Title: Is Beet Juice the Next Major Juicing Trend?
1Is Beet Juice the Next Major Juicing Trend?
2The study that I found most insightful is the
study performed on swimmers in Italy in 2014.
The study had swimmers consume 0.5/l per day of
organic beetroot juice for five days, compared to
swimmers that didnt consume the juice. The
results show that workload at anaerobic
threshold was significantly increased in the
group that consumed beetroot juice. Theres a
fairly comprehensive article on the subject at
verwellfit.com if youre interested in learning
more about the various studies done on beet juice
for athletes.
3Could beet juice be the next major juicing
trend?Theres a general increase in athletes
knowledge about nutrition and how it affects
their performance. With more publicity around
plant based diets, including the 2018 Netflix
documentary The Game Changers, which documents
the positive effects of a plant based diet for
athletes, there is a general trend towards better
nutrition in professional athletic sports.I
think if we get a good champion to promote the
consumption of raw beet juice for athletes, that
it could very well be the next major juicing
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