Title: Mobile Phones Category
1Mobile Phones Category
2Targeting Influentials
- The importance of WOM
- Identifying Influentials
- Reaching Influentials
- Activating Influentials
3The importance of WOM
Where do you get most of your information about
new products and services?
Source Roper Organisation (USA)
4The importance of WOM
of consumers who rate WOM very good at .
Source Compose BMRB
5The importance of WOM
- In 2007 a WOM protest involving 20 tons of
peanuts delivered to CBS - Entertainment in New York and California
succeeded in bringing back - the television show Jericho, which the network
had cancelled the - previous month.
6The importance of WOM
- Consumers value the impact of WOM.
- Does this differ across different product
categories and, if so, how? - Categories
- Clothes Household Products
- Alcoholic Drinks Healthy Living
- Cars Mobile Phones
- Food (for home) Toiletries
- Financial Services TV/Video/Audio Equipment
- Pharmaceutical/Chemist Products
7The research
- 1. The power of WOM by category
- 2. The Influentials in each category
- 3. The channels that reach these Influentials
8The research part 1
- BMRB Omnibus survey of 1,000 online adults aged
16-64. - Fieldwork done in 2 waves during February 2008
- The importance of WOM in each of 11 categories.
- The relative importance of advertising, editorial
and WOM. - The consumers most receptive to WOM in each
9The importance of WOM by category
Thinking about the following product area, where
do you get MOST information about products and
services? Agreeing Friends and Family
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
10WOM in the Mobile Phones category
Thinking about the following product area, where
do you get MOST information about products and
services? Agreeing
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
11WOM in the Mobile Phones category
Thinking about the following product area, where
do you get MOST information about products and
services? Agreeing
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
12WOM in the Mobile Phones category
Thinking about the following product area, where
do you get MOST information about products and
services? Agreeing
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
13WOM in the Mobile Phones category
Thinking about the following product area, where
do you get MOST information about products and
services? Agreeing
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
14The importance of WOM
- WOM is significant across all 11 categories
investigated. - Advertising is the key sources for information on
existing and new - products in the mobile phones category, although
WOM is still - important.
- Unusually, WOM is more significant for new
products in this category, - particularly amongst 16-24s. These younger
consumers are much - more likely to rate WOM as an important source of
information on new - and existing products.
48 of buzz in the US directly mentions
advertising . Emmanuel Rosen.
15The research part 2
- 1. The power of WOM by category
- 2. The Influentials in each category
- 3. The channels that reach these Influentials
16Identifying Influentials Mobile Phones
- Do you talk to lots of people about a category?
(Connectors) - Do you know a lot about the category? (Mavens)
- Is your opinion likely to convince others?
(Sellers) - Key Influentials are Connectors, Mavens and
17Identifying Influentials - Connectors
Who are they? 6,189,000 adults Slight Male bias
(120) Age 15 34 bias Single bias (170) Student
bias (190) Working Full-time (134) Children in HH
(123) No social grade bias
Source TGI /WOM Talk to many different people
about Mobile Phones
18Identifying Influentials - Mavens
Who are they? 3,307,000 adults Male bias
(137) Aged 15 34 bias Single bias (232) Student
bias (244) Children in HH (127) No social grade
Source TGI /WOM Large or moderate amount of
knowledge of Mobile Phones
19Identifying Influentials - Sellers
Who are they?
Who are they? 2,444,000 adults Male bias
(136) Aged 15 - 34 Single bias (237) Student bias
(241) Children in HH (133) No social grade bias
Source TGI /WOM Very likely or likely to
convince others about Mobile Phones
20Identifying Influentials Key Influentials
Who are they? 1,031,000 adults 74 Male (152) 57
aged 15 24 (358) 56 single (241) 51 full-time
work (136) 15 Student (278) 40 Children in HH
Source TGI /WOM Connectors, Mavens and
21Influentials attitudes to Mobile Phones
Source TGI/WOM Key Influentials in Mobile
Phones category - Lifestyle statements
22Influentials attitudes to friends
Source TGI/WOM Key Influentials in Mobile
Phones category - Lifestyle statements
23Influentials attitudes to friends
Source A medium for opinion leaders, a medium
for audience leverage - Vernette and Schmutz 2003
24Influentials attitudes to advertising
Source TGI/WOM Key Influentials in Mobile
Phones category - Lifestyle statements
25Influentials like advertising
Source A medium for opinion leaders, a medium
for audience leverage - Vernette and Schmutz 2003
26Influentials - have impact
For each influencer activated, a word of mouth
ripple effect reaching 62 people is created,
significantly boosting campaign ROI.
