Title: W
1PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Overview of PDA-ESE
2PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
The purpose of the PDA-ESE program is to increase
educator knowledge and skill, in the area of
exceptional student education, through an online
delivery format.
3PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
What is PDA-ESE all about?
4PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
What is PDA-ESE?
The Professional Development Alternatives for
Exceptional Student Educators project is a DOE
initiative established to design, develop and
deliver specialized training for educators of
students with disabilities. Addressing Floridas
ESE Competencies, PDA-ESE utilizes online modules
and local facilitators to provide statewide
accessible professional development.
5PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Why Have Such An Initiative??
- Respond to the national challenge mandated
through legislation, NCLB - Address statewide critical shortage and increase
number of certified teachers - Provide quality professional
development alternatives
correlated to new competencies - Reduce development and implementation costs
through collaboration - Encourage the utilization of distance learning as
a cost saver for districts
6PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Overall Project Goals
- To provide professional
- development opportunities that
- result in an increase in certified
- ESE teachers and enhanced
- instruction in the classroom
- To deliver professional
- development utilizing online
- accessibility and local facilitators
- To support the national effort to
- ensure a quality teacher in every
- classroom
- To develop competency based
- learning modules correlated to the
- new ESE K-12 Certification
- Coverage Areas (July 2002)
7PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Collaborating Partners
- Bureau of Educator Certification
- Bureau of Exceptional Education
- and Student Services (BEESS)
- FDLRS HRD Coordinating Unit
- North East Florida Educational
- Consortium (NEFEC)
- Florida Center for Interactive Media
- (FCIM)
- Florida Department of Education
- Florida Diagnostic and Learning
- Resources System (FDLRS) Associate
- Centers
- FDLRS HRD Coordinating Unit
- Advisory Committee Members
- Writers from FDLRS, Districts, FIN,
- Universities, Agencies and Other
8PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Who Is It Designed For?
- Educators seeking certification in ESE
- and preparing to take the ESE K-12
- certification exam
- Educators seeking to renew their
- certificate
- Educators assigned out-of-field in
- Educators seeking targeted instruction
- to address areas of need as indicated
- on annual performance evaluations or
- in Individual Professional
- Development Plans (IPDP)
- Educators seeking to enhance skills in
- exceptional student education
9PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
So please dont get confused..PDA-ESE is
- NOT an alternative
- certification program
- NOT designed for
- paraprofessionals
- NOT designed for teachers
- of the gifted
- But it can help on the road to
- ESE certification..
10PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Each Module in the PDA-ESE
Program Combines...
- Research
- Practical Applications
- Online Instruction
- Varied Instructional
- Techniques
- Self-Paced Learning
- Assessment Tasks
- Facilitator Feedback
11PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Check Out The New ESE Competencies
- Foundations of ESE
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Instructional Practices
- Positive Behavior Support
- Language Development and
- Communication Skills
- Interpersonal Interactions and
- Participation
- Transition Process
12PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Lets Take a look at The New Pathways to ESE
There are 3 roads to ESE Certification
- Traditional Road- ESE
- Trained Graduate
- General Ed Track-
- Certification in Elem. Ed.
- Alternate Certification
- Path- Temporary
- Certificate Awarded in
- Content Area
Proceed to the next slide for a detailed look
13Pathways to ESE K-12 Certification
Pathways to ESE K-12 Certification
ESE modules assist in preparation for the ESE SA
ESE modules assist in preparation for the ESE SA
PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
14PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Roles And Responsibilities
- Statewide Coordination of PDA-ESE
- DOE PDA-ESE Liaison, Lezlie Cline
- DOE HRD CU Liaison, Karen Morris
- FDLRS HRD Coordinating Unit
- Administrator, Mary Ann Ahearn
- Coordinator, Sue Kupchunas
- FCIM PDA-ESE Technical Support
- Staff
- Local Implementation of PDA-ESE
- Local Coordinators
- Local Module Facilitators
- Local Technical Support
15PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Who Delivers the Modules?
The modules are offered free of charge to Florida
teachers through the coordination of the FDLRS
HRD Coordinating Unit, FDLRS Associate Centers,
ESE Departments and District Staff Development
Offices around the state.
16PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Who Can Enroll?
PDA-ESE modules are targeted for any Florida
educators who works with students with
17PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Lets Take a Look at the Layout of the PDA-ESE
18 19PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
20PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
21PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
22PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
23PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
24PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
25PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
26PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
27PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
28PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
What Does The Data Say???
29PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
PDA-ESE Satisfaction Survey Results
This Data Analysis is based on survey feedback
collected from PDA-ESE Modules offered October
2003-June 2004. Indicates the number of surveys
30PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
31PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Feedback From The Field
32PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Feedback From The Field
Overall Impressions
- The readings were direct and to the point. Very
useful - for a busy professional.
- I did not know much about Assistive Technology
and - the options that are available to students.
This class - definitely introduced me to a wide variety of
options. - Also, I learned a lot about language and
- communication
- Very good class with a lot of information. The
class - was a bit overwhelming at first with all of
the other - things necessary as a first year teacher, but I
believe - that after completing this Module I will pass
the ESE - K-12
- I feel that all general education teachers should
take - this course or a similar facsimile in order to
prepare - for inclusion. I took this course after the
fact and have - really had my eyes opened. The ladies that
conducted - this course were excellent and very well versed
in - IDEA and the classroom.
- I enjoyed taking online courses and found this
33PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Feedback From The Field
Overall Impressions Continued
- I found it very thorough and exhausting, but I
feel - prepared now to do what I am doing and I feel
- confident that I can easily ace the upcoming
- certification test in April. And, for me, that
was what it - was all about. So may I take this opportunity
to say, - Thank you!!
- A fantastic course of study for the busy
professional. I - was able to do it when I had time, not when
time was - scheduled for me. Very interesting course!
- This was my first online course. I found it very
easy to - navigate through the course, and would
recommend - an online course to anyone needing in-service
points. - I love the idea of being able to work on my own
time - instead of attending a class somewhere. And the
- information presented is right on target to
what I do - everyday.
- Excellent course, excellent facilitators. A great
- refresher course for anyone in the ESE field.
- Great Course!
34PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
Statewide Implementation Planning and Regional
Collaboration is the Key!
Thanks to all our PDA-ESE Partners!
35PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
One Last Note
PDA-ESE is not a static project it is an ever-
growing option to provide staff development
opportunities to ESE teachers in a consistent
fashion in all reaches of the vast demographics
of Florida.
36PDA-ESE Professional Development Alternatives
for Exceptional Student Educators
One Last Note
For Additional Information
- Mary Ann Ahearn- ahearnm_at_nefec.org or
386-312-2265 - Sue Kupchunas- kupchunasa_at_nefec.org or
386-312-2265 - Lezlie Cline- lezlie.cline_at_fldoe.org or
850-245-0478 - Mike Ferguson- mike_at_fcim.org or 850-645-1759
- www.pda-ese.org