Managing the Global Commons - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Managing the Global Commons


... of deriving benefits from digging wells in a coordinated fashion. ... Countries are constrained by a water quota system dating back to the Soviet Era ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Managing the Global Commons

Managing the Global Commons
  • Urs Luterbacher
  • Graduate institute of International Studies

What are commons?
  • Commons are an ambiguous notion
  • They can mean resources belonging to
  • No one and thus to whoever has access to them
  • To several owners. There may or may not be
    complex ownership and use rules
  • The term takes its origins from land in medieval
    communities that was open to most people in them
  • It also applies now to international spaces and

Why study commons?
  • One can show that in the long run open access
    type commons lead to overuse
  • The tragedy of the commons! Many aspects
  • They lead to un-sustainability Ownership problem
    and market failure
  • This is true for local as well as global commons
  • How can this problem be tackled analytically?
    Does it take several forms? What does it lead
  • What are the solutions? Are these different
    locally, regionally and globally? What are the
    instruments to be used?
  • Global commons raise specific problems

Environment, economy, polity
  • One often hears that the environment, the
    economy, the political system obey fundamentally
    different logics
  • Is this correct?
  • Intuition tells us after some thinking that this
    is not the case There is no economy without
    ecology, no political system without an economic
  • Moreover, the economic system and the political
    system feedback on the environment Early
    agricultural kingdoms of the Mid-East, system
    collapses, conflict about resources

Private goods, externalities, and public goods
  • Clearly an analytical framework is needed to
    study the relationships between these 3 aspects
    and to put them under a common (no pun intended)
  • For convenience sake we will use the framework
    used originally by economists but the taken over
    by political scientists and resource analysts
    Different kinds of goods
  • Private goods While my preferences or well-being
    depends on what I purchase, it does not depend on
    what others purchase
  • Public goods When I purchase units of it I can
    not keep others from consume it as well (non
  • Public goods lead then to externalities good or

Collective goods and institutions
  • Collective (public) goods are then up to a point
    non exclusive and some of them are non-rival
  • They can lead to peculiar behavior such as free
    riding and the exploitation of the strong by the
  • Some collective goods are semi exclusive and
    called club goods, some are rival and called
    commons (negative externalities)
  • Commons often are related to fugitive goods
  • All public goods require institutional settings
    in the form of coalitions
  • These modify incentives and behavior

Illustration the triadic coalition model
  • This is revealed in Caplows coalition game in
    the triad A, B, C but AgtBgtC, with AltBC
  • Table of gains
  • The weak free rides on the strong
  • Notice the additivity assumption

The Tragedy of the Commons and its Solutions
  • The tragedy notion is due to the work of Hardin
  • It represents an open access field situation in
    which every participant has an incentive to put
    more and more animals for grazing
  • The Hardin common represents individual gains but
    shared common losses as the field gets to be
    totally overgrazed
  • Under the circumstances, the grass is a fugitive
    resource that everybody has an incentive to grab
    before the other!

The Tragedy A rigorous analysis
  • Hardins analysis is verbal and kind of loose
  • He does not consider the costs associated with
    herding itself
  • His strategic analysis is vague and has led to a
    lot of confusion in the literature
  • His analysis of solutions to the problem he is
    investigating is limited and imprecise
  • He only evokes property rights solutions
  • Nevertheless, his general conclusions are correct
    if commons are associated with open access

Commons A correct representation
Strategic aspects
  • Strategic aspects of the common will depend on
    what agents anticipate about each other
  • Do they have means of retaliating for damage? Not
    in open access common
  • Their behavior is conditioned by others and the
    importance of moving first

Game theoretical representationsPris. Dilemma
Instruments of solution
Market for externalities solution
Property rights solutions
  • Advantages stressed by Coase
  • Externalities can be bargained away
  • Not always possible because of information
  • Property rights may emerge spontaneously
  • Problem Monitoring and transaction costs

Theory of slowly renewable resources
  • Slowly renewable resources have to be evaluated
    as an evolving stock such as a population minus

Evolution of z Natural Dynamics of z minus
Implication for dynamics
Slowly renewable resources Production
  • Producers will be drawn into using the stock by

