain about this to eog.ucsb.edu\"the webmaster."
else message "If you followed a link or
bookmark, the page has been moved. Check the
listing below to find its new location, or href\"mailtojon.hall_at_geog.ucsb.edu\"contact
the webmaster about this problem."
echo " 404 Err
or The page you requested, _SESSIO
N'uri' was not found on the Geography w
eb server.
- If you typed the address
in manually, make sure it is spelled
correctly. - message
v" unset(_SESSION'uri') foreach(_MAIN
_MENU as kv) if(k'/admin'k'/sustaina
bility')continue alphak v'' asort(a
lpha) ? Alphabetical listing of all sections
of the Department of Geography website and their
kv) echo "- "/k/","\"v\n
foreach(_MAIN_MENUk as linktext)
if(link'')continue href substr(link,0
echo " - text
echo "
\n\n" echo
' include "common/footer.php" ?