Title: The Academys Internationalisation Programme
1The Academys Internationalisation Programme
- New Perspectives of Internationalisation
Enhancing the Student Experience - Edinburgh
- 12 June 2009
2The Academys Internationalisation Programme
- Workshop team
- Academy York
- Graeme Roberts, Senior Associate
- Eddie Gulc, Senior Adviser
- Katherine Lagar, Projects Officer
- Subject Centre
- Fiona Hyland, Research Assistant, ESCalate
3The Academys Internationalisation Programme
- Why are we involved in Internationalisation?
- Internationalisation is high on institutional
agendas strong message coming from the sector
through institutional visits that they welcome
support - Internationalisation themes were present in
several of the reports to Denham last year, e.g.
Professor Sir Ron Cookes report on the future of
e-learning - There was one specially on International Issues
In Higher Education submitted by Professor
Drummond Bone
4The Academys Internationalisation Programme
- In the Denham report on The Future of Higher
Education Teaching - and the Student Experience, Professor Paul
Ramsden suggests we - should encourage institutions to embrace
- an international perspective as part of
curriculum change - He goes on to say that
- the international experience of UK students
remains a concern if we wish to ensure that our
graduates acquire the characteristics of global
citizens. Higher education institutions may need
to review the opportunities they provide for
local students to work with overseas ones, while
the low outward mobility of UK students compared
to their counterparts internationally may have a
negative impact on the quality of our students
learning experiences and employability. -
5The Academys Internationalisation Programme
- Primary focus of our work has been - to support
internationalisation initiatives that enhance the
student learning experience - Offering support in the areas of
- curriculum development to enhance the teaching
and learning of all students, regardless of
country of origin - helping ensure staff teaching an increasingly
diverse student body have access to relevant
information and resources, including
international staff - development of initiatives to enhance the
learning experience of international students - supporting the sector in engaging with the
Bologna process
6Internationalisation Activities
- These activities are taken forward through a
combination of - UK-wide and Scottish/Welsh or discipline specific
initiatives. - Examples include
- Commissioned institutional case studies
- A special issue of Exchange magazine, which has
been the most popular issue to date - Internationalisation Track at the Annual
Conference in 2008 and 2009 - Special Interest Groups, events, publications/
resources and communication tools, including
websites developed by Subject Centres - Commissioned Subject Centre projects
7Internationalisation Activities Scotland
- Support for Scottish HEIs to deliver their
Commitment to Quality for International Students
(Universities Scotland 2006) - Support for Universities Scotland to revise their
Race Equality Toolkit (2006).
8Commitment to Quality for International Students
- Statement of eleven principles which aims to
ensure that international students studying in
Scotland are guaranteed an excellent educational
experience in a stimulating environment which
will enhance their personal and professional
development. - Educational experience
- Student welfare
- Academic support
- Careers support
- Visas
- Social and cultural opportunities
- Communications
- Financial guidance
- Raising of complaints
- Continuous improvement...AND
9Cultural Awareness
- Scottish universities will aim to ensure that
their academic staff are aware of any cultural
complexities of communicating effectively with
international students due to language or
cultural barriers and will be supported by
professional development training, thus helping
to eliminate any prospective cultural clashes and
misunderstandings with the rising number of
international students they teach and supervise.
In this way institutions will also be meeting
their explicit and implicit obligations to
actively promote equity and diversity, ensuring
that international students are not unreasonably
disadvantaged by language or cultural barriers
they may otherwise have experienced.
10Survey of Scottish educational developers (autumn
- What professional development training does your
institution provide (or plan to provide) to raise
staff awareness of the cultural complexities of
communicating effectively with international
students due to language or cultural barriers? - Who this training is targeted at and how many
staff have participated in it? - Would your institution welcome support in this
area for example, by the Academy organising a
train-the-trainers event showcasing recent
resources and effective practice? - 8 responses (40) showed that, with a couple of
exceptions, such training is at best patchy,
rather than systematic. - Academy is planning to run a joint
train-the-trainers event on staff development for
cultural awareness (autumn 2009).
11Race Equality Toolkit
- Published by Universities Scotland (2006)
- To assist academic staff to mainstream race
equality into learning, teaching and assessment
in terms of the 2000 Race Relations (Amendment)
Act and the guidance issued by the CRE in
Scotland. - Not prescriptive encourages staff to reflect on
and evaluate their own practice, both
individually and at school or departmental level,
with regard to the curriculum and how it is
taught and assessed.
12Race Equality Strategies
- In the Curriculum includes examples submitted by
staff in Scotland from a range of disciplines,
plus three problem-based case studies designed to
develop cross-cultural competencies and
understanding. - In Learning and Teaching contains a series of
questions that lecturers can use to evaluate
their practice with regard to the classroom
environment, the needs of bilingual students,
learning styles, placements and field trips. - Overall aim to help teaching staff to create as
inclusive a learning environment as possible.
13Revision of Race Equality Toolkit (2009)
- Academy is collaborating with Universities
Scotland to revise and update the toolkit in the
light of the experience of users during the past
two years, and enhance its usefulness as a
resource for those who teach international
students. - Revision aims to
- reflect current equality legislation
- provide more examples from science and
engineering - enhance the rather thin chapter on assessment
- demonstrate a clear link between the equality and
diversity agenda and internationalisation. - Case studies being sought from Subject Centres,
especially in STEM subjects.
14Internationalisation Activities
- The Academys Internationalisation pages on our
website are a rich resource - www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/learning/international
- Developed a community of practice, supported by
the Forum for Internationalisation and
Intercultural Education, http//fiiced.ning.com
which has an extensive membership from across the
UK and indeed further afield.
15Future Work
- The Academys commitment to Internationalisation
in 2009/10 is still being finalised. - Bologna/EHEA
- Major piece of work the Academy will be leading
on is the TALIS Centre (Teaching And Learning of
International Students) - Using EvidenceNet to support the dissemination of
relevant work and interesting practice /research
in the field of Internationalisation - Maintain and further develop communities of
practice, like the Forum for Internationalisation
and Intercultural Education, http//fiiced.ning.co
16The TALIS Centre
- The Academy will lead the development of a TALIS
Centre (Teaching And Learning of International
Students) - Funded by PMI 2 (Prime Ministers Initiative)
through UKCISA. - Core users of the new Centre will be academics/
practitioners working with international students
- TALIS will explore the development of staff
capability (e.g. via focus groups, seminars and
toolkits). - This will be achieved in a co-ordinated/distribute
d fashion across Subject Centres and key sector
17Thank you Any Questions?Contact Details Eddie
Gulc, Senior Adviser eddie.gulc_at_heacademy.ac.uk
- A Changing World - Led by Dr Fiona Hyland
- 5 groups tackling one of the following issues
- 1. How could we help UK students to make the
most of their intercultural HE environments? - 2. What more could be done to support teaching
staff? - 3. What are the key intercultural
capabilities/attributes? - 4. Breaking down the barriers suggestions for
encouraging students from different cultures to
interact and learn from each other - 5. How can we encourage UK student mobility?