Evolution of inputs x, if average profits are
positive, if F is production, q unit price, p
unit costs
Equilibrium conditions
  • In equilibrium there should be an optimal level
    of the resource z if

Is maximized subject to the relation (1) before
and where r is a discount rate The discounted
sum of all future profits is maximized with a
discount rate r, the spot price of the resource
is thus dependent on availability of z in nature
and the discount rate
Optimal policies
  • To keep a renewable resource from getting
    exhausted 2 conditions have to be met
  • A spot fee corresponding to the spot price has to
    be charged to correspond to the scarcity rent
  • A license fee per producer unit These 2
    conditions are naturally fulfilled with property

Exhaustible Resources
  • No resource is truly renewable like no resource
    is truly exhaustible
  • The whole question is a question of timing
  • Resources that renew themselves very slowly
    (hundreds or thousands of years) are considered
  • Engineers and economists were very concerned with
    this question in the beginning of the last
  • This led to the question How to deal optimally
    with such resources?

How to conceptualize exhaustible resources?
  • The answer was given in the late 1920s and early
    1930s by Harold Hotelling the Hotelling
  • An exhaustible resource is an asset and its net
    price (market price - extraction costs) should
    increase exponentially with the interest (or
    discount rate, to some extent a socio-political
    construct), i.e.
  • P(t) P(0)ert or (dP/dt)/P r

Optimal depletion
  • If for the resource Z, the price is P. Total
    value of resource PZ.
  • Compare to other assets, P has to grow as P(0)ert
    to stay competitive
  • Competitive resource owners will deplete at a
    socially optimal rate
  • Take r the rate if return to the owner of natural
    resources. In equilibrium r r
  • Whenever, r r, we have a conservationists

Conditions for the optimal working of Hotelling
  • 1. No externalities
  • 2. No uncertainty about future sales, exploration
    prospects, etc.
  • 3. No extraction with environmental externalities
    (ex. Gold Rush).
  • 4. Not too big differences between private and
    market (social) discount rate (for instance due
    to dangers of transfer within society)

Example Deforestation processes
  • According to Hotelling principles a forested area
    is a particular type of asset whose capitalized
    value should grow with the interest rate. If this
    growth is not achieved other assets including
    agricultural ones will be closer and the forested
    land will either sold for development or
    transformed into another agricultural asset.
  • In particular If the income flow stemming from
    the forest is lower than the income flow from
    other activities then deforestation will occur!

This can be due to
  • subsidies for agricultural production
  • income subsidies or welfare
  • cost of property rights enforcement
  • prohibition of trade
  • unclearly defined property rights

Graphical analysis
Other incentive models The Owen land use model
  • The land use model developed by Owen assumes only
    two types of land use, agriculture and dwelling
    and examines the special case of areas around
    urban centers
  • Whether land will be transformed into dwelling
    will depend on income streams generated by both
  • Arrival of newcomers increases income streams
    from dwellings especially if migrants get

Conclusions of Owen model and further development
  • Even under normal conditions, as long as there is
    an attraction to moving into an urban area such
    as a subsidy or the hope of a job, farm land will
    be urbanized down to a critical value which can
    be very close to zero.
  • Higher interest rate for agricultural investments
    as opposed to investments for urban dwellings
    will accelerate the process.

Further conclusions
  • Mass migration which can result from climate
    change will accelerate this process.
  • Foreign aid and relief can accelerate the process
  • An Ill-defined property right regime will
    initially slow but then accelerate the process.
  • Climate change might reduce net profits made from
    agricultural production and accelerate the

Estimating costs and the scarcity rent
  • As revealed by the Stern review (2006), discount
    rates constitute an important parameter in
    estimating climate change costs and the issue of
    acting now vs acting later
  • Low discount rates will increase the cost
    estimates of climate change almost irrespectively
    of the seriousness of climate change (cf.