BzzAgent provide benchmark figures where original
advocates have an average of 12 conversations
with their immediate social network and secondary
advocates have a further 4.14 conversations with
27Identifying Influentials
- The key Influentials in the Mobile phones
category are young men - aged between 15 24.
- They love their technology and gadgets and enjoy
keeping up with - technology and fashion. As a consequence they
often buy products - before their friends and are asked for their
opinion on Mobile phones - by their social network.
- In addition, they are responsive to advertising
that informs their - buying decisions and tempts them to make more
28The research part 3
- 1. The power of WOM by category
- 2. The Influentials in each category
- 3. The channels that reach these Influentials
29Reaching Influentials
of general population saying which marketing
elements contributed to recommendations of theirs
in the past year.
Source Roper Reports
30Reaching Influentials
How likely are each of the following types of
advertising to influence whether you would talk
with others about ?
Average across 11 categories.
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
31Reaching Influentials
How likely are each of the following types of
advertising to influence whether you would talk
with others about Mobile phones ?
Source BMRB Omnibus Sample 1,000 adults
32Reaching Influentials
of Influentials saying which marketing elements
contributed to recommendations of theirs in the
past year.
Source Roper Reports
33Reaching Influentials
They are particularly heavy users of print
media (Pirto 1992) They are 26 more likely to
be regular readers of magazines (Keller and
Berry 2003) They read on average 25 more
magazines than non-influencers (Vernette
2004) Information-rich media such as
magazines allow influencers to manage their
status as opinion leaders (Burt 1999) One key
finding from this research is a clear influencer
preference for print media, particularly
magazines. (Brand Genetics 2007)
34Reaching Influentials
Source A medium for opinion leaders, a medium
for audience leverage - Vernette and Schmutz 2003
35Reaching Influentials
- Which media do the Influentials in the Mobile
Phones category use?
Source TGI /WOM Key Influentials and heavy
users of medium
36Reaching Influentials
- Which magazines do the Influentials in the Mobile
Phones category read?
Source TGI /WOM Influentials in Mobile Phones
category and readers of listed titles Index v all
37Reaching Influentials
- Favourite magazines vs. media usage in the Mobile
Phones category.
Source TGI /WOM Key Influentials and heavy
users of medium Key Influentials and readers of
specific magazine schedule
38Reaching Influentials
- Example Schedule
- Magazines A J 1 insertion in each
- Schedule Index 316
- Reach of Influentials 483,000
- Reach of Influentials 47
Source TGI /WOM Influentials in Mobile
phones category that read at least one of the
scheduled titles.
39Reaching Influentials
- Consumers have huge diversity of interests and
needs. - An equally diverse magazine market caters for
these needs.
40Reaching Influentials
As consumers form communities of interest
magazine publishers create content that provides
entertainment and information that feeds this
Those consumers that are most enthusiastic will
form the core readership of magazines servicing
this community
41Reaching Influentials
These enthusiasts are often the most
knowledgeable and vocal members of the community
the Key Influentials amongst their social
As a consequence, magazines are the definitive
means of establishing a regular dialogue with the
Key Influentials in any marketplace.
- WOM is an important source of information for
existing and new products - in the Mobile phones market.
- The Influentials that drive this WOM are young
men aged between 1524 - who love their technology and gadgets, educate
their social network and - respond positively to advertising.
- They are over 5 times more likely to read some
magazine titles than the - average consumer.
- A selection of just 10 titles can reach 47 of
these Influentials with a - fraction of the wastage of other media channels.
- Magazines sit at the heart of communities of
interest - Magazines deliver the Influentials in your market
- Put magazines at the heart of your communication