Ethics and costs
  • The discount rate debate is an ethical one How
    to value the present generation vs future ones
    the closer to 0 the more future generations are
  • There is also a trade off in the present vs
    future better things across space instead of
    time measured by another parameter which Dasgupta
    calls ? and which is taken as 1 by the Stern
  • According to Dasgupta ? should be greater than 1
    (attention paid to inequality)

The Cooperation Problem
  • Cooperation in a decentralized system presents
  • Some forms of cooperation are more difficult to
    achieve than others
  • This is the case for environmental cooperation
  • Illustration with extended PD and Chicken

The Cooperation problem in Perspective
Cooperation is a different problem for trade and
the environment
  • Trade Multiplayer PD with retaliation
  • Environment No credible retaliation
  • Strategic problem, finding ways to exclude
    cheaters or to induce non participants to come
    in Greif paper
  • Almost natural in trade
  • Much more difficult in environment shunning or
    invention of exclusionary mechanisms

The Problem at the Level of International
Environmental Agreements
  • General monitoring of activities
  • Montreal Exclusion via trade prohibitions
  • Kyoto
  • Exclusion via prohibition of advantages CDM
  • Compliance mechanism against cheaters
  • The cooperation problem is further complicated by
    domestic issues
  • Trade Trade losers
  • Environment Environmental losers

Cooperation at the regional level
  • Cooperation at the regional level can often take
    the form of common endeavors leading to common
  • There are clear advantages to common property
    risk sharing. The example of pools of water under
    properties defined at the surface is relevant.
    For each individual owner of the surface
    properties, digging a well might not be worth it
    because of the risks associated with the prospect
    of not finding any water under a particular
  • Risk sharing in a common property arrangement
    tremendously increases the possibility of
    deriving benefits from digging wells in a
    coordinated fashion. In fact, the greater the
    number of participants in the risk sharing
    operation, the lower the costs associated with
    the enterprise and thus the higher the benefits
    for each individual owner Insurance
  • Even risk- averse individual owners have an
    incentive to enter such an insurance scheme,
    which renders the costs of risk bearing negative

However preexisting property arrangements might
make this difficult
Example Water Asymmetries
  • Standard solutions often dont work
  • They can add to the problem if for instance
    property rights have initially been distributed
    in a way that leads to inefficiencies
  • They will then often lead to conflict and
    credibility problems

Credibility Issues Perfect and imperfect
  • Paradoxically in a sequential bargaining process
    the lack of knowledge of the opponents real
    intentions can lead to prudence and keep the
    other side prudent as well (risk averse)
  • It can thus lead to the emergence of equilibria
    which can lead to cooperative outcomes
  • It is best if such outcomes are backed by
    international institutional settings

(No Transcript)
Central Asia has Good Water Resources from
Mountains and Glaciers
  • Example Kyrgyzstan Petrov Glacier, Ak-Shyrak

Alt 3800 m
Water Use leads here to major inefficiencies
  • Water is wasted for cotton production in areas
    otherwise not suited for this culture
  • It is provided for free most often so no
    incentive to preserve it
  • 32,000 km of Canals, poorly maintained and full
    of leaks
  • Karakoum canal 1,340 km open air in the
    Turkmenistan Desert

These lead to transboundary conflicts on
  • Countries are constrained by a water quota system
    dating back to the Soviet Era
  • The Almaty Agreement (1992)
  • Some extensions and revisions in different years
    especially in (1998 exact amount of energy to be
  • Under the system Kyrgyzstan gets only 10 of the
    waters of the Syr Daria basin
  • This prohibits the use of major developments in
    power generation
  • Any attempts to retain more water has lead to
    retaliations by down-stream countries
  • Interruption of fossil fuel deliveries

Conflict is the most inefficient form of
environmental management Can we do better?
  • Project an attempt at proposing solutions
  • Such solutions have to enhance efficiency
  • All regions have to profit

Potential of Kyrgyzstan
  • Kyrgyzstan generates an annual total flow of
    about 51 km3
  • This flow could increase by 10 under projected
    climate change through precipitations and glacier
  • Hydropower could extend to 150 billion kwh if
    potential fully used

Basic Economic TrendsValue AddedValue added is
the net output of a sector after adding up all
outputs and subtracting intermediate inputs. It
is calculated without making deductions for
depreciation of fabricated assets or depletion
and degradation of natural resources. Value
Added in Industry (Source World Bank)
Solution to Conflict
  • Is it possible to improve the welfare of the
    whole region Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan?
  • Yes, by letting Kyrgyzstan use its full
    hydroelectric potential and export it cheaply to
    the region
  • Kyrgyzstan with 150 billion kwh potential can
    produce more than enough for the region In 2000,
    entire production of Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan
    Uzbekistan 106 billions
  • Tadjikistan has almost the same potential, so 300
    billion kwh would be available !

Kyrgyzstan can make use of high altitude dams
  • They can advantageously replace fossil fuel
  • They can adapt instantaneously to demand and
    intervene in times where spot prices are high
  • But are they advantageous for the whole region?
  • Answer with the help of a numerical model

Yes Expanded production can improve total value
added for the three countries!This solution
presents however the credibility problems
2 important international conventions at the
global environmental level
  • The Vienna Convention of 1985 and the Montreal
    Protocol to it in 1987 (ratified 1989)
  • The Rio convention 1992 and the Kyoto Protocol
    1997 (ratified 2005)

Vienna and Montreal Protocol
  • Following the discovery of the Antarctic ozone
    hole in late 1985, governments recognized the
    need for stronger measures to reduce the
    production and consumption of a number of CFCs
    (CFC 11, 12, 113, 114, and 115) and several
    Halons (1211, 1301, 2402). The Montreal Protocol
    on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was
    adopted on 16 September 1987
  • These substances are essentially banned and trade
    in them is also banned, including trade in goods
    mad with such substances
  • Developing countries are helped via a
    Multilateral Fund and a Global Environmental
    Facility Fund

Montreal characteristics
  • Essentially a command and control approach
  • Possible because of focus on a very specific
  • The solution is essentially low cost since
    substitutes exist

Rio, Kyoto and Climate change
The Climate Regime The UNFCCC and Kyoto
  • The UNFCCC elaborated in Rio in 1992
  • Only one obligation to report national
    greenhouse gas emissions
  • Mostly recommendations stabilize greenhouse gas
    concentrations at their 1990 levels for
    industrialized countries
  • Berlin 1995
  • Initial effort in greenhouse gas mitigation had
    to be done by industrialized countries
  • Geneva 1996
  • US Undersecretary of State Timothy Wirth
    expresses support for binding reduction targets
    in exchange for emission trading The road to
    Kyoto 3rd meeting of UNFCCC parties in 1997 is

The Kyoto Protocol (1997)
  • 5.2 reduction of emission levels below 1990
    levels by 2008-2012 for all industrialized
  • Specific targets for various countries US -7,
    EU -8, Japan -6, Switzerland -8, but
    Australia 8, Norway 1, Iceland 10!
  • 6 greenhouse gases are considered CO2, CH4
    (methane), N2 O (nitrous oxide), HFC
    (hexafluorocarbon), PFC (perfluocarbon), SF6
    (sulphur hexafluoride)
  • Kyoto became effective with the Russian
    ratification at the end of 2004, the US and
    Australia refused ratification
  • It got officially underway on Feb. 16, 2005

The Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms
  • Emission reductions can be achieved in a variety
    of ways, country specific and/or with the
    enhancement of carbon sinks or through the use of
    the so-called Kyoto flexible mechanisms which
  • Emissions trading between industrialized
    countries The EU commission has started the
    process within Europe
  • Joint implementation between industrialized
  • The clean development mechanism between
    industrialized and developing countries Some
    promising first steps

Kyoto is only defined until 2012, The US refusal
has instituted a dual negotiation regime
  • Negotiations continue under the general UNFCCC
    regime (with the US) within the Conference Of the
    Parties framework
  • Separate negotiations are carried out within the
    Members Of the Kyoto Protocol group
  • These two groups started their work at COP 11 and
    MOP 1 in Montreal Nov. 28-Dec. 9

The EU acts as a leader in Kyoto, It has taken a
Bubble Approach
Formally the Kyoto Protocol is working
  • Targets not reached for EU 15 but EU 27
  • Russian and Ukrainian Hot Air insure that its
    goals are reached

Two kinds of instruments were originally envisaged
  • Taxes (carbon taxes)
  • Tradable permits also called cap and trade
  • Both systems have advantages and disadvantages

Tax advantages and disadvantages
  • Taxes are fixed once and can be adjusted in a
    controlled way
  • They are simple to levy
  • They however do not target a quantity
  • So far the experience is not that they harmonize
  • They rather tend to create distortions between
    countries as to what is taxed and who taxes
  • They can have counter productive effects
    (Chichilnisky paper)

Permit advantages and disadvantages
  • They target quantities
  • They can be exchanged down to the individual
  • They provide the individual with part of the
    scarcity rent thus creating incentives
  • They lead however to volatile prices
  • They demand a relatively complex monitoring system

Attempts have been made to simulate climate
society interactions at the global level
  • Nordhaus proposed the DICE model in 1993
  • It is an aggregated economic world model which
    estimates the impact the economy has on climate
    and climatic feedbacks in terms of damages to the
  • A more disaggregated model called RICE was
    proposed in 1996.
  • It incorporates 6 world regions interacting with
    each other US, E,U Japan, Former Soviet Union,
    China, Rest of the World One can then compute
    coaltion outcomes

Conclusions from the Nordhaus models
  • The DICE model suggests modest reductions now and
    much more in the future
  • It insists on the importance of full
    participation and the fact that non participation
    increases costs
  • It suggests a look at geo-engineering approaches
  • RICE indicates that the US would not benefit from
    a cooperative approach while most other regions

Eyckmans and Tulkens modify the Nordhaus model
  • They show that a slightly different formulation
    and different assumptions about discount rates
    modify the RICE results
  • In their formulation, the US would have an
    incentive to cooperate, China less
  • This might be due to them using regionally
    differentiated discount rates

Variables in the Rice and Eyckmans Tulkens Model
General structure of the Nordhaus Yang and
Eyckmans Tulkens model
Eyckmans Tulkens results
Trade the big unknown
  • Trade and the application of the Kyoto protocol
    Could there be problems?
  • 2 possible areas of contention CDMs and Green
    protectionism in the form of border tax
  • The trade effects of models poorly understood
  • On the one hand accelerate the movement toward
    uniformization of standards
  • On the other, undermine the reduction process
    through loopholes
  • Much remains to be analyzed!

  • Requirements
  • Take Home Based on the literature for April 23
    write a short essay (5 pages max) on what
    sustainability means in its relationship to
    commons and to international and global issues.
  • Test on the whole course.
  • March 12 General Introduction to Course
    Substance, Organization, Requirements
  • March 19 Substantive Introduction Collective
    Goods and their different characteristics
  • Sandler Todd and Daniel G. Arce (2002) Pure
    Public Goods versus Commons Research Paper, USC
  • Taylor Michael (1987) The Possibility of
    Cooperation Cambridge, UK Cambridge University
    Press, Chapt. 1(Introduction)

Syllabus continued
  • March 26 The Problem of the Commons Statics,
    Corrective Instruments, Property Rights
  • Hardin, Garret, (1968) The Tragedy of the
    Commons, Science, 1621243-48.
  • Coase, Ronald (1960) The Problem of Social Cost
    The Journal of Law and Economics, 31-44.
  • Demsetz Harold (1967) Towards a Theory of
    Property Rights The American Economic Review,
    57,2 347-359.
  • Dasgupta, P.S. and G. M. Heal (1979) Economic
    Theory and Exhaustible Resources. The Cambridge
    economic Handbooks, Cambridge Cambridge
    University Press. Chapters 1, 2 (11-21), and 3.

  • April 2 The Problem of the Commons Dynamics,
    Renewable Resources, Instruments
  • Dasgupta, P.S. and G. M. Heal (1979) Economic
    Theory and Exhaustible Resources. The Cambridge
    economic Handbooks, Cambridge Cambridge
    University Press. Chapter 5.
  • (Easter vacation, from April 6 to April 15, 2007)
  • April 16 Exhaustible Resources, Land Use Issues
  • Dasgupta, P.S. and G. M. Heal (1979) Economic
    Theory and Exhaustible Resources. The Cambridge
    economic Handbooks, Cambridge Cambridge
    University Press. Chapter 6.
  • Luterbacher, Urs (2004) Migration Patterns,
    Land Use and Climate Change in Unruh, Jon D.
    Maarten S. Krol and Nurit Kliot Environmental
    Change and its Implications for Population
    Migration Dordrecht Kluwer 165-175.
  • April 23 The Conservationist Dilemma,
    Sustainability Issues and the Future
  • Y. Hossein Farzin (1984) The Effect of the
    Discount Rate on Depletion of Exhaustible
    Resources The Journal of Political Economy, 92,
    5 841-851.
  • Stern, Nicolas (2006) The case for action to
    reduce the risks of climate change
  • Stern Nicolas (2006) Value judgments, welfare
    weights and discounting issues and evidence
  • Stern Nicolas (2006) Building an effective
    international response to climate
  • Change
  • Dasgupta, Partha (2006) Comments on the Stern
    Review's Economics of Climate Change
  • Nordhaus, William (2006) The Stern Review on the
    Economics of Climate Change

  • April 30 The International Situation and
    International Cooperation Questions
  • Greif, Avner (1993) Contract Enforceability and
    Economic Institutions in Early Trade The
    Maghribi Traders Coalition, The American
    Economic Review, 83, 3, 525-548.
  • Barrett, Scott (1998) A Theory of International
    Co-operation, Working Paper, Johns Hopkins
    University School of Avanced International
  • Luterbacher, Urs(1994) International Cooperation
    The Problem of the Commons and the Special Case
    of the Antarctic Region, Synthese 100 413-440.
  • May 7 Regional Cooperation Problems and
  • Luterbacher, Urs, Valerii Kuzmichenok, Gulnara
    Shalpykova and Ellen Wiegandt Glaciers and
    Efficient Water Use in Central Asia in Orlove
    Benjamin, Ellen Wiegandt and Brian Luckman,
    Darkening Peaks, Berkeley, Universitiy of
    California Press, forthcoming.
  • Luterbacher, Urs and Dushan Mamatkhanov Water
    and Mountains, Upstream and Downstream
    Relationships Analyzing Unequal Relations in
    Ellen Wiegandt edit. Mountains Sources of Water,
    Sources of Knowledge Amsterdam Springer-Kluwer,

  • May 14 The Montreal and the Kyoto Protocol
  • Benedick Richard The Improbable Montreal
    Protocol Science, Diplomacy and Defending the
    Ozone Layer
  • Bodansky, Daniel (2001)l The History of the
    Global Climate Change Regime in Luterbacher Urs
    and Detlef Sprinz International Relations and
    Global Climate Change, Cambridge, MA MIT Press
  • Bodansky, Daniel (2001)l International Law and
    the Design of Climate Change in Luterbacher Urs
    and Detlef Sprinz International Relations and
    Global Climate Change, Cambridge, MA MIT Press
  • Grubb, Michael (with Christian Vrolijk and Duncan
    Brack) (1999) The Kyoto Protocol A Guide and
    Assessment, London The Royal Insitute of
    International Affairs, Chapters 4 and 7.
  • May 21 The Instrument Debate
  • Chichilnisky, Graciela (1997) "North-South Trade
    and the Global Environment", American Economic
    Review 84 851-74.
  • Chichilnisky, Graciela (1997) Development and
    Global Finance The Case for an International
    Bank of Environmental Settlements, UNDP
    Discussion Paper Series.
  • Nordhaus William D. (2005) Life After Kyoto
    Alternative Approaches to Global Warming Policies
  • May 28 Pentecost Monday

  • June 4 Managing the International Environment
    The Future of the Major Accords
  • Nordhaus William and Zilli Yang (1996) A
    Regional Dynamic General-Equilibrium Model of
    Alternative Climate-Change Strategies, American
    Economic Review 86, 741765.
  • Eyckmans Jon and Henry Tulkens (2003) Simulating
    coalitionally stable burden sharing agreements
    for the climat change problem Resource and Energy
    Economics, In press.
  • Luterbacher Urs and Carla Norrlöf (2001)The
    Organization of World Trade and the Climate
    Regime in Luterbacher Urs and Detlef Sprinz
    International Relations and Global Climate Change
    Cambridge, MA MIT Press 279-295.
  • June 11 Test
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